The strongest soldier

Chapter 3965 Precision Air Strike

In the clear blue sky, a dozen bombers and a dozen fighter jets formed two triangular formations and roared forward, pulling out long white airflow lines. The sound roared and resounded throughout the fields, and the entire sky seemed to be buzzing. I was buzzing and shuddering. The planes were smeared with the logos of different countries. They were sent by the Anti-Terrorist Alliance. It was definitely the first time in the past century that so many countries had joined forces to fight. It was a spectacular sight.

The plane flew away in an instant, carrying an unrivaled momentum and standing out in the clear sky. Not long after, the group of planes arrived over a vast mountain range. Without any hesitation, the fighter jets flying in front quickly dispersed and got out of the way. , followed closely by the bombers roaring forward.

The bomber carried a large number of aerial bombs and rushed forward like a tiger. As it passed over a high mountainous area, the bomber quickly dropped large aerial bombs one after another and continued to move forward without looking back. The aerial bombs screamed The sound fell towards the ground, and the whole world seemed to be trembling, and the air was burning.

With a loud bang of "Boom--", the first aerial bomb accurately fell into the valley, exploded suddenly, and made an earth-shattering noise. The towering mountain peaks seemed to tremble. On the top of the mountain and on the mountainside, many Mud and rocks tumbled down, and the entire valley was enveloped in a sea of ​​fire. Flames shot up into the sky, with a terrifying temperature that melted everything. Black smoke billowed and dispersed into different shapes with the wind, making it look like a devil emerging from hell was grinning.

On the top of the mountain, Xiaolang looked at this scene with a face full of shock. He was stunned by the power of the explosion, which was more terrifying than an aerial bomb. Xiaolang was a veteran who had experienced many battles, but he had never seen such a terrifying scene. The explosion flames of the bomb engulfed the whole valley, and the terrifying flames ravaged everything. Who could be spared in this terrifying sea of ​​fire?

"Awesome." Xiaolang couldn't help but cheer excitedly. He waved his clenched fists in the air. His eyes lit up and he burst out with a strong fighting spirit. He watched more aerial bombs land accurately at the predetermined target location. , blowing up the enemy's fortifications, Xiaolang shouted happily: "Okay, good blowing, all hits, hahaha——"

The bombers dropped their bombs and returned to the camp. The fighter jets did not leave. Instead, they circled in the air and returned. They each looked for targets and launched missiles. Xiaolang could see clearly that a missile roared towards the anti-aircraft gun position accurately. , the huge missile exuded a suffocating cold murderous aura.

Bombers drop bombs from high altitudes to attack. Therefore, the bombs they drop can only attack vertically. Unlike fighter jets, they can launch missiles horizontally to attack targets. Xiaolang covered his ears and stared at the missile. The explosions around him were too loud and deafening. , it feels a little better to cover your ears.

With a loud "Boom--", the anti-aircraft guns hidden inside the mountain were directly blown over. Mud flew all over the sky, blocking the sun and making a buzzing sound. It was very scary. A large number of cliffs collapsed, terrifying. The flames of the explosion engulfed everything around him, and the black smoke billowed, blocking the view, which was frightening.

"Hiss?" Xiaolang couldn't help but gasped when he saw this scene. The terrifying-looking anti-aircraft gun was just gone? If it were an attack by ground troops, I'm afraid it wouldn't be possible without thousands of sacrifices. Now it can be solved with just one missile. Thinking that it had its own precise positioning function that caused all this, I suddenly shouted excitedly: "Okay, one hit, left Destroyed by side anti-aircraft guns.”

At this time, another huge explosion sounded. Xiaolang turned his head and saw that the anti-aircraft gun hidden in the mountain on the right was also blown up. The collapsed soil roared down like an avalanche. The momentum was terrifying, and Xiaolang's scalp was visible. I was numb, as if I felt the terrifying shock wave of the explosion from a distance. I couldn't help but take a step back, and I was not surprised. Why was there such a big movement? More than twice as big as the attack from the other side?

Suddenly, an idea flashed in Xiaolang's mind, and he immediately thought of a possibility. The missile detonated the ammunition in the anti-aircraft gun. Countless ammunition exploded to form the current result. Only this possibility can explain everything he saw. The wolf shouted excitedly: "Hahaha, the ammunition must have exploded, and most of the mountain collapsed."

"Stop talking nonsense, keep an eye on them, and report to the headquarters immediately if there is any situation." A voice warned in a deep voice.

As soon as the little wolf heard the voice, he knew it was Luo Zheng. He couldn't help being surprised, and immediately realized that he was a little lost in excitement. He smiled awkwardly, quickly cheered up, and immediately stared at the valley to distinguish carefully. At this time, it was again Several missiles roared away, destroying targets one by one without missing a single one.

The fighter jets dropped all their missiles and roared away. The bombed valley suddenly became quiet. There were collapsed mountains and soil everywhere, and there were bomb holes everywhere. There was not a single body in sight, and not a single person could be seen coming out. , as if there was no one in this valley in the first place, the little wolf did not dare to be careless at all, and continued to stare at the valley, for fear that someone would take the opportunity to slip away.

The valley became eerily quiet. Occasionally, a large piece of soil could not withstand the pressure and collapsed, making a rustling sound. Stones even rolled down to the valley, making a thumping sound. Only no one could be seen. The little wolf became suspicious. Why is there such a big movement and no one comes out? Isn't the enemy here?

Xiaolang soon put aside this unrealistic idea. In order to avoid being exposed, the enemy chose to hide in the mountains and caves. The mountain was solid. Although it was bombed, only the outer periphery was destroyed. He hid in the cave. The people will not suffer much harm, at most the fortifications will be destroyed.

"Brothers, keep an eye on your respective areas and report them immediately if you see enemies coming out." Xiaolang cheered up and warned through the headset to prevent everyone from being careless.

"Yes!" The brothers in the fourth group responded with suppressed voices.

In order to better monitor the surroundings, Xiaolang dispersed all the fourth groups around. The Dark Church could not see the light, so it hid underground. Although many bunkers, observation points and strongholds were deployed on the periphery, there were no warnings deployed around the base. Troops, everyone dispersed to conduct reconnaissance without worrying about danger.

After all, terrorists are a shady organization. They dare not openly deploy their defenses and can only hide. Although they are deeply hidden and difficult to find, once they are exposed, they will face bombing and have no way to fight back. Xiaolang stared closely around the valley. , secretly rejoicing, if the opponent was not a terrorist, but a certain country, then the fortifications would never be built like this, right? Although the opponent in front of him was well hidden, it was a pity that he was exposed.

The biggest reliance of terrorists is concealment. Terrorists who hide are the most troublesome because you don't know when the other party will suddenly break out into terrorist acts. However, once exposed, they can only be beaten passively and cannot fight back. No more. The Dark Church of Flying Machines is no exception.

The little wolf became excited looking at the dilapidated and messy valley. Suddenly he heard the roar of propellers in the sky. He was startled and quickly looked up and raised the monocular.

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