The strongest soldier

Chapter 751 Join forces to kill the enemy

In the quiet night, on the quiet stone mountain, there was a faint breath of death in the void, which made people shudder. Luo Zheng realized that this situation was very unfavorable to everyone, and calmly stared at the target ahead, his cold eyes became It became even colder, with traces of murderous aura pulsating, and his face was as deep as iron, and he said coldly: "Since it is a dead situation, neither attack nor retreat is possible, then let's fight and play out all the enemy's trump cards."

"It's okay, all analyzes refer to one-sided speculation and lack of evidence. It's okay to fight. But, how to fight? Otherwise, concentrate your firepower to kill one person first. If the enemy still doesn't move, kill them one by one." Lan Xue suggested. , the tone was cold and filled with chilling murderous intent. This dead situation made Lan Xue angry.

"Okay, others don't move and monitor the enemy's situation closely. Xue'er, take sniper cover while I change positions." Luo Zheng agreed. After telling Lan Xue the hiding position of the enemy directly in front, he crawled forward, as if walking at night. The python stalked on the rocks without making a sound.

A few minutes later, Luo Zheng took advantage of the cover of the surrounding strange rocks and quietly detoured for a certain distance before stopping and searching for the target again. He found that one leg of the target was within the shooting range and most of his body was covered by the rocks. Unless he continued to climb up, he would not go any further. Taking a detour risks exposing yourself.

Luo Zheng quickly set up his sniper rifle and aimed at it. As soon as the cross coordinates locked the target, he found that the target's legs had retracted, as if he was aware of the danger. Luo Zheng was shocked. He had such a strong sense of danger on the battlefield that he quickly retracted and hid. , no matter the abnormality.

After waiting for a while, there was no movement from the enemy. Luo Zheng slowly crawled forward for a certain distance. After hiding again, he searched with his head and found that the target was still behind the big rock, but he had changed his position and it was not easy for him to lock on it. He had to go back in front again. Only a few angles are enough. I hesitated and continued to move forward in a roundabout way.

While crawling, Luo Zheng's body moved up and down along with the stones on the ground, swimming slowly. Under the moonlight, he looked like a slithering python without making any sound. After a while, Luo Zheng's body slid down to a low level. Among the concave stone peaks, he slowly stood up, huddled under the stone, and looked forward through the gap.

This time, Luo Zheng saw the target, and he was hiding in the stone peak. It was difficult for the target to hit him. He was determined and quickly took aim. Just as he was preparing to shoot, he found that the target ducked to one side again and disappeared from the sniper scope. , Luo Zheng was shocked, and suddenly Lan Xue's voice came from the headset: "The target exposed his calf."

"Kill." Luo Zheng whispered angrily, letting the opponent run away twice. This enemy was too slippery and he would never let it go if he had the opportunity. Luo Zheng believed in Lan Xue's sniping skills and immediately prepared a shot. Prepare.

"Whoops!" A sniper gunshot broke the tranquil stone mountain, which was extremely weird.

"Oh?" A low muffled voice was faintly discernible under the quiet night sky.

After Luo Zheng discovered that the target had been hit, his body instinctively shrank back a little. This shrinkage just exposed his body to his sniper scope. He couldn't help but be overjoyed. He quickly calmed down and got ready to shoot. However, The moment he pulled the trigger, Luo Zheng noticed that the opponent suddenly threw himself on the ground and disappeared into the sniper scope.

"Want to run?" Luo Zheng quickly moved the muzzle of his gun down and locked the target again. However, he was shocked to find that the target was also aiming at him, and he was also using a sniper rifle. He couldn't help but be horrified. He fired hard, fought hard, and pulled the trigger without hesitation. When the trigger is triggered, the master will fight, either hiding or fighting. You must not hesitate, otherwise you will definitely die.

This shot saved Luo Zheng's strategy of dying together. This was also a helpless choice. Even if he hid, he might not be able to avoid the sniper's lock. It was better to fight.

"Boom!" The two fired almost at the same time. The sounds of the two bullets overlapped and made a strange low-frequency sonic boom. It was frightening. After Luo Zheng fired, he had no time to dodge and saw sparks flying in front of him. The crisp sound shocked my eardrums, but I didn't feel the bullet hit me, so I couldn't help being startled and quickly dodge.

The surroundings were quiet and there was no sound. Luo Zheng took a big breath and tried to calm down his nervousness. This feeling of being sniped was devastating. It took him a while to calm down. He pricked up his ears and heard Lan Xue's questioning voice. There was a sound in the headset: "It was the sound of two people shooting at the same time. Are you okay?"

"It's okay." Luo Zheng agreed and looked carefully, only to find that a large piece of the stone next to the stone crevice in front had been torn off by the bullet. This large piece happened to block his head. If the stone hadn't blocked the bullet, There was no doubt that he would die, and he couldn't help but feel scared, and his back was covered with cold sweat.

Luo Zheng turned around and leaned on the stone next to him, gasping for air. Thinking about the thrilling shot just now, his heart beat violently. Suddenly, the voice of a mountain eagle lurking in the direction of the back mountain came from the headset: "A large number of people were seen appearing from behind. They are coming over. They are in the distance." About two kilometers.”

"What's going on on the left and right sides?" Lan Xue asked in a low voice.

"Normal." Guishou and Snow Leopard asked in a low voice.

"Ghost, what's your situation?" Lan Xue continued to ask.

Luo Zheng calmed down his nervousness and whispered: "The target doesn't know whether he's alive or dead, sniper cover, I'll go confirm."

"I'm afraid we're running out of time. If we discover the enemy behind us, we must make a decision as soon as possible." Lan Xue reminded.

"Give me two minutes." Luo Zheng insisted. He almost died in the opponent's hands just now. It felt uncomfortable not to check whether the opponent was alive or alive. He carefully poked his head out and found that the target was still lying on the ground through the cracks in the stone. Without moving, Luo Zheng took aim again angrily and pulled the trigger.

"Phew." The sniper bullet penetrated the opponent's head without any suspense. In the sniper scope, Luo Zheng saw that the opponent's head exploded and it was impossible for him to survive. He couldn't help but let out a sigh and was very happy. If it weren't for the stone beside the stone seam, Without a block of cover, the desperate sniper fight just now was a lose-lose outcome.

"The target is clear, Xue'er, keep covering, I'll go take a look." Luo Zheng whispered, climbed out of the stone recess, and walked forward. After walking out of the stone mountain vigilantly, Luo Zheng accelerated suddenly, like a cheetah running in the night. , and soon came behind the boulder and squatted down to check.

The target was wearing a black robe, dressed like a local, and was using an SVD sniper rifle. Luo Zheng opened the opponent's body and found nothing of value, so he confiscated the opponent's sniper rifle and bullets and was about to make a roundabout way. Going to one side to attack other enemies, Lan Xue's urgent warning came from the headset: "No, a large number of people were spotted one kilometer ahead."

Luo Zheng was shocked. He turned around and raised his binoculars to take a look. Sure enough, he found a large number of people running up. There were some small cars behind these people. He put down his binoculars and began to think. There were pursuers in front of him, and a suspicious team was also found behind him. There were also death ambushes on both sides. If you rush out, you will die. What should you do?

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