The strongest soldier

Chapter 513 Escape all the way

On the wide river, more than a dozen boats were spread out, and there were many armed men standing on the boats. They were shooting violently at the bottom of the river with guns, and throwing a few grenades down from time to time. The river was full of killed fish, with white fish bellies floating on them. On the water, it looked extremely miserable, but the shooter had no intention of stopping. The bullets were fired like they were free. No one knew who yelled something. Everyone turned their heads to look, and suddenly saw the river bank in the distance. A man quickly climbed up the bank and burrowed into the bushes on the river bank. He was so fast that he wouldn't have noticed it if he hadn't discovered it early.

These armed men quickly turned their guns and fired at them. They were pursuing the boat and shouting something. At this time, two speedboats rushed over. On one speedboat were five people dressed as ninjas, and on the other speedboat. Sitting there were six people dressed in local costumes, but each of them had livid faces, fierce eyes, and a cold murderous aura exuding from their bodies, and the weapons in their hands were also very sophisticated.

This group of people rushed over, and other boats slowed down to avoid it. After this group of people came ashore, other people also came ashore. At this time, Tulu also came over in a speedboat, followed by Balang and a dozen capable men. Picture Lu quickly gathered his men and asked Balang to lead a team to catch up, while he led other teams to pursue the rear.

When Luo Zheng entered the woods, he thought that there would be many pursuers. The pistol was lost in the river just now. Fortunately, the tiger fang saber was in the military boots. He finally had a weapon. Facing the pursuit of a powerful enemy, Luo Zheng did not dare to be careless at all. He spread his legs and ran wildly, like a wounded tiger, constantly jumping to avoid obstacles in front of him.

While running, Luo Zheng didn't know how far he ran when a river appeared in front of him. The water was not deep and the surface of the river was not wide. He could just walk across it. Luo Zheng had an idea and ran along the river. In this way, his traces would be gone. It disappeared, and it would take some time for the pursuers to catch up.

After running for about a thousand meters, the water gradually became deeper. Luo Zheng saw a dense forest on one side and rushed over quickly. The forest had towering trees and exposed tree roots on the ground. There were no weeds or shrubs and the surrounding area was shady. Luo Zheng, who was sweating all over, felt much more comfortable, and continued running while holding Hu Ya.

Half an hour later, Luo Zheng felt that his lungs were going to explode. He had to slow down and gasped for air, but he did not dare to stop. Firstly, he would be injured if he stopped running at high speed. Secondly, the pursuers would arrive at any time and he needed to hurry. We distanced ourselves and looked at the sky. At noon, the sun was scorching the forest, making it unstoppable.

After jogging for about ten minutes, Luo Zheng judged the direction and ran towards the direction where Lan Xue and others were evacuating. After taking a few steps, he suddenly thought that this was not appropriate and would attract the pursuers. The people from the tour group should leave. I was unhappy. Once I was bitten by the pursuers, I would be in trouble. After thinking about it, I gritted my teeth and ran in the opposite direction.

Running all the way, Luo Zheng didn't know how far he ran. Where he ended up, there was still a vast forest ahead with no end in sight. The continuous running consumed a lot of energy and water. Fortunately, there was no shortage of water in the tropical rainforest, and raw water cannot be drank directly. , but kudzu vines, grape vines, kiwi vines, schisandra vines, etc. are all rich in water. This water contains vitamins and can be drank directly.

Hunger, thirst, fatigue, and heat are not the biggest problems when running. The biggest problem when running in the tropical rain forest is blood-sucking leech. They bite the upper body unintentionally, absorb blood, and spread diseases. They are difficult to prevent and very hateful. Luo Zheng ran for a while and found He stopped to take a breath under a big tree, and slapped his arms vigorously to knock off the biting locust. This kind of leech that has bitten the upper body cannot be pulled out, it will be pulled out, and the remaining section may penetrate into the body surface, then It's even more troublesome. Burning, cutting with a knife, and slapping the side to knock it off are all feasible methods.

Luo Zheng picked up his tiger fangs and chopped down a grapevine. He poured the water inside into his body to replenish his body. If one grapevine was not enough, he chopped down a few more grapevines. After drinking enough, he continued on his way. Suddenly he saw wild garlic in the bushes not far away. He couldn't help but I'm very happy that applying garlic juice on the body can prevent locusts and can also prevent hunting dogs from chasing me to a certain extent, but the smell is unpleasant.

At the critical moment of life and death, Luo Zheng couldn't care less and rushed over, quickly pulled out the wild garlic, cut off the garlic leaves with his tiger teeth, left the garlic head, crushed it into juice, and smeared it on his body, face, hands and feet, as much as possible Wipe some, then bury the rest, make a good disguise, look up at the sky, it's almost dusk, and continue on the road.

It was getting dark, but Luo Zheng still didn't dare to be careless. Among the enemies were ninjas, killers, and warlords who were familiar with the jungle. No matter who they were, they were masters of jungle warfare. He couldn't escape the pursuit at all. The best way was to run away. , keep running, run as far as possible, it is best to run directly back to the country.

However, a day of running at high speed was too much for his body. If it hadn't been for recent hard training, Luo Zheng's body would have been unable to bear it long ago. Unknowingly, he came to a deep forest. The trees here were tall and dense, almost blocking the sun. , the ground is cool and damp, and the dead leaves are rotting.

This kind of place is a place where poisonous insects breed. It is best not to go in. Luo Zheng wandered around the periphery for a while with some fear. He gritted his teeth and said that a good thing has come in. The danger is fair. It is dangerous to himself and to the pursuers. He ran continuously. One day, my body couldn't bear it anymore, and it was dark and I couldn't walk on the road. I had to find a place to rest for a night. Dangerous places are also good choices.

After walking into the woods for a while, Luo Zheng felt something crawling on the ground. He squatted down and saw that they were poisonous scorpions and red poisonous ants. These things should not be messed with. Once bitten, it would be very troublesome. Looking ahead, There was an aura of terror in the depths, and Luo Zheng stopped with some fear.

The road ahead must be very difficult. Luo Zheng stared ahead with a solemn expression, a hint of worry appeared in his cold eyes. Suddenly he saw the vines hanging down from the crown of the tree, one by one like ropes, and he couldn't help but have an idea. , grabbed a rope to run, and swung forward. There was a tree in front of him. Luo Zheng pushed with his feet and used the force to swing away. When the force reached the end, the rope reverberated in the opposite direction, and Luo Zheng used the force to climb up a tree. On the branches of a big tree.

The branch of the tree was as thick as a thigh. Luo Zheng stood on the branch, holding on to the main trunk and looking forward. There was no end to the deep woods in front of him, as if leading to hell. Luo Zheng looked around with some fear, and suddenly heard the faint sound of wolves and dogs. Come on, the sound is a bit far away, it will take some time to run over.

Luo Zheng knew that the pursuers were coming, and his eyes narrowed. He didn't expect to catch up so quickly. There was danger in front of him, and there were pursuers behind him. Luo Zheng gritted his teeth, grabbed the vines, and swung towards the deep woods. But he died and fought hard. Fortunately, there was rope swing training at the army base, and Luo Zheng was familiar with this technique.

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