The strongest soldier

Chapter 578 Undercover meeting

Luo Zheng saw this scene and smiled. The leader was killed. The pursuer had no command and was considered useless. At this time, explosions sounded one after another, shaking the forest in the dark night, and countless sleeping people. The birds woke up and flew into the night sky in panic, making frightened cries.

Immediately afterwards, fatal gunshots rang out, and bullets roared out from the surrounding woods. Like hungry wolves, they threw the target to the ground and devoured the opponent's life mercilessly. There were explosions and precise shooting. The sound completely stunned the pursuers, and without the leader's command, they became disorganized and started running around.

Enemies without morale are like lambs. Of course, we will not let go of such a good opportunity. We will catch up and fight hard. We are all smart people. We will hit the ones with torches first. The invisible enemies are even more like lambs waiting to be slaughtered. Let’s vent our anger. With the anger in his heart, Luo Zheng also rushed forward, shooting every enemy in sight, and poured all his anger on the pursuers.

This was an unequal battle. When the pursuers were in chaos, there was no way to organize resistance. A few brave ones were eliminated by everyone's precise shooting. When the torches were extinguished, the pursuers could not see, let alone With the ability to fight back, and everyone wears night vision goggles, this problem does not exist.

Luo Zheng fought his way to the bonfire and saw the pursuers who had been killed by bombings everywhere. Their limbs and pieces of flesh were all over the ground. The blood had stained the ground. There were fewer and fewer gunshots around him. He couldn't help but let out a sigh of relief and felt cold. He looked at the dark forest around him, a sneer appeared on his indifferent face, and said to Shi Qingshan who was following him: "Clean up the battlefield and evacuate immediately to prevent the pursuers from coming."

"Yes." Shi Qingshan did not expect that after Luo Zheng's adjustment, Bu's thunder would be so powerful. This ability to grasp the enemy's mind is too terrifying. This kind of person is definitely difficult to deal with. Fortunately, he is one of his own, making the enemy worried. Go ahead. He puffed up his chest and agreed immediately. He looked at Luo Zheng with eyes filled with deep respect.

The battle ended quickly. Everyone cleaned the battlefield and took away all the useful materials they could, such as weapons, ammunition, dry food, etc. Without rear support, they could only fight to support the battle and survive by seizing. Ten minutes later , the team formed two lines and followed Luo Zheng in a circuitous way towards Kuntai Group.

After the battle just now, the team's morale is high and everyone is confident. The original worries about Kuntai's nearly 10,000 armed forces have disappeared. As long as the tactics are proper, it is not impossible to fight. Everyone is full of confidence in Luo Zheng and completely accepts it. Luo Zheng's command.

During the rapid march, Luo Zheng didn't think much about the battle just now. This scene really didn't matter to Luo Zheng. Although there were many militants, they lacked training and their tactics were backward. They were no different from a mob. As long as the tactics were proper, He can definitely defeat the opponent. His mind is full of worries about Lan Xue. The strange dream just made Luo Zheng even more nervous. He doesn't know how Lan Xue is doing?

Unknowingly, the sky got brighter, and the team came to a hill to stop and rest. Luo Zheng looked around, and saw the endless mountains and green trees in front of him, with no end in sight. The sky was gray, and it looked like it was going to rain. , the wind is getting stronger gradually, we must hurry up and hurry up, otherwise we will not be able to reach the meeting point within the specified time.

Everyone ate some dry food and continued to march quickly. They didn't encounter any more pursuers along the way, and the march went smoothly. Two days later, at about ten minutes to twelve o'clock in the night, everyone arrived at the agreed place. Luo Zheng signaled everyone to hide around and stand by, leaving him alone. People walked over and came to the waterfall.

The waterfall is not big, and the pool is full of fallen stones. It looks very clean. The moonlight shines like water on the river, reflecting soft and beautiful waves. The gentle breeze blows the surrounding woods, making a rustling sound. Standing on a rock, with his hands behind his back, he looked at the moonlight quietly, his heart full of worry.

"Whoa, whoa, whoa," there was the sound of footsteps. Luo Zheng suddenly became vigilant. His whole body tensed up, and he turned to look in the direction of the sound. He saw a man in a white dress floating over, with long hair flying. With light steps, Luo Zheng was startled. He didn't expect it to be a woman. He didn't move and stood quietly, looking at the other person. Before confirming the other person's identity, Luo Zheng would not take the initiative to speak to avoid being exposed.

The woman in the white dress came closer and muttered a few words first. Seeing that Luo Zheng was unmoved, she immediately switched to Chinese Mandarin and said, "Who are you?"

"Pangolin." Luo Zheng said lightly.

The other party's body was shaken, and he quickly came forward in surprise. He looked at Luo Zheng with a shocked face and said, "Were you responsible for the explosion a few days ago?"

"Yeah." Luo Zheng nodded noncommittally and looked at the other person with some curiosity. Through the moonlight, Luo Zheng found that the other person should be around thirty years old, with an oval face, a mature beauty, and a plump figure. He couldn't help but said curiously: " I didn’t expect you to be a woman, why did you use this code name?”

"This code name belongs to my husband." The other party explained, looking a little depressed.

Luo Zheng could see that the other party's eyes were full of pain when he said these words. There was obviously a story in it. He didn't plan to ask more questions, lest the other party would be sad. He jumped off the stone and asked: "I want to know if Lan Xue has any Caught by Kuntai's people? Where are they detained? "

"I don't know, I haven't heard of it." The other party said with certainty. Seeing Luo Zheng's disbelief, he couldn't help but smile bitterly and explained: "You may not know that I am a dead person. If I don't activate it until the last moment, Kuntai Kill In order to take revenge, I applied to be an undercover agent. I once said that I would never expose Kuntai if I was not absolutely sure to kill him. It said that you blew up Kuntai’s underground cave and were capable of killing Kuntai. It also said I have been through the matter between you and Lan Xue. I know the pain involved, so I agreed to the arrangements above. I hope you won’t let me down."

"What's your name?" Luo Zheng looked at the other person in surprise and said, with a touch of respect in his eyes. A woman who can avenge her dead husband's danger is worthy of admiration.

"My husband is from the intelligence brigade, and I am an investigator from the border armed police. Now I will continue to work as an undercover agent for the Kuntai Group in place of Pangolin. I am not even a member of the intelligence brigade, so just call me Pangolin." The other party looked around warily and explained in a low voice. road.

"Okay, we have a common enemy." Luo Zheng's face darkened and he said seriously.

"Kuntai happened to be away on the night of the explosion. When he came back, he was furious. He sent many people to look for you and vowed to take revenge. However, when you exploded, he suffered heavy losses, internal instability, and military morale. It was indeed a good opportunity to take action. Tell me, what do you need me to do?" Pangolin said firmly, his eyes filled with the expectation of revenge.

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