The strongest soldier

Chapter 3790 Arriving at Yingchou Cliff

In modern warfare, intelligence comes first. Unfortunately, the subsequent exchanges with prisoners failed to provide more and better clues. The most valuable clue was the location of the ninja that suddenly appeared. Although the specific location was ominous, there was a direction. , with the capabilities of the Intelligence Bureau of the Crime Bureau, it is not difficult to trace the specific location, it is just a matter of time.

Zhou Gang and others learned about the firepower and troop deployment of Yingchou Cliff in detail. The prisoners were also veterans of marching and fighting. The explanation was very detailed and professional. After that, they put forward their own requirements. The request was not difficult. It was just a legal identity. The prisoner has been declared dead and may fall into the hands of the Dark Church again. The best way is to get a new identity and live anonymously again. Is this easy for the Secret Bureau? Zhou Gang reported the information to the headquarters overnight. , and obtained the consent of the headquarters.

The prisoners left when it was still dark the next day. With this man's ability to survive, it was not difficult to get out of the mountain. Zhou Gang and others also quickly marched straight to Yingchou Cliff, leaving special marks along the way to guide the main force to pursue them, day and night. During the march, we took a short rest when we were tired, and ate some dry food and wild fruits when we were hungry. Everyone walked very quickly.

At dusk three days later, everyone came to a mountain ridge near Yingchou Cliff. In front of them was a huge canyon. The canyon was open and covered with trees, running east-west. Two thousand meters away, in the distance, was a majestic and undulating canyon. The mountains look like a crouching dragon. The highest peak is more than 300 meters above sea level, and the lowest peak is about 200 meters. The mountains are towering and lush with trees.

There is a huge cliff on the mountain range directly opposite us, about three thousand meters long and more than two hundred meters high. The mountainside is full of rocks. Some stubborn grass and low trees can be seen in the rock cracks. The mountainside is uneven. , the rocks are rugged and difficult to climb up. There is a huge cave in the middle, which seems to be about 300 meters long and about 10 meters high. Nothing can be seen inside.

In front of the cave is an open platform, on which someone can be vaguely seen patrolling with a gun in his hand. Everyone has learned about the situation of Yingchou Cliff from the prisoners. Seeing this scene is still shocking. It is such a long cliff, so beautiful. What's even more terrifying about the large cave is that the rock protrudes above the cave, which is about two meters long. It can not only block the rain, but also block the line of sight. It is difficult for satellites to detect the cave below from high altitudes, and it is difficult for people to climb down from it.

Everyone knows from the clues provided by the prisoners that the cliff cave is not necessarily there. Although the cave is naturally formed, the interior has been transformed, and many caves and passages have been built. Ten shooting holes were built on the cliff of Zhou Gang at the entrance and exit of the cave. Each shooting hole has a heavy machine gun, two machine gunners, one as a deputy, and two as backup. The shooting holes are not large and difficult to detect with the naked eye.

With only these ten shooting holes, ten heavy machine guns and endless ammunition, even if thousands of troops rush towards them, it will not be enough. It is definitely the biggest obstacle to breaking through this cave. The stone platform at the entrance and exit of the cave is not small. There are huge rocks on the outside as fortifications, and people can take cover behind them, so they can fire calmly into the canyon. It can be called a solid firepower platform.

What's even worse is that below the cliff is a hillside about ten meters high. The hillside is very large. There are trenches and other fortifications built on it, and a troop is stationed on it. In this way, the firepower from above and below is coordinated, and the shooting has no blind spots. The threat is extremely terrifying, even if If the hillside is lost, the garrisoned troops can easily get into a tunnel, then enter the inside of the cliff, climb the ladder to the cave, and don't be afraid even if someone chases them along the tunnel, they can directly kill them with grenades.

It has to be said that such an upper and lower defense system is very deadly. No matter who wants to attack Yingchou Cliff, they can only attack it from the front. To the north is a tall mountain peak. The rocks above the cave are protruding, making it impossible for people to get down. And if you attack from the front, you have to face the hillside. fortifications, attacking fire on the cliffs.

This is an almost unsolvable defense system unless human lives are used to fill it, but this is a scene that Xu Gang and others do not want to see. Everyone observed it for a while, even if they had listened to the prisoner’s reminder before, they were also attracted by this Yingchouya The defense system was shocked. It seemed simple, but it made full use of the surrounding terrain and was full of murderous intent.

After a while, Zhou Gang moved the sniper scope to carefully observe the woods in front of the hillside. This huge forest was on a platform with dense trees. From the outside, it looked very ordinary. It was no different from the surrounding woods. The leaves were lush and luxuriant, and it looked full of life. But Inside is a huge training ground, with many traps laid out, and a huge forward position, where a troop is stationed. Anyone unfamiliar with it will die if they go up there.

The open area in front is a dangerous training ground, which can be converted into a battlefield at any time. Behind it is a higher hillside fortification, and above it is a terrifying firepower network in the cliff cave. No matter what point, it is not easy to break through, if the prisoners did not provide detailed intelligence. , it is difficult for everyone to understand it so comprehensively.

Xu Gang and others carefully observed that half of them disappeared, and vaguely saw figures flashing in the training ground in the open woods ahead. Not long after, everyone saw a platoon of troops patrolling with wolf dogs, and they hurriedly hid themselves to avoid being exposed. , Zhou Gang discovered through the sniper scope that the people in this patrol were not simple. They all exuded a cold aura. Although their aura was not as powerful as that of the holy warriors, they were not much different. He couldn't help but secretly thought, could they be quasi-holy warriors?

Just as he was thinking about it, Xu Gang next to him lowered his voice and said: "Brothers, this patrol is not simple. The patrols are so powerful, and the people inside are probably even more difficult. Everyone, please be careful and don't act rashly. We can't attack rashly with our existing forces." It seems appropriate, we have to wait until the main force arrives."

"This is the only way. Once the enemy is alerted, the enemy will definitely raise the defense level. I remember the prisoner said that there are nearly a thousand people here now. It is best for the thirty or so of us not to move around." Tie Diao also said He agreed with a solemn expression, everyone is brave and not afraid of death, but that doesn't mean they will act recklessly.

"This Yingchou Cliff is not easy to fight. Even if the main force comes, it may not be able to capture it. The people inside are not just a ragtag group of demon tribes. Any patrol team is no less than the special forces of the military region. The combat effectiveness of a force of nearly a thousand people is terrifying. , we have to make a careful calculation, and we can't scare the snake away." Zhou Gang said in a low voice.

"Perhaps they already know that we are back. After all, we fought with the demon tribe and ambushed the tribe leader. There are many holy warriors around the tribe leader. There is no reason not to report the situation." Xu Gang said worriedly.

"You should already know that we will come, but you don't know which day? Where to attack from? When to attack, so we can't be exposed yet." Zhou Gang suggested, glancing at the top of the cave. Unfortunately, the cliff is too high and steep, even if Even if you use a rope to get down, you won't be able to overcome the protruding parts and enter the cave.

"It's not easy to fight." Tie Diao frowned and said in a deep voice.

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