The strongest soldier

Chapter 3950: Burrowing into the Earth

The vast sky is blue and cloudless. A hot sun hangs high, scorching the earth, but it cannot melt the ice on the top of the towering peaks. The peaks slowly pass over the vast mountains, with a bit of coldness. , suddenly, a bomber appeared from the sky, roaring at a terrifying speed, crossing the sky, getting much closer in an instant, and the scream became louder and louder, more and more harsh.

The bomber roared in with a tyrannical momentum, as if nothing could stop it. The high-speed flight caused violent friction with the air, forming a terrifying white airflow. The sonic boom sounded like countless demons roaring. It was frightening. The speed It's incredibly fast.

After a while, the bomber came over a mountain ridge and suddenly dropped a huge bomb. It continued flying forward and quickly disappeared. The shape of the huge bomb looked like an enlarged bullet, flying in the void. It falls at a terrifying speed and remains vertical to the ground. It is an earth-penetrating bomb.

On a mountain ridge, Luo Zheng calmly watched the roaring bombers drop earth-penetrating bombs and then leave. Watching the earth-penetrating bombs falling with a terrifying scream, the speed was suffocating. He couldn't help but sigh, this is The style that a modern large-scale battle should have. This is the combat theory that is different from special warfare. This is the benefit of the establishment of the Counter-Terrorism Alliance. If the local government is not one of the members of the Counter-Terrorism Alliance, it is absolutely impossible to have ground-penetrating bomb support, and there is no way to hide it. The enemy in the soldier cave.

Shan Diao looked at the earth-penetrating bombs whizzing down in the distance, and suddenly he had some enlightenment. He had a more concrete and clear understanding of the command of large-scale battles. He couldn't help but look at Luo Zheng with gratitude. It was the man in front of him who had given him orders. It gave me a vivid understanding of the difference between large-scale battles and local special operations command, as well as the difference in combat theory.

With a loud "Boom--", the earth-penetrating bomb plunged into the ground of a mountain with a arrogant momentum. Half of the solid ground was like a tofu block and was squeezed away by the earth-penetrating bomb, forming an entrance. In the blink of an eye, During the period, the ground-penetrating bombs disappeared into the ground and disappeared. Strategic-grade ground-penetrating bombs not only penetrate deeper into the ground, are faster, and have much better attack effects than tactical-grade ground-penetrating bombs. .

It was the first time for everyone to see this kind of scene, and they couldn't help but get nervous in anticipation. They stared straight ahead, even forgetting to breathe. Their eyes were wide open, and some even had big mouths. They were all stunned. In general, the attack method of this strategic-grade ground-penetrating bomb is really shocking.

A muffled sound of "Boom -" woke everyone up. Everyone felt that the ground was shaking. The mountains in front of them that were attacked by the earth-penetrating bombs swelled horribly, as if they were swollen. Then, the bulges It sank at a speed visible to the naked eye, and a huge pothole appeared.

"Hiss?" Everyone was shocked when they looked at the huge pit. It was such a huge pit that it seemed as if the entire mountain had sunk. It was too far away to see how deep it was, but it was shockingly big. Luo Zheng also looked ahead with a shocked face and said nothing, his brows filled with doubts.

Luo Zheng didn't know much about earth-penetrating bombs. He only knew some basic information. It was the first time he saw a live ammunition attack. He didn't expect the attack effect to be so huge. He couldn't help but look at the mountain eagle in confusion and whispered: "So powerful?"

Shan Diao has received systematic military training since he was a child, and he knows more about weapons than Luo Zheng. He looked ahead and whispered with shock: "The earth-penetrating bomb penetrates into the ground, and when it explodes, it couples energy to the ground, causing it to destroy its effectiveness. It is 10-30 times larger than the ground explosion of the same equivalent. Therefore, even if the ground-penetrating bomb does not penetrate deeply into the ground, its explosive power will be far greater than that of ordinary conventional ammunition. Therefore, its combat effect is very significant, but I did not expect it to be so significant. , that crater is several kilometers in diameter, right? Strategic-grade earth-penetrating bombs are really powerful."

"Hiss, what a terrifying attack." Xu Gang also said in a deep voice. As a god-level soldier, Xu Gang was fearless and nothing could make Xu Gang in awe. However, after seeing the attack of the ground-penetrating bomb, Xu Gang felt his scalp numb. He continued with some fear: "No matter how powerful a person is, he will be a scumbag under this kind of attack. The explosion just now was like an earthquake. We can feel it from such a distance. It is such a terrifying ground-penetrating bomb."

"It's really scary, but I like it. Let's do it again." Tie Diao reacted and shouted excitedly, with an expression on his face that he was afraid that the world would not be in chaos.

As soon as he finished speaking, everyone heard a scream again in the sky. They couldn't help but look up and saw another bomber roaring over. Like the previous bomber, it dropped an earth-penetrating bomb after passing over the mountains. , and this earth-penetrating bomb also whizzed down with a violent momentum, and plunged into the explosion point. Although it was slightly deflected, it was still in the large pit, and it made a dull explosion after being submerged underground.

Everyone felt that the mountains under their feet were trembling and shaking. The Zangbing Cave was transformed from a natural cave with no reinforced concrete. The earth-penetrating bomb sank nearly 100 meters underground and exploded. The powerful shock wave pushed up all the soil. It was much higher than the pit, but it soon sunk down again. No one knew how deep it was. They only saw that the pit got much bigger in the blink of an eye, which was extremely weird.

"Hahaha, okay, good job, kill them." Tie Diao shouted excitedly.

"One more one and we can blast it deeper." Xu Gang also shouted excitedly.

The Tibetan Soldier Cave is three hundred meters underground. No one knows exactly how deep the two ground-penetrating bombs penetrated before exploding. Judging from theoretical numerical estimates, the first one loosened the soil above the Tibetan Soldier Cave, and the second one penetrated the ground. The bomb can smoothly penetrate deeper, which should have a certain impact on the hidden soldier cave below, but the impact will not be too great. Another ground-penetrating bomb can blow up the hidden soldier cave. Use three ground-penetrating bombs to attack at the same time. In the same position, Luo Zheng was able to come up with such a tactic. Now it seems that the effect is not bad.

Once the Tibetan Soldier Cave is bombed and collapses, none of the thousands of people inside will survive. The battlefield is ruthless. Everyone has no mercy or sympathy for the forces of the Dark Church. They constantly raise their heads to search the sky, eager to see another bomber coming, and then Drop a fatal ground-penetrating bomb to eliminate all enemies in the Hidden Soldier Cave at once.

"The bombers have done all the fighting in this battle. We have nothing to do without us." Xu Gang said with some emotion. It is a bit regretful that the god-level soldier king has no use on the battlefield.

"Yes, we are all just spectators. The battle is over by pressing the button remotely. It is still a precise strike. The battle has been fought like this. Nothing will happen to us without us." Tie Diao also said with some regret. As a good As a warrior, Tie Diao prefers hand-to-hand combat. As he spoke, he turned to look at Luo Zheng and continued: "Boss, there is one more, right? When did you come? Why hasn't there been any movement?"

"You have to take your next shot slowly and wait and see what happens." Luo Zheng explained with a smile.

Everyone was confused and looked at Luo Zheng doubtfully.

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