The strongest soldier

Chapter 3793 Night Forest Sniper

The grenade was successfully dismantled. The hundreds of 12.7-caliber machine gun bullets pressed on the grenade were suitable for sniper rifles. This was a great supplement for the mountain eagle whose bullets were about to run out. The two grenades were also recovered and put away for later use. It was a false alarm. The mountain eagle put all the bullets into the bullet bag and stood up. He glanced around with cold eyes and found that the brothers were still waiting in place. Then he looked at the dark front and said in a low voice: "Brothers, the traps here are beyond compare." It’s so complicated to imagine that it would be very troublesome to decipher it one by one.”

"What do you think?" Xu Gang asked in a low voice.

Everyone has also seen the horror of the traps around them. It was better during the day. It is too dangerous to dismantle the traps at night. If you are not careful, you will be in catastrophe. They all pricked up their ears and waited for the suggestion of the mountain eagle, but their eyes were always staring at the surrounding woods, keeping alert. , Mountain Eagle knew very well that dismantling the trap in this way was not only slow, but also dangerous. After thinking about it, he said in a deep voice: "The person who set the trap is not simple, it is too sophisticated. We have to find a way. What suggestions do you have?"

Xu Gang looked at the surrounding woods and suddenly had an idea, and suggested: "There are many trees here. Cutting down trees is also a way to destroy traps, but the effect is too slow. Cut down the largest tree, and then make it into a cylinder and roll it forward to trigger all the traps. However, , Doing so will expose your whereabouts, and the enemy will rush to stop you."

"This is a good method. As for exposing the problem, it doesn't matter. We originally wanted to create the illusion of a general attack on Yingchou Cliff. I will solve the enemy problem and you will be responsible for cutting down the trees." The mountain eagle said in a deep voice.

"It doesn't have to be so much. Wu Jie comes here to help me, and others are on guard." Xu Gang said in a deep voice.

"Yes." Everyone responded in a deep voice. Everyone dispersed, each found a place to hide, and set up their guns. Xu Gang and Wu Jie retreated a little, picked a big tree and pulled out the dragon tooth knife. The tooth knife is extremely sharp, making it easy to chop down trees. The two men are very strong, one on the left and the other on the right, taking turns to chop down the tree at a very fast speed.

The sound of felling trees resounded in the quiet woods and could be heard from far away. Soon, a patrol hurried over. A platoon of soldiers led a wolf dog, and the wolf dog let out a "woo woo" from deep in its throat. "Shouting, the listeners panicked, it was as cold as a devil screaming. If it weren't for being held tightly by someone, he would have rushed up long ago.

The thirty or so people following the wolf dog formed a search formation, all holding guns, and walked out of the night fog, silently, but with a cold murderous intent. Everyone pointed their guns forward and kept firing. He moved and searched, his body slightly arched, his whole body tense like a hungry wolf in attack, and a cold chill erupted from his body. This was the aura of a holy warrior, but unfortunately it was not as strong as the holy warriors everyone had seen.

"Could he be a quasi-holy warrior?" Shan Diao stared coldly at the approaching enemy. This thought suddenly flashed through his mind. The enemy was in front of him. Shan Diao quickly abandoned his distracting thoughts, adjusted his breathing, and controlled his whole body's breath to avoid being exposed. , his eyes narrowed slightly, and he locked a target with his peripheral vision, which looked like the leader. He moved his gun over, aimed at the opponent's calf, and waited patiently.

Waiting for a fighter plane on the battlefield is a kind of torture. It requires a strong psychological quality. Looking at the enemy step by step, it seems as if death is coming step by step. The invisible pressure surrounds the surroundings and makes people breathless. If you are a new soldier, you will definitely bear it. There was no such suppressed and nervous firing, but everyone present was a veteran, already accustomed to the battlefield. They all integrated their bodies into the surrounding environment and waited calmly.

"Dong dong dong -" The sound of felling sounded quickly and orderly in the woods, as if war drums were urging and soldiers were roaring, breaking this depression and resounding through the night sky.

"Thirty meters, twenty meters┅┅" The enemy is getting closer and closer, but the mountain eagle still hasn't issued a battle order. There are trees blocking everything in front of him. Although the bullets travel in arcs, they are basically straight lines at close range. The distance is too large. The distance was not conducive to shooting. When the enemy reached about ten meters, the mountain eagle raised his eyebrows and decisively pulled the trigger.

"Boom -" the slight sound of a bullet coming out of the barrel was particularly abrupt in this quiet forest. Everyone could hear it clearly. The bullet flew away with the strong fighting spirit of the mountain eagle, as if it was roaring in joy. , in anticipation, just like the mood of a mountain eagle, instantly flew across the space, plunged into the target's calf, and picked up a blood arrow.

The target fell to the ground with a groan, rolled over, but did not shout out, which was quite tough. The sound of the gun was an order. Everyone heard the gunshot of the mountain eagle and pulled the trigger one after another. The difference was only half a second. In such a short moment, the enemy could not react at all. More than a dozen people fell to the ground almost at the same time and never got up again.

One round of sniping killed half of the enemies. The remaining enemies did not panic. Instead, they lay down one after another, rolling quickly to find a place to hide. Their bodies huddled up, reducing the area to be attacked. It showed that they were well trained. Unfortunately, they encountered He killed Shan Diao and others, all of them were top-notch snipers, and they had many ways to fight back.

After everyone fired, they quickly changed their sniper positions. Their movements were light and agile, no sound was made, and they hid and stopped moving. The enemy and we entered a confrontation, no one fired, and they waited patiently. The silence in the woods returned to the previous state. The remaining wind "whooshed" across the woods, and a depressing atmosphere filled the air, accompanied by the thick smell of blood, which was suffocating.

"Dong dong dong -" The sound of chopping is still there, as if the war drums are urging and the heroes are roaring.

It was so quiet in the silent woods that even breathing could not be heard. It was as if everyone had disappeared out of thin air. Not long after, the sound of wolves and dogs sounded from behind the enemy, rapid and manic, and there were faint footsteps. It was the enemy's. Reinforcements arrived, but the mountain eagle and others remained motionless, and could not even feel their breath.

After waiting for a while, countless flashlight beams flashed out from the dark woods in front, and the wild roars of the wolf dogs came closer. The previous wolf dog that had remained silent suddenly responded, and the two wolf dogs howled like wolves. The cold and cruel aura spread far away. Not long after, more figures came out of the dark woods, like devils emerging from the dark hell. They were jumping and running very fast with guns in their hands. .

When the mountain eagle saw this scene, he curled his lips in disdain and aimed at an enemy without hesitation. This kind of high-level combat wolf dog basically had no big effect. The first sniper targets were the boss and the machine gunner. It was too dark. , it was not easy to identify the leader. This time the mountain eagle aimed at a strong man, who held a machine gun in his hand and two bullet chains hanging on his body. The golden bullets were particularly dazzling in the dark night.

"Whoops--" The mountain eagle took action again, and the sniper bullet screamed away. Under the cover of the night, it was silent, but terrifying as the god of death. It penetrated into the opponent's heart with precision, tearing off a large piece of flesh and blood. The target was as strong as an iron tower. His body suddenly fell to the ground, and the suppressed murderous aura in the woods was completely detonated by this shot.

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