The strongest soldier

Chapter 511 The murderous intention is revealed

The battle is about suppression and counter-suppression. The battle is about who is more ruthless than the other. As long as the hostage is in hand, Luo Zheng is not afraid of the other party's hard work. The tour group will not evacuate the safety belt, and the hostage must not be handed over. Of course, Luo Zheng also knows this. The matter cannot be delayed for too long. Once Tulu loses patience, he will attack with force. He will remain passive until then. His eyes can't help but glance at the two people behind Tulu. One is tall and the other is short. The short one does have a Rendan beard, and the taller one is a little bit taller. It looked familiar, so I couldn't help being surprised. After observing it carefully, I suddenly thought of something. His face turned cold and he said coldly: "I didn't expect you to be the one behind it. You just want to catch me. I'm here. I have the guts to shoot." ."

"This time, you will definitely die." The taller man said coldly, with a calm expression on his face, but the eyes he looked at Luo Zheng were filled with anger.

"Really? In that case, I want to know, why do we want to kill everyone if we have no grievances?" Luo Zheng said coldly, glanced at the short man casually, and sneered: "Short, you are a little devil Bar?"

"Baga!" the short man shouted coldly.

"It's just an appearance. A real warrior will not show anger on his face. Are you still too far behind, or are you deliberately trying to confuse me with your anger?" Luo Zheng sneered disdainfully, looked at the tall man, and saw The tall man looked thoughtful and smiled. He just used this to delay time, and continued: "It's understandable that you paid me to kill me. I resisted and killed you, and I am also cleaning up. There is no hatred. In the final analysis, it is The reasons for your stance, but your face and expression tell me that there is hatred between us, tell me, where is the hatred?"

"I will tell you when you die." The other party said coldly.

"People have evacuated to the safe zone, ghost, find a way to escape quickly, mountain eagle, prepare incendiary bombs to attack." Lan Xue's voice suddenly sounded in the headset.

Luo Zheng breathed a sigh of relief, looked at Tulu, and said coldly: "I leave the man to you, but you sent a speedboat to me, catch up with me, kill me, it's my fate, I didn't catch up, let me run away Yes, my life is good, how about it?"

"No, if you don't hand over people within three minutes, everyone will fight. Your people can't run very far. My speedboat can easily catch up. Don't try to delay time. This is my bottom line." Tulu immediately rejected it. If Luo Zheng was really given a speedboat, who knew what accidents would happen? Tulu, who had already been tricked by Luo Zheng once, decided not to be fooled again.

"Really, just wait." Luo Zheng sneered indifferently, but in his heart he was anxiously thinking of countermeasures. He had to lure these people away, and his eyes unconsciously looked towards a speedboat, which was only ten meters away from him. , only one person could not help but have an idea.

"Hurry up, you have one minute." Tulu shouted coldly, pulled the bolt of the gun, and the war was about to break out, and everyone's hearts were tugged.

Luo Zheng wanted to pull the rope on his hand and detonate the grenade on the hostage. As long as these two people were exploded, he would completely fall out with Tulu. Without any room for maneuver, Tulu would definitely pursue him angrily. In this way, The pressure of the tour group in the other direction was greatly reduced, but when he saw the old lady, his heart softened. Balang could kill him, but the old lady was innocent.

"Forget it, if you have to live or die, let's fight." Luo Zheng gritted his teeth, made a quick decision, and whispered through the headset: "Xue'er, find a way to kill Tulu and create chaos, Mountain Eagle, you The machine gunner in charge will take action if he sees me jumping into the river."

"Understood." The two whispered in unison.

After Luo Zheng made arrangements, he signaled Balang to pick up the unconscious old man. Seeing this, Tulu quickly raised his hands to signal everyone not to shoot, and walked forward, but was pulled by the tall man next to him, reminding Tulu to be careful. Sniper, Tulu is not stupid, he immediately retreated, his eyes fixed on Luo Zheng, for fear that Luo Zheng was up to something behind his back. One is the elder and the other is the successor. In Tulu's mind, neither one of them can have anything. damage.

"I tell you people who are hiding around you that you must ensure the safety of my family before taking action. Otherwise, none of our friends will have anything to do. You can do whatever you want afterwards. I will never stop you and I will strongly support you." Tulu He warned coldly.

The two understood Tulu's mood and quietly made gestures. Although it was important to kill Luo Zheng, they were not in a hurry. In this tropical virgin forest, they were confident that they could do it, not to mention that the opponent was under everyone's gun. Turu, it will be inconvenient to do many things in the future, and the gains outweigh the losses.

Luo Zheng didn't know this. Taking advantage of everyone being noticed by Balang who was getting up, he gave the order to attack. He rolled off the boat and swam quickly towards the speedboat.

"Boohoo!" Almost at the same time, two sniper rifles rang out. Lan Xue and Shandiao, who had been waiting impatiently for a long time, took action and shot at Tulu. Tulu was worthy of being a dominating hero. Seeing Luo Zheng's body As he rolled toward the river, he knew something was going to happen. His body exploded back, barely avoiding the fatal blow. The bullet almost grazed Tulu's chest and hit the heart of the person next to him. It immediately burned and he let out a shrill scream. .

Another sniper bullet fiercely penetrated into the head of a machine gunner and exploded instantly, like a watermelon. The red and white thing bloomed into a coquettish flower in the air. It was extremely weird. The body flew in one direction, and the coquettish blood flowed out. The flowers spread and another terrifying sniper sounded.

The people in Tulu suddenly panicked and ran away, shouting something loudly. The machine gunner was also fierce. He quickly judged the position of the sniper and fired at it. Tulu reacted quickly and immediately checked on his family and found that they were fine. He secretly He breathed a sigh of relief, relaxed his frown, and felt grateful to Luo Zheng for no reason, but was soon filled with hatred. He raised his hand and fired a shot, taking a few steps away from the subordinate who was hit by the incendiary bomb to prevent the fire from spreading. At this time, a burning beam shot over and hit a target.

The man screamed and rolled on the ground. A fierce light flashed in Tulu Triangle's eyes. He raised his hand and shot to end the other person's pleasure. He was hit by an incendiary bomb and there was no way to save him. The best way Just to help the other party escape, Tulu's approach did not arouse resentment among his subordinates. On the contrary, they all aimed at the distance with the same hatred and fired randomly. Everyone was interfered with their judgment and vision by the sniper, and no one paid attention to Luo Zheng.

"Hit me hard." Tulu Lao became angry and roared, and asked his men to jump into the river to help Balang. Balang was holding Lao's unconscious wife and had no way to reach the shore.

"Damn it, that bastard jumped into the river to escape. Sniper, give me the firepower to suppress the opponent's sniper, and let the others shoot into the river." The tall man roared loudly, looking at the chaotic scene, his face turned cold.

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