The strongest soldier

Chapter 433 Help

Luo Zheng did not speak his inner thoughts immediately, but looked towards the direction of the tribe in the valley with gleaming eyes. He pondered solemnly and analyzed the feasibility of his idea. Everyone knew that Luo Zheng had the habit of planning and then acting, so he did not interrupt and waited. After a while, the solemn look on Luo Zheng's face was replaced by determination, and he said calmly: "Brothers, this mission is extremely difficult. It will not be completed in a day. In this primitive forest, we need a stronghold. , we need guides who are familiar with the environment, and the tribesmen in the valley are undoubtedly the best. Helping others is helping yourself, what do you think?"

Everyone's eyes lit up and they pondered. It was not difficult to survive in the virgin forest, but it was very difficult to maintain strong physical strength and energy. Without these guarantees, the possibility of completing the task was greatly reduced. Having a stronghold was different. With the help of people who are familiar with the surrounding terrain, the success rate is greatly increased. Everyone laughed immediately, and Guishou said with emotion: "Brother, your ideas are always unexpected. I think it is feasible."

"What do you think?" Lan Xue looked at the mountain eagle and snow leopard. We are a team. As the captain, Lan Xue not only has to balance internal relations, but also brainstorms and respects everyone's opinions. Seeing everyone nodding in approval, Lan Xue's expression He relaxed, looked at Luo Zheng, and said, "Then it's settled."

"There are nearly a hundred enemies entering the village. The three of us will snipe them from a distance, Ghost Hand and Snow Leopard. You two will go over to greet the tribesmen and guide them up the mountain." Luo Zheng immediately revealed his plan.

"Okay." Everyone agreed, checked their weapons, and rushed down the mountain.

The hiding place was only about a thousand meters away from the valley, and it was downhill again. The ground was fairly flat and the road was easy to walk. Everyone rushed down. Three hundred meters away, Luo Zheng, Lan Xue and Shan Diao stood together. The children lined up and each found a place to hide, while Guishou and Snow Leopard continued to charge forward.

Luo Zheng hid under a big tree. The big tree was knocked down by lightning and fell to the ground. It was supported by a stone. There was a gap below that was big enough for a person to lie down. Luo Zheng hid under the big tree and quickly observed. When the tribe came, they found about thirty tribesmen being driven into the square at the entrance of the village. A large number of armed guns with live ammunition were aimed at the people. Someone was lecturing, but they were too far away to hear clearly.

"It's just you." Luo Zheng whispered coldly, aiming his gun at the lecturer, and whispered into the headset: "Get in position, brother, where are you?"

"Get in position." News came from Lan Xue and Mountain Eagle. After a while, Guishou whispered angrily: "These bastards killed three children and two old people. I was in the bushes a hundred meters away from the tribe. , give the order."

"Get in position and give the order." Snow Leopard also whispered angrily, revealing a strong murderous aura. He had obviously seen the tragedy in the world and aroused his inner sense of justice.

"Be careful, Mountain Eagle. Clear out the machine gunners on the left. Leave the ones on the right to me. Ghost, the enemy officer. Ghost Hand, use firepower to suppress the enemy. Snow Leopard, guide the villagers up the mountain and take action." Lan Xue said coldly.

"Yes!" Everyone shouted coldly, murderous intent rising into the sky.

"Phew!" Luo Zheng quickly pulled the trigger, and the sniper bullet whizzed away, creating a life-threatening shock wave in the void. It instantly penetrated into the back of the lecturer's head, exploded, and red and white things flew away.

"Boohoo!" Almost at the same time, Lan Xue and Shan Diao also fired. The two machine gunners were directly shot in the head, and their bodies fell on the machine gun. The blood instantly dyed the machine gun red.

The sudden change caused the entire tribe to panic, and the people huddled together in panic. The Japanese pirates squatted on the ground in panic, aimed their guns, and fired randomly at the mountains and forests. Luo Zheng watched all this coldly, his heart still, and he killed The Japanese pirates were not stressed, just happy. I saw a man squatting on the ground, shouting something, holding a pistol in his hand. This kind of person was an officer at first glance.

"It's your turn." A sneer appeared at the corner of Luo Zheng's mouth, and he quickly aimed at the opponent's head. But on second thought, he lowered the gun muzzle and aimed at the opponent's thigh. The team will not disperse if the officer is killed, and there are other The officer came out to take over the command, but it was different if he was injured. In order to heal the injury as soon as possible and save his own life, he might order an evacuation.

"Phew." Luo Zheng pulled the trigger coldly, and the cartridge case ejected from the barrel of the gun with a crisp sound. The warhead whizzed away, filling Luo Zheng with anger and expectation. It made a buzzing sonic boom in the void and disappeared instantly. Targeting the thigh, the muscles were torn apart. After encountering the thigh bone, the momentum was assisted. The bullet rotated, completely mincing the surrounding muscles. The entire thigh was broken, and blood instantly covered the ground.

With the attack power of the Type 09 sniper rifle, it can accurately kill light armored targets, firepower points, personnel, fortifications, light vehicles, radars and other important targets within 1,000 meters, and damage command and control information systems, parked aircraft, and missiles on launchers within 1,500 meters. , radars, oil depots, ammunition depots, light vehicles, ships and other important targets, the attack power is extremely terrifying, and targets with a distance of less than 300 meters can easily be captured.

In the sniper scope, Luo Zheng saw the target lying on the ground, holding his thighs with his hands and rolling on the ground. Someone came up to help. He guessed that the other person's status must be high. He immediately laughed and continued to search for the target. He found that most of the Japanese pirates were hiding in the house. There was a counterattack from behind, with a small number of them lying on the ground and shooting randomly.

"Da da da!" Guishou and Snow Leopard rushed forward and fired at the enemy in front, quickly clearing the targets in front. Seeing that they were about to approach the tribal village, Luo Zheng was worried about the safety of the two of them, so he gave up searching for the officer and moved his guns quickly. , saw a Japanese pirate sticking his head out, aiming at the ghost hand, ready to shoot.

"Phew!" Luo Zheng quickly pulled the trigger. The bullet was like a roaring wild beast, hitting hard and knocking the target five or six meters away. The bullet spun around like a high-speed rotating drill bit, instantly constricting the chest. His body fell to the ground, a huge bloody hole appeared in his chest, and it was impossible to survive.

The terrifying lethality frightened the Japanese pirates so much that they did not dare to move. Ghost Hands and Snow Leopards rushed up and greeted the tribesmen loudly. The language barrier did not hinder the people's understanding, and they realized that they were here for rescue. After a few The bolder ones shouted and rushed over.

"Bang bang bang!" Guishou and Snow Leopard calmly fired at the targets they tried to stop, covering everyone's retreat. However, there were too many enemies. Seeing that the tribesmen were about to run, they opened fire one after another without waiting for the officer to say anything. Almost at the same time, Luo Zheng The incendiary bomb was replaced and targeted at a house.

There are Japanese pirates behind the house, and there are more than one. Sniper bullets can easily penetrate the tree trunks and houses made of mud, but they can only kill one target and cannot achieve the effect of deterrence. The incendiary bombs roar away and stretch in the void. A hot energy shock wave instantly penetrated the house.

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