The strongest soldier

Chapter 3813 Fighting Instinct

"Swish, swish, swish -" In the dense forest, countless feather arrows flew out, nailed to the tree and buzzed, hitting the target, the bloody arrow flew up on the spot, and only the second half of the arrow feathers remained after sinking into the ground, which shows the power of the bow. It was so big and the enemy was so fierce that the adult men in the tribe were not to be outdone. Under the loud command of the strong middle-aged man, they fought back, shot at the enemy, and blocked the sneak attack.

However, there were too many enemies in the sneak attack and they were numerically superior. Over time, the consequences would be disastrous. The strong middle-aged man may have seen this and shouted loudly to the tribe behind him. Someone immediately responded and hurried to the house and shouted What, soon, the women, old people and children hiding in the house came out one after another and ran towards the back mountain together, with a look of panic on their faces.

When the man named "Luo" saw this scene, he immediately guessed that the tribe was abandoning their homeland and retreating. He couldn't help but wonder, what was wrong with him, and why was he so familiar with fighting? He couldn't help but look at the girl next to him who was still struggling to pull him. She had a worried look on her face and kept saying something. Unfortunately, she couldn't understand a word, but she could guess what the other person was thinking.

At this time, the man saw the sneak attack of the enemy suddenly increase in offensive, and there were a few faint gunshots. When he heard the gunshots, the pain in the man's mind suddenly eased, as if he was familiar with this sound, and he also enjoyed it. He stood up in surprise and looked towards the direction of the battle. The tribe's defense was in danger and could collapse at any time.

"Ah -" Suddenly, a harsh scream sounded in his ears. Then, the man saw the girl rushing forward like crazy, very fast. When the man looked in the direction, he saw that it was a strong middle-aged man who was shot. He fell to the ground, his life or death unknown. The man was shocked, and a rush of blood rushed to the top of his head. He instinctively rushed forward without any fear.

Soon, the man surpassed the girl, like a cheetah, his eyes locked on the strong middle-aged man who fell to the ground, ignoring the surrounding roars, the sound of arrows piercing the air, and the sporadic gunshots. An arrow The arrow attacked fiercely, but the man did not flinch. He instinctively twisted around and made a strange movement. He barely avoided the fatal arrow. His feet suddenly accelerated and he rushed forward.

Everyone around saw this scene and were stunned by the man's superb moves to dodge arrows. No one thought that this man could avoid such a fatal blow? Even the girl looked at this scene in shock and couldn't understand how this ignorant man who didn't know who he was could have such good skills.

The man who was charging wildly entered an ethereal state, with only one thought in his mind. The people in this tribe are all good people, and no one will be allowed to bully the people in this tribe. He was not afraid, panicked, and didn't even know what to do after rushing up. Doing it is purely instinctive.

Soon, the man rushed to the side of the strong middle-aged man who fell to the ground. Three shirtless enemies rushed over, with their bows and arrows ready to fire. They stared at the man with fierce eyes, exuding a wild beast. The smell, the paint on his face and the tattoos on his body were even more chilling, but the man didn't think much about it. There was only one thought in his mind: take away the middle-aged man.

How could three enemies miss such a good opportunity? When they were surrounded, one of them pulled out a bone dagger. This was a dagger made from the bones of a large animal. It was about a foot long and looked extremely hard. There was a cold look on the corner of the man's mouth. Smiling ferociously, he stabbed the man in the abdomen.

The man was stunned for a moment when he saw the attacking enemy. He instinctively flew towards him and kicked him hard. He hit the opponent first and hit the opponent's lower abdomen. The opponent screamed and flew backwards. He was in the air and sprayed from his mouth. A large mouthful of blood came out, and the screams shook the battlefield, attracting everyone's attention.

People on both sides of the battle looked at this scene, and their incredulous eyes fell on the man named "Luo". The people of the tribe were in high spirits. Some people roared, and more people joined in. The morale was soaring, and the enemy who made a sneak attack He looked cold and murderous, and immediately someone rushed towards "Luo", howling and screaming like a demon emerging from hell.

The man named "Luo" was stunned after kicking away the sneak attack enemy. He couldn't understand why he did this? Why is it so strong? Suddenly I heard two strange screams, and out of the corner of my eye I saw two other enemies coming up from the left and right. One of them was holding a weapon made of ivory, and the other was holding a stick made of iron wood. , very hard.

"Be careful—" a familiar female voice came, carrying endless panic.

When the man heard this familiar female voice, he couldn't help but look back. It was the girl who took care of his daily life. He smiled gratefully, completely forgetting that he was on a battlefield, fighting for life and death, until he saw the girl's horrified cry. After running forward with all his strength, he couldn't help but be stunned for a moment.

Suddenly, the man felt a strong wind blowing, carrying a cold and dangerous aura. He was shocked in his heart. Without retreating, he instinctively reached out with his hands. As fast as lightning, he grabbed the two weapons that came up. , his arms were as steady as a rock, motionless, but his eyes looked at the enemy who attacked him with some confusion.

The two enemies were as strong as cattle, with arm muscles bulging like steamed buns. They had fierce eyes and murderous looks on their faces. They were struggling hard, trying to take back their weapons. They even let out dull roars from their mouths, as if the injured beasts were struggling with something. Then, It was all in vain, there was no way to get the weapon back.

At this time, one enemy decisively gave up his weapon and raised his huge fist to hit "Luo" with all his strength. He was as fierce as a wild beast. The other attacking enemy also reacted, raised his leg and hit "Luo" with his knee, his mouth filled with laughter. It was a ferocious sneer, and a cold chill emanated from his whole body.

The man named "Luo" may have felt that his life was threatened, his instincts were aroused, and he suddenly reacted. His doubtful eyes became sharp, as if he were an unsheathed sword, and the arm that grabbed the enemy's two weapons moved strangely. He turned the weapon around, and the sharp weapon hit the temples of the two sneak attack enemies hard. The man himself didn't know why he did this? Why attack this part? Everything is done instinctively.

"Ah——" Two shrill screams rang out, and the two enemies were hit by the weapons that came first. As soon as the power of the sneak attack was released, the whole person was like a punctured balloon, and they instantly collapsed to the ground. There was no movement. The neck was either pierced by ivory or smashed by an iron rod, and blood flowed wildly.

After killing two enemies at once, the man became confused again. He looked at the dead enemies on the ground and then at the weapons in his hands. He couldn't understand why he was so good at fighting? Why is there a fighting instinct and desire?

The enemies who were fighting around him and the enemies who rushed to surround and kill the man were all shocked, and were shocked by the man's clean and decisive move.

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