The strongest soldier

Chapter 727 One Shot Kills

Snow bears are cunning. They don't try to rescue their comrades when they are injured. Instead, they suddenly start disappearing and disappear into the vast snowy mountains. They secretly carry out roundabout attacks from under the snow. This tactic is very clever. If you are an ordinary person, wait for a while. If there is still no trace, he will definitely think that he has escaped. When he comes out of the bunker, he will become a living target.

But Luo Zheng knew how powerful this group of people was, and asked everyone to wait patiently for about half an hour before finally discovering the whereabouts of the enemy. At this moment, Luo Zheng showed a hunter's smile and lowered his voice through the headset: "We have found the target, you are ahead of us. We should also ambush the enemy, don't act rashly, and don't shoot easily when you find the target. Let's play slowly with these bastards. Whoever gets anxious first in this game will die."

Everyone knew the meaning of Luo Zheng's words. Shooting meant being exposed and would be attacked. If there was no retreat route, shooting rashly would lead to death. This kind of thing could not be done. We must act in unison. Everyone agreed in a low voice and continued to wait. fighter plane.

After Luo Zheng locked the target area, he did not fire immediately, but continued to wait patiently. The target was in the snow, and he could not grasp the specific location. He only had one chance to shoot, and he must not waste it. After waiting for a while, Luo Zheng I found another dent in the snow, and then a helmet slowly rose up.

"You bastard, you finally came out." A sneer appeared on Luo Zheng's angular face, and his eyes became colder. He quickly aimed at the helmet, but did not shoot immediately, but waited patiently. He had been waiting for so long Luo Zheng doesn't mind waiting a little longer.

Soon, Luo Zheng found that the helmet disappeared. Luo Zheng moved his body, waved his hands to relax, and continued to look ahead. He found that the helmet came up again. Soon, a face also appeared in the sniper scope. Luo Zheng observed After checking the sniping conditions, the distance was 633 meters, the wind speed was level 2, and the snow was reflective, resulting in poor visibility and easy misunderstanding. Luo Zheng did not fire and continued to wait.

This person may have realized that there was no danger, so he slowly emerged from the ground and climbed forward. His body was covered in white camouflage and looked like a pile of snow. He was not crawling very fast. If you didn't pay attention, you wouldn't notice at all. Luo Seeing this scene, Zheng sneered and quickly aimed at the opponent's head. After thinking about it, he lowered the muzzle and aimed at the opponent's shoulder.

The target was still crawling forward, a little faster. Luo Zheng slowly pressed the trigger with his index finger, calmed down, adjusted his breathing, and put himself into a sniper state. His cold eyes suddenly exploded, and a terrifying blast burst out. With all his energy, Luo Zheng took action.

"Whoops!" The bullet hole bounced out of the sniper rifle, making a crisp sound. The sniper bullet rushed out of the gun chamber with Luo Zheng filled with murderous intent, spinning at high speed, tearing through the space barrier, and drawing a terrifying line in the void. The energy shock was overwhelming, and the buzzing sonic boom was even more devastating.

"Poof!" The sniper bullet fiercely penetrated into the target's shoulder, tearing open the shoulder blade. After the impact of the bullet was blocked, it began to rotate irregularly, completely mincing the muscles under the shoulder blade. The bullet entered the inner cavity and continued to rotate, messing up the target's internal organs. It turned into a pot of porridge, stopped, and the bullet remained in the target's body. The target screamed and then stopped moving. His eyes were wide open, and his fingers pointed at Luo Zheng's hidden position, refusing to rest in silence.

Luo Zheng was full of confidence in his shot. He didn't even need to see the result. After shooting, he quickly rushed out of the bunker without even bringing a backpack. He rushed to one side with the sniper rifle in hand. While running, Luo Zheng heard a sound The sniper gun rang out, and I was horrified. I kicked my feet hard, and fell down in front. I used my hands and feet hard, arched my body, jumped forward, and then jumped a few meters ahead again, hiding behind a rock.

This position was calculated by Luo Zheng a long time ago. Shooting means exposure. After exposure, a bunker is needed. Luo Zheng thought of this problem when digging a snow cave to hide, so he dug the snow cave not far from the stone.

"Boom!" Another shot rang out, and the bullet hit the boulder and made a collision sound.

Luo Zheng, who was behind the boulder, let out a long sigh, huddled up, and did not immediately launch a counterattack. Now that he was exposed, he believed that the enemy was staring at him, waiting for him to poke his head out to die. Lan Xue's concerned voice came to his ears, After Luo Zheng adjusted his breathing, he lowered his voice and said: "Kill one. There are ten enemies in total. One person was killed just now. The mountain eagle brothers injured one person. Three people have lost their combat effectiveness. There are seven more people. Be careful."

Luo Zheng didn't know that one person had been killed in the snow cave before. At this time, the mountain eagle suddenly said: "If you find a suspicious target, do you want to shoot?"

"Is there an escape route?" Luo Zheng said in a low voice.

"Don't worry, Cunning Rabbit doesn't have three burrows, but one burrow is still no problem." The mountain eagle said calmly in a low voice. As an excellent sniper, the mountain eagle will naturally consider the problems after shooting before hiding.

"Look for an opportunity to shoot. You only have one chance. After the fight, retreat immediately. Don't worry about the result. These people are very powerful. If you hesitate even a little, you will lose the opportunity. Hide and don't move around." Luo Zheng warned in a low voice.

"Understood." The mountain eagle agreed.

Luo Zheng waited for a while, but did not hear the shooting sound of the mountain eagle. He guessed that the opportunity was lost. After thinking about it, he lowered his voice and asked: "Ghost Hands, Snow Leopard, spread your observation, look for fighters, and kick the butts of these bastards. "

"Understood." Guishou and Snow Leopard had been waiting impatiently for a long time. When they heard the mountain eagle's order, they agreed excitedly, took out their bunkers, climbed up from the slope, and watched the front vigilantly, looking for the target.

The icebergs and snowfields fell into silence again, as if nothing happened around them. Snowflakes were flying in the air and slowly fell on a corpse. The snow around the corpse had been dyed red, and the sunlight shone on it, reflecting a strange light. The red light is shocking.

Luo Zheng hid behind the boulder and did not move. The enemy was too strong and there was no chance for a sneak attack. If he went out rashly, he would be destined to die. He continued to challenge the enemy to compete for patience. He had already placed three people in the room. It should be the enemy who was anxious at this moment. Suddenly, he heard something in his ears. Lan Xue's voice came: "Found the target, prepare to shoot. Don't worry, there is a backup bunker."

"Be careful." Luo Zheng felt relieved after hearing what Lan Xue said.

"Damn it, it's gone back again, it's still the same slope, there are two people there." Lan Xue said in a low voice, with endless anger in his words.

Luo Zheng smiled and said: "They are not allowed to hide yet. Let's continue to fight against them. These people will not retreat until we are defeated. We finally took the initiative. If we retreat, we will face endless pursuit. Now there are only two sniper points exposed. There are five of us. The enemy will not launch a general attack until they know the positions of the other three. Let's kill them slowly." After saying this, a confident smile appeared on the cold face.

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