The strongest soldier

Chapter 391 Lure the snake out of its hole

The picture kept getting closer and clearer. Luo Zheng looked at the picture and said into the headset: "To the north of the office building, the fifth person from the left has a small stone as big as a thumb under his feet. There are two thin withered grasses in front of his feet. There are suspected triangular stones, which should be red bricks that have fallen off." The guards were all wearing uniform uniforms. Everyone was facing forward and could only see their backs. Luo Zheng could only use this method to locate them.

"Understood, lock, do you want to shoot?" The mountain eagle quickly locked the target and asked calmly.

"Kill!" Luo Zheng gave the attack order without hesitation. This was a guard who was not included in the plan. Apart from the enemy, Luo Zheng could not think of any other identity. Facing the enemy, Luo Zheng never showed mercy. A strong murderous aura burst out with a horrifying momentum. , the surrounding air seemed to be a bit colder.

"Whoops!" The sniper gun fired, and the bullets whizzed away, pulling out a strange energy shock wave under the light, hitting the target instantly. Under the powerful impact, the sniper bullet instantly penetrated the target's head, stirring the target's brain nerve center. It came out from the front, lifted up a large piece of skull, and red and white things were splashed everywhere. It looked weird, coquettish and terrifying under the light.

All the guards lay down on the ground and searched around vigilantly. Their faces were pale, as if facing a formidable enemy. Luo Zheng looked at this scene and breathed a sigh of relief. He accidentally found the target and shot the head with one shot. This gain made Luo Zheng feel good. , said to Zheng Duo, who was looking over: "Calm down the other guards and ask someone to go up and check the identity of the target."

"Yes!" Zheng Duo was shocked after seeing the sniper's methods, and quickly agreed and went to deal with it.

"There's only one ninja left, what should you do?" Blue Star asked curiously.

"Pay attention to the surrounding walls and don't let the other side escape. If one dies, the other side will definitely know it soon. Don't even think about running away when they come." Luo Zheng responded and shouted into the headset with murderous intent: "Well done , Brother Snow Leopard, please go to the scene of the explosion. I suspect that the other party will sneak into the police or firefighters again and escape. Be careful, these bastards are not easy at their hands. Please notify us immediately if there is any situation."

"Understood." Snow Leopard agreed.

"Why are you so sure that the target will go back? Also, how did you see the problem with that guy just now?" Blue Star couldn't help but ask curiously.

"Very determined and very lucky. If you don't want others to know it, you have to do nothing. So many people turned their backs to the office building and searched for enemies in front. This guy actually looked back secretly. His movements were very fast and very hidden, but in front of everyone He looked very awkward in the queue with everyone looking forward. I happened to see the surveillance screen again. He was unlucky. As for the other target, he came in among the firefighters. He was able to deceive his colleagues, which means he was disguised. It is not difficult to make silicone human skin. If his companion is dead, the best way for him is to retreat first. What would happen if it were you?" Luo Zheng said calmly while carefully observing the monitoring screen.

"My companion was killed by a sniper, and the matter has been exposed. There is no point in continuing the unfinished mission. If it were me, I would definitely think that I was not exposed, use the disguise to go back, and then evacuate among the crowd." Blue Star said, his eyes lit up, and he suddenly After reacting, he smiled and said, "Your analysis of people's hearts is so accurate and amazing."

"It's impossible to say that these are human nature. If you think about it from others' perspective, it's easy to come to such a conclusion." Luo Zheng said calmly, glanced at Zheng Duo, thought for a while, and said: "Captain Zheng, another If the target returns, the attack will easily cause innocent casualties. Let's lure the snake out of the hole and immediately order the guards to spread out and turn off all the lights near the office building."

"Should we bring someone in?" Zheng Duo suggested.

"No, we can't be sure if any of the guards have been switched. What if there are enemies? Guards can't get close to the office building. This is the principle. If you turn off the lights, the enemy will think they have an opportunity. I'll go to the elevator. Wait for him, it is best to deal with the enemy at once tonight." Luo Zheng said calmly.

"If things are exposed, the enemy may not come." Blue Star reminded.

"No, I feel that he is hiding nearby and will come. If it were me, I would choose to attack again." Luo Zheng said calmly. Seeing the confusion on Zheng Duo and Lan Xing's faces, he explained patiently : "We have killed a murderer. Normally, should we be happy? Will being happy make us careless?"

"If it were me commanding, I would definitely do it." Zheng Duo said truthfully.

"It makes sense. If you didn't know there was another target, you would definitely be happy. But after you turned off the light, didn't you reveal your intention and tell the murderer that we are waiting for you." Blue Star keenly discovered the suspicion, He quickly asked, looking at Luo Zheng curiously.

"You are right, so I need your cooperation to find a way to black out the power for a few minutes. It only takes three to five minutes." Luo Zheng said calmly.

"It's easy. The control gate is in the monitoring room." Zheng Duo replied immediately.

"He's talking about the surrounding area, not just the military industrial base. I'll take care of this small matter. I'll give you five minutes and I'll handle it." Blue Star agreed and immediately started to control the computer.

Luo Zheng knew Lan Xing's identity, and it was really not difficult to deal with this matter. He glanced at the long knife placed next to him, grabbed it, and pulled out a section. The cold black light was dazzling, and the blade exuded the breath of death. Luo Zheng will Returning the knife, he checked the Type 92 pistol, loaded the bullet, and said, "Open the iron door."

The iron door is explosion-proof and can only be opened from the inside. Zheng Duo immediately stood up and opened the door for Luo Zheng. After Luo Zheng went out, he immediately closed it to prevent someone from rushing in and seizing the control room, which would be troublesome. Luo Zheng walked along the corridor to the lobby of the office building. , glanced at the elevator in standby mode, and said, "Snow Leopard, have you noticed it?"

"I have contacted the relevant personnel and found nothing." Snow Leopard replied solemnly.

"Retreat immediately to the lobby of the office building. Let's wait and see." Luo Zheng said. Before he was sure of the opponent's strength, Luo Zheng chose to be cautious and let Snow Leopard come over to support him. Two against one, Luo Zheng was full of confidence.

After waiting for a while, Blue Star sent a message that everything was ready. Luo Zheng thought that the basement used electricity generated by himself alone and was not affected by the power grid, so he did not notify Blue Star. He asked Blue Star to wait and notified Zheng Duo to ask the guards. Officers, be careful not to shoot indiscriminately and injure your own people.

Zheng Duo agreed wholeheartedly and told the guards to go. After a while, Snow Leopard hurried over and looked at Luo Zheng with doubts. Luo Zheng did not answer immediately, but asked Blue Star to black out immediately. At first sight, the surroundings fell into darkness. In the middle, it is difficult to see the five fingers when reaching out.

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