The strongest soldier

Chapter 3961 Air raid on the enemy

A fixed base is easy to destroy, but an underground military base built in a lofty mountain with towering peaks is difficult to destroy. The cave is in the mountain and the peak is steep. It cannot be exploded by long-range attacks from high altitude. Helicopters can go there. It will be destroyed by air defense forces. The only way is to use bombers, but bombers cannot stop and slowly detect the target. It is a waste to drop bombs indiscriminately.

"It seems that we need the guidance of the ground troops." Luo Zheng whispered to himself, his eyes fell on Shi Qian, but he quickly shook his head. Although Shi Qian's first group had good combat effectiveness, their military skills were relatively poor. Not enough. He is not familiar with professional issues such as air strike coordinates and attack angles, and is not suitable for dangerous tasks such as ground guidance.

Thinking of this, the shadows of Little Wolf and Tiger Girl appeared in Luo Zheng's mind, and he couldn't help but smile. Although the fourth group's combat power was weaker, it had strong military expertise and was most suitable for ground guidance. He immediately shouted through the headset: "The fourth group Listen to the order. During the war, the enemy's attention is focused on sneak attacks on the camp. Order your army to penetrate as quickly as possible near the intended target, find all the underground fortifications, provide coordinate guidance for the air strike after dawn, and wear dragon tooth shields. "

"Yes." The excited responses of Xiaolang and Tigress sounded in the headset.

After giving the order, Luo Zheng breathed a sigh of relief and looked at the electronic screen again. On it was a picture taken by a helicopter through a night vision camera. On the gray ground, dozens of armed helicopters roared into the sky in formation, with a fierce murderous aura, and The counter-terrorism alliance team rushed out of the camp, everything was in order.

Not long after, the screen changed, and countless human-shaped lights appeared on the screen. They were the invading enemies. The tentacle monster's voice suddenly sounded: "Report, the enemies have noticed something abnormal and are running away in all directions."

"Want to run away? It's not that easy. Divide the helicopter into five teams and attack the enemies in five directions: southeast, northwest, and northwest. Give them a hard beating." Luo Zheng said with murderous intent. How could they let them catch this troop after finally catching it? Ran? Representatives from other countries also gathered around, watching the battle excitedly. They had a better understanding of Luo Zheng's commanding skills, and their eyes were full of admiration.

If he hadn't burned the supplies to create a commotion, the invading enemies would have definitely been alert and retreated. As long as they retreated in advance, dispersed and broke out, and just found a place to hide in the vast mountains, who could do anything? With sufficient preparation, it is not impossible to shoot down the helicopter, but the current situation is completely different. The enemy is marching in a hurry, and the physical strength is very high. The helicopter suddenly rushes over, and even if the enemy wants to escape, it is too late.

The picture on the screen changed again. The huge enemy troops fled in panic and scattered in all directions. However, the helicopters caught up with them before they could get very far. They opened fire violently. The terrifying bullets from the machine cannons rained down like hailstones. The density was outrageous. The mounted rockets also fiercely attacked where the crowd was concentrated, and a large ball of fire shot up from the ground, shaking the whole world as if it was buzzing and trembling. The powerful shock wave overturned all the surrounding enemies, just like a storm breaking off. A kite with a loose string is thrown far away.

The killings were in full swing from the beginning. Helicopters are indeed the nemesis and natural enemy of the ground troops. Their powerful attack power makes it impossible for the ground troops to fight back. Large-caliber bullets can seriously injure them even if they hit them. They will definitely die if they are hit, not to mention that there are also hangers. Carrying rockets, each helicopter roared away like a plow sweeping a hole, leaving no one alive wherever it passed.

On the electronic screen, everyone saw that every helicopter was spraying fierce firepower towards the ground. The tongues of fire were like death's scythes, slashing hard at the crowd. Many enemies were beaten to death on the spot, and many were even injured. His limbs were broken and he fell to the ground groaning in pain, but unfortunately it was covered up by the sound of bullets and explosions.

Under the terrifying attack, no one cared about the cries for help from their companions, and no one cared about attacking. They wished they could grow a pair of wings and fly away. However, the helicopters continued to shoot indifferently and ruthlessly. Once they rushed in front of the enemy Turn around immediately. The bright headlight is more like a small sun, illuminating the ground brightly. The enemies on the ground are so excited that they can't open their eyes and can't see clearly their surroundings.

At this time, a large number of transport helicopters also roared over, rushing to the periphery of the battlefield. They stopped at a safe distance and dropped ropes one by one. Countless soldiers from the Anti-Terrorist Alliance brigade grabbed the ropes and quickly rappelled down, forming a circular defense on the spot, waiting for them all to land. After coming down, the captain gave the order to counterattack in the direction of the battlefield, looking for favorable terrain and blocking all intersections and directions for the enemy to escape.

If the armed helicopter was a fatal attack on the invading enemy, then the parachute anti-terrorism alliance brigade was the last straw that broke the camel's back, making the enemy who finally escaped from the helicopter attack area feel desperate, but did not surrender and was fierce. Fight to the death.

Inside the headquarters, Luo Zheng stared at this scene through the electronic screen, and became even more sure that the invading enemy was not simple. Half of them rushed out of the helicopter's fire blockade area immediately, and did not collapse in the face of the blockade by ground troops. This kind of troops is definitely the elite among the elites of the Dark Church. This kind of troops must be annihilated.

The battle was still going on. Luo Zheng stared at the electronic screen with a calm face and said nothing. At this point in the battle, no orders were needed anymore. It relied on the military literacy and willpower of the soldiers. The helicopters killed the enemy in the blocked area and then fired. Extension, the pursuit began, the enemy's casualties increased sharply.

However, Luo Zheng keenly discovered that a very small number of people broke through the helicopter attack, broke out of the blockade of the ground troops, and fled quietly. They were able to escape in this way, which showed that the opponent was not simple, maybe a holy warrior or a knight of the round table. , this kind of person cannot be let go, Luo Zheng snorted coldly, and shouted to the tentacle monster with murderous intent: "Send the coordinates of the enemies who escaped the ambush circle to the second and third groups of brothers, and let the nearest brothers go over to hunt them. Never leak anyone, hurry up."

"Understood." The tentacle monster quickly agreed, and immediately locked the location and direction of the fleeing enemy, notifying the second and third group members who were ambushing nearby of the situation, and strictly ordered them to hunt and kill them.

Luo Zheng saw that the tentacle monster conveyed the order in an orderly manner. Every enemy who fled had arranged for the nearest brother to hunt and kill them. It was enough to deal with the escaped enemies with the combat power of a god-level soldier. Luo Zheng would pay attention immediately. Putting all the strength into the core area of ​​the battlefield again, I found that in the blink of an eye, most of the enemies were gone again, and the few remaining enemies were still resisting stubbornly, with no intention of surrendering.

"Report, the helicopter ammunition is almost exhausted, please give me instructions." Suddenly, the tentacle monster said anxiously.

"The helicopter has a thermal imager, which is very convenient for finding ground targets at night. After firing the last bullet, it can illuminate the ground troops and point them in the direction." Luo Zheng ordered murderously, with a cold fighting spirit in his words.

"Yes." The tentacle monster shouted knowingly, with a strong murderous aura.

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