The strongest soldier

Chapter 464 Attack

Two hours later, the team quietly came to the cliff and lurked. Luo Zheng asked Hook to spread out the reconnaissance wisely to prevent the enemy from ambushing. The others piled the logs on the ground and greased the logs. , someone found tough tree vines and tied them to the thick branches near the cliff, making a swing-like noose. They worked in groups of two. If the distance was not enough, they would lower the logs and lay the branches horizontally to make beams.

Put logs on the noose, and everyone can push the noose to send the logs more than ten meters away, and they will land in the dense forest under the cliff. The logs are thick and the strength of throwing them by people is limited, so they cannot be thrown too far. Luo Zheng lay down quietly. Monitoring the valley base on a cliff, Lan Xue was beside him, glancing at Luo Zheng from time to time. He was relieved to see that Luo Zheng looked as usual and had not lost his fighting spirit due to the shadow.

The moonlight was like water, gently caressing all things on the earth. Luo Zheng looked at the base with firm eyes. While using the breathing method passed down from his family to recover from his injuries, he was thinking about the previous battle situation. With his own speed and strength, he could not stop him. If you can withstand a blow from the opponent, and the opponent is only an elite soldier king, how strong must the strongest soldier king be? When can I reach that legendary height? It seems that there is still a long way to go in the future.

While he was thinking wildly, Lan Xue pushed Luo Zheng gently and said in a low voice: "It's three o'clock in the morning. I believe Shadow has already taken the things and left. Fortunately, Shadow is here, otherwise our work was in vain and they took it away. We don’t even know if we have poison, but we are almost ready, is it time to attack?”

"Don't worry, look at the Japanese pirate base, there is no movement at all, maybe because they feel that the toxin has been taken away, and there is nothing to worry about. Apart from the increased defense, there are no other changes, and there is no intention to search the mountain vigilantly. This shows that they They didn't know that we were here, and everyone is tired. We will rest for an hour before launching the general attack, so we can sharpen our swords and chop wood without losing sight of it." Luo Zheng said softly.

Lan Xue thought for a while, had no objection, got up and went to find Hook. She vaguely felt that Luo Zheng was a little weird, but she couldn't guess what was wrong. After giving Hook a few words of advice, she came to Luo Zheng again. There was not much Said, quietly waiting for the opportunity.

Time passed minute by minute. An hour later, Luo Zheng got up. Hook, who had been impatient for a long time, trotted over and asked in a low voice: "Everyone is almost rested. Can we attack?"

"Well, don't worry, look over there?" Luo Zheng pointed to the front and said: "As soon as the battle starts on our side, the enemy will definitely find out and send troops to attack. That hillside is the only way to go. You can arrange half of your troops to go there. , lay out a large number of traps, it doesn’t matter if the density is higher, let them hide in the woods and wait. If the enemy attacks, everyone will hide in the woods and deal with the enemy, do you understand?"

"Understood, when will the attack be launched?" Hook asked.

"Five o'clock in the morning is the darkness before dawn. During this time, people are most sleepy and weak. The attack will be launched at five o'clock on time. You have one hour to prepare. In addition, the remaining people will prepare to grow vines immediately. If everything goes well, we will start from Keep attacking here, do you understand?" Luo Zheng warned.

"Five o'clock?" Hook thought for a moment and then agreed.

"Why didn't you let everyone prepare early?" Lan Xue asked in a low voice.

"Because I'm not sure whether the enemy will find out. We are all carrying logs and walking continuously, and we are tired. If we continue to prepare for other matters, we will be very passive in case of a sneak attack by the enemy. It is better to rest. If the enemy comes, we will have enough physical strength to escape. They have already Too many people have died, and I don’t want any more unnecessary casualties." Luo Zheng explained.

Lan Xue looked back at Hook, who was commanding, without saying anything, and continued to wait. After a while, many people brought in tree vines. After getting Luo Zheng's permission, everyone lowered the vines down the cliff and tied one end to the big tree. , tried the strength, and it was no problem to withstand one or two people. There were many trees and vines, and it didn't take much time for a hundred people to rush down. Luo Zheng smiled with satisfaction.

At five o'clock in the morning, Luo Zheng stood up, glanced coldly at the moon in the east, with murderous intent in his eyes, looked at Hook solemnly, and said seriously: "Whether this battle can be successful or not depends on everyone, revenge. The time has come, let everyone cheer up and give me a hard beating."

"Understood, brothers, please hold your breath and give us the order." Hook said seriously with a serious look on his face.

"Okay, light a fire and put out poisonous smoke." Luo Zheng said coldly, with murderous intent.

Hook agreed and ran to help. Everyone quickly put the bundled poisonous weeds on the swing. The poisonous weeds were also smeared with grease. At one point, they pulled up the swing and swung it twice, and then let it go. Like a meteorite outside the sky, it was in the void. There was billowing black smoke, which was heart-stopping.

The poisonous smoke was first released to stun the enemy. After waiting for a while, Luo Zheng saw the Japanese pirates coming up to check, his cold eyes burst with murderous intent, and he shouted: "Put out the logs."

"Yes." Hook shouted excitedly. He was energized and shouted a few words to the others behind him. Everyone took action and put the greased logs on the noose. Poisonous weeds were tied to the logs. After lighting the logs, When it started to burn, someone pulled the noose, swung the log high, and then let it out.

The burning logs roared away, lighting up the night sky, like huge meteors, flying quickly towards the cliff, landing on the dense forest, falling to the ground and continuing to burn. More logs and poisonous smoke were ignited, and the scene was spectacular. It was so beautiful. Luo Zheng looked at this scene coldly and smiled when he heard the landmine being triggered and detonated under the cliff.

"Move faster." Luo Zheng shouted coldly, commanding calmly.

Ten minutes later, a large number of poisonous weeds and logs were released, and fires shot into the sky under the cliff. The mines shattered some logs, making it easier to burn. The fire area expanded, and a ferocious fire soon formed. The fire spread driven by the wind. Drive away and swallow up the dense forest.

Luo Zheng listened to the continuous sound of mine explosions in the dense forest, as well as the beeping and burning sounds, and the black smoke billowing. A sneer appeared on his calm face, and finally started. Lan Xue, who was holding a sniper scope to observe, suddenly said : "The enemy has sent out troops, just as you expected, but there are not many, maybe a hundred. They are probably worried that we have a back-up plan, so we don't dare to act rashly."

"A hundred or so?" Luo Zheng sneered and said: "It's best this way. In ten minutes at most, we can go down and kill. After we go down, our goal is to destroy their research equipment in the underground base. As for those people , leave it to Hook and the others to take action."

"That's fine." Lan Xue whispered, and glanced at Guishou and the others. Everyone nodded, with stern expressions, and sharp eyes flashing with strong fighting intent. They wished they could rush down and kill them right away.

"When will we launch the attack? Brothers can't wait." Hook ran away and shouted excitedly.

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