The strongest soldier

Chapter 3871 Revenge

Betrayal is undoubtedly devastating. For some unknown reason, the betrayer suddenly attacked from behind, not only killing most of the bison's brothers, but also instantly reversing the situation that had finally been overcome. The direwolf who was attracted by Luo Zheng recovered. He lost some sense and fled in all directions. The victory that was about to be won was all gone. Luo Zheng's gains in a close battle with the direwolf at the risk of almost death were all gone.

The situation became more and more critical. Luo Zheng, who was hiding on the ice pile, stood upright and listened to the fierce gunshots at the exit. He glanced at the direwolves glaring around him. His face was livid, and his whole body was exuding an icy murderous aura. The bison next to him He urged anxiously and shouted angrily for revenge, but Luo Zheng still didn't move.

Faintly, Luo Zheng felt that this matter was not simple. The identities of those who suddenly objected and attacked from behind were definitely suspicious. Have they been exposed? Or are they being instigated by others? Luo Zheng hesitated, looked at the bison and said in a deep voice: "Are you familiar with those betrayers?"

"Familiar, why not familiar? They can recognize it even if they turn into ashes." The bison roared angrily. Seeing Luo Zheng frowning and thinking about something, he suddenly felt something in his heart, regained some sense, and explained bitterly: "They are wild The dog hunting team will listen to whoever gives you a bone. They have no principles or bottom lines. They dare to take any job as long as they can afford the money. I think they live for money. I can definitely make a lot of money by following you out. , will not mess around, I didn’t expect them to go crazy, there must be someone behind the scenes who paid a high price to instigate them.”

"Are you instigating this?" Luo Zheng pondered, who could it be? bar? Or did those ninjas know that they were coming? Or is there a third party?

"Boss, what should we do? We can't wait any longer." The bison said in a deep voice.

"Are you sure what you are doing? Do you know the consequences of doing this?" Luo Zheng asked in a deep voice.

"I know, my brothers have long been prepared to die. This revenge must be avenged." The bison said in a deep voice.

Luo Zheng looked at the others, all of them were murderous and glaring. Luo Zheng knew that he could not persuade them, and he understood everyone's mood. If it were him, he would take revenge without hesitation. People always have something they stick to in life, and immediately No longer hesitating, he said in a deep voice: "Triangular attack formation, I will charge in front. You will be divided into two. Those who fire are on the outside, and those who do not fire are in the middle of the formation. When the people on the outside empty their magazines, the people inside will take their place. This way Repeatedly, keep rushing forward after me, no matter what happens, don’t stop or let go.”

"No problem." The bison thought for a while, thought it was feasible, and agreed.

Luo Zheng returned the gun to the bison, stood up with the Japanese sword in hand, glanced coldly at the direwolves hiding around him, and shouted: "Then fight with me, it will be a great death, kill!" He strode forward and rushed forward.

"Kill--" Everyone roared and rushed down the ice pile, followed closely behind Luo Zheng, and quickly formed a triangle formation after arriving under the ice pile. Five people were outside, distributed in a triangle, and the other five people were quickly emptied inside the triangle. The magazine suppression sheet, making preparations for the battle, moved forward with Luo Zheng.

"Ouch -" I don't know which direwolf roared, and the lurking direwolves around them became restless again and let out a low roar. Soon, white shadows rushed up from the gray night sky around them and opened up. The mouth was huge and the sharp fangs shone coldly in the moonlight.

"Come on -" Luo Zheng roared, staring at the white figures rushing towards him, his whole body tensed, holding the Japanese knife in one hand, and the other hand tightly holding the pottery knife. The pottery knife was not as sharp as it was. It was no worse than the Japanese sword, and it was suitable for disemboweling it in close combat. For Luo Zheng, any weapon could pose a fatal threat.

"Whoosh -" Two white shadows flashed in front and disappeared in a blink of an eye, like ghosts, but the sound of breaking through the air was clearly audible. Luo Zheng once again used the family's breathing method to adjust his state and entered an ethereal state. In this state, everything around seems to be quiet, and all sounds are clearly audible, which is very strange.

"Wha—" The Japanese sword in Luo Zheng's hand moved, slashing towards the void on one side like lightning, like a black lightning. When this lightning slashed down, a white shadow rushed over, blocking the black lightning. In front of the lightning, the black lightning slashed hard, cutting the white shadow into two pieces, and blood and internal organs spilled out.

"Aww-" A direwolf let out a shrill scream, and the sound spread far away in an instant, attracting more strange howls from the direwolves.

When Bison and the others saw that Luo Zheng could actually judge the direction and location of the direwolf's attack in advance and kill the direwolf at a faster speed, they were immediately overjoyed and roared excitedly, venting the hatred in their hearts and staring at the surroundings with burning eyes. , the surrounding night was hazy, and where there was no shadow of the direwolf, the distance was filled with the manic howling of the direwolf, and there were some faint white shadows flickering, but unfortunately it could not be locked.

"Damn, these beasts are so fast, they can't even see clearly." The bison roared angrily: "Boss, what can I do?"

"Ah -" Suddenly, a scream rang out, and everyone turned around to see a brother behind the triangle formation whose thigh was pinned down by a wild wolf and dragged away quickly. The ground was covered with blood.

Luo Zheng also saw this scene and frowned. These direwolves were not too fast for him and could capture the route, but they were unimaginably fast for the bison and others and could not fight back at all. If this continues, everyone will Was bitten to death by a direwolf.

"Da da da -" The man whose thigh was bitten by the direwolf was quite fierce. Instead of calling for help, he quickly turned his gun and fired violently at the direwolf, directly sifting the opponent, but the blood This caused more direwolves around to become crazy, violent, howling, and pounce on them.

It was too late to save. Everyone only saw white shadows flickering. They couldn't see the specific position and body of the wolf at all. Their expressions changed drastically. The bison roared and rushed forward, trying to rescue. The muzzles were aimed forward and fired fiercely. Unfortunately, the direwolf was too fast and couldn't hit it.

"Brothers, take revenge—" an unwilling voice roared with endless fighting spirit.

With a sound of "Boom--", the grenade exploded. Countless direwolves that rushed towards him were blown backwards and their blood spilled wildly. This man knew that he would not survive, so he decisively detonated the only grenade left on his body and chose He died together with the direwolf, a heroic death.

"Brother - ah! Ta-ta-ta!" The bison roared and fired, as if his eyes were bleeding. He wished he could die for his brother. Guilt, regret, anger and unwillingness came up, and the muscles on his face were squeezed into a ball. It became ferocious and terrifying, and hot tears fell down.

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