The strongest soldier

Chapter 409 Disguise and lurk

The sky was dark and the rain was pouring heavily. Luo Zheng observed vigilantly and found that Captain Wu rushed forward and hid behind another big tree in the blink of an eye. He raised the gun with both hands and his face was as resolute as iron. His eyes were in the heavy rain. Explosions of light erupted, and his movements were as fast as a fox wolf, and he was extremely agile.

"Crack!" A bolt of lightning pierced the sky and illuminated the woods. Luo Zheng suddenly noticed someone vaguely standing on the branches of the big tree in front of him through the bright light. The lightning was too short and he couldn't see clearly soon. Luo Zheng couldn't help but tighten his grip. He picked up his gun and continued to look around. There were three killers in total. If he didn't know the specific location, he would only become passive if he attacked rashly.

After a while, Luo Zheng was startled when he noticed Wu Jin's gesture of giving up the attack. He was even more surprised when he saw Wu Jin start to retreat, but he still followed the retreat. The two of them ran quickly for a long distance. Wu Jin stopped and took Luo Zheng to hide behind a big tree.

The two of them looked back warily, and after confirming that no one was following, Luo Zheng looked at Wu Jin, who said solemnly: "The other party is a master, one is on the branch, one is behind the big tree, and there is another person with the little sister. , the three of them are distributed in a triangle. Once an attack is launched, the little girl will be poisoned and must find another way."

"Hiss?" Luo Zheng's eyes narrowed, and he whispered coldly: "It seems that we have to divide our troops. I will go to the front and find a way to ambush, and you will follow behind. How about that?"

"No need, let's go to the front to block. We must ensure the safety of my little sister. It's too difficult for you alone. These bastards have come here. It's impossible to run back, we can only go forward. Let's find an opportunity to attack at the front." Wu Jin said calmly, his face was as firm as iron, and he looked coldly at the forest ahead, his eyes full of anger.

"That's fine." Luo Zheng thought for a while and felt that it made sense, so he agreed. The two of them walked towards the mountain in a roundabout way, and then moved forward with a faint light. Luo Zheng accidentally tripped over Teng Man under his feet, so he got up and continued walking. , one shallow kick, one deep kick, it was very difficult to walk, and the anger in my heart was boiling.

About half an hour later, the two came to the ridge. Luo Zheng looked ahead calmly. There was a valley below the mountainside. The valley was overgrown with bushes and was not suitable for walking. The killer had to walk along the mountainside to the ridge, and then along the ridge. The ridge was filled with mud. It was washed clean by rain. There was a small river in front of the ridge, and there were soil slopes around the small river. The mudslides and landslides were serious, and it was not suitable for walking.

"What do you think?" Wu Jin said in a low voice while looking at the terrain ahead.

Luo Zheng looked at the slope in front of him. The soil on the slope slid away, revealing the yellow mud inside, which was about two meters high. In front of the slope was a slope, the only way to the front. He had an idea and said: "Captain, This slope is the only way forward on the ridge, so we can hide on the slope and move when we choose."

Captain Wu looked at the slope, his eyes lit up, and he said: "What a great idea. I didn't expect that your understanding of terrain utilization is so exquisite. No wonder everyone trusts you so much. You have a good idea." As he said that, he rushed over and rolled on the ground. It is covered with yellow mud, and when you lean on the slope, the whole person and the slope become one, making it difficult to distinguish.

Luo Zheng ran up and smeared the yellow mud on the captain's body, so that no part of it was exposed. Even his head was wrapped with yellow mud, so that the captain and the soil slope blended more perfectly. There were bulges on the soil slope. The stone just blocks the heavy rain, and the yellow mud on his body will not be washed away by the rain. The whole person looks like the raised loess on the slope, the disguise is perfect.

"Did you think of another way?" Wu Jin couldn't help but curiously asked in a low voice when he saw that Luo Zheng did not hide, but disguised himself.

"I'll go over there." Luo Zheng pointed to the ground not far away. Wu Jin took a look and saw that there was a slope about five meters away from him. They could form an arm's length relationship with him and support each other. He couldn't help but smile. Luo Zheng gained a more comprehensive understanding of his jungle warfare abilities.

After Luo Zheng helped Wu Jin disguise himself, he ran to the slope and pushed the surrounding mud and rocks onto his body, completely covering himself up, including his head. The black long knife was unsheathed and held tightly in his hand, hidden in the mud. , wait patiently.

The wait is long. I don’t know when the three killers will set off. The waiting is also painful. It feels uncomfortable to be buried by the mudslide. Fortunately, the rain has eased a lot. The wait is worth it. Only in this way can we have the opportunity to carry out a surprise attack. , to increase the success rate of rescuing the little sister. For the sake of the little sister, Luo Zheng gritted his teeth and persisted, waiting patiently.

Maybe the three killers had rested enough, or maybe the killer wanted to escape as soon as possible while the heavy rain was pouring. Ten minutes later, Luo Zheng felt someone coming, so he opened his eyes and took a look. He couldn't see clearly in the rain, so he closed his eyes. , to prevent the murderous intent from leaking out. When dealing with these high-level killers, even a look full of murderous intent can completely expose oneself. You must not be careless.

Soon, this person came to a stop on the slope above Luo Zheng's hiding place. The distance was only one meter. At this distance, Luo Zheng was confident that he could kill the opponent with one knife, but it would also expose him and scare the people behind him, so he had to suppress his anxiety. According to your mood, use traditional breathing methods to adjust your breathing and calm down your emotions.

Gradually, Luo Zheng felt that he was completely integrated with the surroundings, as if he was the soil or the stone. The world was quiet and everything was flourishing. It was a wonderful feeling. At this time, the killer came to the slope and took out his belongings. When he got up, the liquid fell on Luo Zheng's chest, and the smell was unstoppable.

Luo Zheng felt that the other person was right above his head, only half a step away, and did not dare to move. He was secretly glad that the mud camouflage on his body was thick enough, and the other person's urine could not break out of the circle. The ninja was humiliated, and Luo Zheng hid in the mud and held his long Slowly let go of the knife's hand, lest he could not help but burst out with murderous intent and lose all his previous efforts.

The killer did not leave after releasing the water, but calmly observed the surroundings. This station lasted for three minutes. Luo Zheng was not worried about being exposed. At such a close distance, if the opponent was exposed, he would have shot. As for Captain Wu, Luo Zheng Don't worry, he is a master. He slowly grasps the long knife and is ready to go.

At this time, the killer walked forward, stopped one meter away from Captain Wu, looked around, and after confirming that there was no danger, he gestured to the people behind him, and the other two immediately took action, one behind him and the other behind him. The exhausted little girl moved forward.

Fortunately, the little girl has lived in a mountainous area since she was a child, and her ability to walk in the jungle is not bad. Otherwise, she would not be able to withstand such a high-intensity rapid march. However, she is also very tired, her face is pale, and her beautiful eyes exude deep fear and despair. She has never been able to withstand such a high-intensity rapid march. The little girl who had never experienced this kind of thing didn't know what to do.

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