The strongest soldier

Chapter 3971 Air Force Attack

The blue sky was like a wash, and several white clouds of different shapes were floating quietly. Three fighter jets roared from the sky, and instantly appeared over the vast mountains across a long space, causing a sonic boom sound that tore the air apart. Throughout the world, shaking the wilderness, the long white air belt is like the death talisman, looking at it in awe.

In an instant, three fighter jets rushed into the sky above an open canyon in a Zigzag formation. They dropped several small missiles and then roared away. They gained altitude, took off, and disappeared into the clouds. The dropped small missiles roared down. , as if the God of Death was grinning and roaring, with the momentum of swallowing everything together.

"Boom, boom, boom -" A series of earth-shattering explosions sounded, and huge fires rose up in the canyon. The fires soared into the sky, as if the entire sky was on fire, and billowing black smoke rose into the sky, in the void. The black smoke spread out like demons howling.

At this moment, the sky and the earth were shaking, and the mountains were shaking in fear. Countless pieces of soil on the high mountain peaks shivered in fear, rolled down, and landed at the feet of a troop. The troop on standby watched the explosion. There was no panic or worry in the direction. Instead, they were full of excitement. Everyone wanted to scream out. They were scholars, farmers, monks, gardeners and others.

The scholar looked at the explosion scene in front and said to the brothers around him with emotion: "Actual combat is indeed very different from drills. This scene and explosion can only be seen in actual combat. This is a rare opportunity. Let's all experience it. Everyone is ready to charge in one minute."

"Yes." Everyone shouted in a deep voice, with fighting spirit rising.

There were only about two hundred enemies. They were bombed by three fighter jets. No one knew how many were left, but they certainly wouldn't be too many. Such an opponent was nothing to worry about. The morale of the troops was high. One minute passed quickly. The scholar gave an order. , leading the troops to charge forward wildly, the soldiers howling and murderous.

Soon, the four special forces rushed through a bend in front and saw the bombing site in the canyon ahead. The ground was littered with broken limbs and deformed firearms. Some people were still breathing, lying on the ground. Rolling and wailing, the shrill cry for help spread far away, which was very moving.

Although the other party was the enemy, everyone couldn't help but feel a little more sympathetic when they saw such misery. However, when they saw that many enemies rushed up the mountains on both sides to try to escape, the scholar put away his sympathy, his face became stern, and he became serious. He shouted: "Brothers, follow me and rush forward to destroy them."

The farmer, monk and gardener also discovered the fleeing enemies. No one cared about the injured enemies in the canyon and led their respective teams to pursue them. The four of them split into two in tacit understanding, with two teams on each side of the canyon pursuing them. , ensuring that their forces were equal, the scholar and the farmer pursued the remaining enemy on the left. The enemy had already rushed to the top of the mountain, which was a little far away. When they saw someone chasing them, these remaining enemies stopped running fiercely, and instead stopped to seize the favorable terrain to counterattack.

"Da da da -" A burst of bullets came over, startling everyone. The scholar quickly ordered the troops to cover and counterattack on the spot. He found a place to hide himself. When he looked up, he saw that the enemy was not only not afraid of being bombed by the fighter jets, but was actually fierce. He was very angry, and he was probably a die-hard member of the Dark Church. He was filled with anger and shouted loudly: "These bastards, beat me hard."

"Yes." Everyone shouted in unison. Although the enemy was caught off guard and the terrain was unfavorable, no one cared about it and no one was afraid. They fought back. There were only a few dozen enemies left. Although they were condescending, they were threatening. It wasn't very big. Everyone used full firepower and quickly suppressed the enemy.

The scholar and other four troops have 400 people, each with 100 people, and all of them are special forces. This kind of combat effectiveness is not simple. Regardless of marksmanship, willpower, tactical literacy and cooperation, they are all very good. Everyone regards the squad as a team. The combat units moved forward, alternately covering fire, and fought in a methodical manner.

However, this enemy force was not simple either. Although they suffered an air attack, they did not panic. They were extremely ferocious, fearless of death, and fought very resolutely. Although they could not do anything for a while, the scholar observed the terrain for a moment and found that It was very detrimental to my side. I was afraid that there would be mass casualties over time. I became nervous. I was about to call the command center for support when I heard the roar of propellers in the sky.

The scholar looked back in surprise and found that three helicopters had appeared in the sky at some point, roaring towards him. The roar of spirulina shook the wilderness and spread far away. When he got closer, the scholar realized that they were sent by the coalition forces. He was immediately overjoyed and shouted excitedly: "Brothers, the air force is here to support me. Give me a hard beating, and you won't be able to catch anything for a while."

Previously, everyone rushed to fight the enemy, but the fighter jets took advantage. Now, helicopters came to fight with the remaining enemies. Everyone felt that this battle was too simple, too easy, and very unsatisfactory. When they heard the scholar's order, they immediately became anxious. , I wish I could let the helicopter leave so that I can have a big fight. They roared and rushed upwards and started fighting, like tigers coming out of the gate.

The remnants of the enemy who were fighting back on the top of the mountain suddenly panicked when they saw the roaring helicopter. The top of the mountain was unobstructed, and if they stayed, they would die. They no longer wanted to fight, so they turned around and ran away. But how could two legs outrun the helicopter? Three helicopters lined up in a row, pounced on them with murderous intent, and fired fiercely at the ground.

"Boom-boom--" The large-caliber bullet roared out of the barrel and rushed towards the remaining enemies with a terrifying sonic boom. Several of the remaining enemies were blown up on the spot, and their blood spread wildly. Other remaining enemies did not have time to run away. , most of them fell to the ground and stopped moving, and the remaining enemies were smart enough to lie down one after another to avoid them.

When the scholar saw that the helicopter was already exchanging fire with the enemy, he immediately became anxious. After finally catching a big fish, it disappeared again. He shouted unwillingly: "Brothers, charge forward and kill."

"Kill -" everyone roared unwillingly and rushed towards the top of the mountain with all their strength.

When I rushed to the top of the mountain, I was dumbfounded. The slope in front was full of dead enemy corpses. The mountainous land was stained red with blood. Guns were everywhere. Several enemies who were not dead were still wailing. Their voices were weak and they could only vent their anger. , at this time, the helicopter hovered in the void, made a few nods, as if mocking everyone for being late, and then rushed towards the mountains on the other side. Everyone was furious, but there was nothing they could do. The Air Force It's too fast.

"Damn it, I didn't catch it again, forget it, brothers, go to the valley." The scholar shouted helplessly.

"Every time, the Air Force takes the lead. In this battle, we are all cleaning up the battlefield." The farmer led the people up and complained dissatisfiedly. He looked at the scholar and continued to ask: "These bastard Air Force deliberately followed We are grabbing credit, and there is no place to reason with us. What’s the matter? What should we do next?”

"What else can we do? Go to the valley." The scholar said angrily. He was suffocating and had no place to vent his anger. He finally caught a big fish, but the air force general finished all the work. No one else would be in a bad mood.

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