The strongest soldier

Chapter 832 Something big happened

After confirming the division of labor, everyone dispersed and prepared to go. Luo Zheng was sitting alone in the living room, making tea and drinking by himself, while thinking about Charlie's various attack possibilities. With the lineup around him, Charlie wanted to make a sneak attack. It's very difficult. If it were you, what tactics would you choose?

After thinking for a while, Luo Zheng saw the staff responsible for cooking, sanitation and gardening packing up their packages. Lan Xueli escorted everyone out of the villa, returned and sat diagonally across from Luo Zheng, whispering: "Give them a week off. They experienced fighting scenes and were scared to death, and no one complained. In addition, I asked Shi Feng to dispatch people from the police station to help with cooking and cleaning. By the way, how will you arrange the people He Shan and the others brought? "

"No one knows their identities, and they have not been exposed. I want to arrange for Xiaodao to lead the gangsters to find information about Charlie. The police will lead the gangsters to find someone, hehe." Luo Zheng said, laughing himself.

"You are the only one who can do such an unruly thing, but let alone, the effect is good. The police have received professional training and know how to find people, and the gangsters are familiar with the area, so the effect will definitely be good." Lan Xue said with a smile.

Seeing that Lan Xue also agreed to do this, Luo Zheng called He Shan, Huang Lei, Jin Xin and Zhang Bao to explain the arrangement. The four thought about it for a while and had no objection, so Luo Zheng asked them to do it for themselves. The person called and made an appointment at the rendezvous point, leaving Gui Shou to take charge of the arrangements. Gui Shou and Xiao Dao were familiar with each other, so it would be most appropriate for him to come forward.

Everyone was busy, but Luo Zheng became the most leisurely person. After drinking tea for an afternoon, he did not wait for Charlie to attack. Instead, bad news came from Niu Gang. The captured ninja did not speak and was very stubborn. , the interrogation report that was supposed to be obtained early in the morning did not fail to say that the other party survived until dusk and died. The only prisoner was Ike, but Ike knew what he knew and couldn't find out anything else.

All the clues were broken. Luo Zheng reluctantly walked out of the room and inspected the surroundings. Unknowingly, it was getting dark. The people Shi Feng found had already prepared dinner. Everyone rotated in batches. After Luo Zheng finished eating, Continuing to rest in the living room, Hongmeihua ran over, sat diagonally opposite and said: "After observing for a day, Mrs. Liu's mood is quite stable. Don't worry too much. The day has passed and Charlie has not moved. Will he hibernate?" ?”

"It's hard to say. You are the most familiar with him, so you should tell me this answer." Luo Zheng said with a smile.

"Based on my understanding of him, he will definitely retaliate, and the retaliation will be very fast and violent. However, there is no action on this one. It's a bit weird. I want to hear your opinion." Hong Meihua said truthfully.

"I estimate it will be tonight. This is our country. He doesn't dare to go too far. Attacking at night is the most suitable. However, I don't know what method he will use." Luo Zheng said a little depressed.

The two chatted for a while. Luo Zheng asked about Charlie's past behavior. Hong Meihua didn't hide anything and told him one by one. This made Luo Zheng understand Charlie a little deeper. He vaguely felt that Charlie was very similar to him, and he couldn't help but Be more vigilant and think about it carefully. There are no loopholes in the defense. How will Charlie write?

Unknowingly, the time came to eight o'clock in the evening, and the sky turned completely dark. Considering safety needs, the lights outside the villa were still on. Everyone hid in the dark and monitored every move around them. Luo Zheng suddenly felt uneasy, as if there was something wrong. The feeling of approaching fatal danger was mysterious, but it saved Luo Zheng's life several times.

Luo Zheng did not dare to be careless, his face darkened, and he quickly said through the headset: "Attention, all units, brace yourself. Be careful, the enemy may appear."

Everyone's calm answers came from the headset. Luo Zheng came to the living room window and looked calmly at the dark night sky and quiet community outside. He didn't find anything unusual. He couldn't help but become suspicious. Lan Xue came over with a sullen face and asked in a low voice. :"What's wrong?"

"I don't feel good." Luo Zheng said truthfully.

Lan Xue knew that Luo Zheng's intuition was very sensitive. Since he felt the danger, it meant that there was real danger coming. His face was stern, and his cold eyes flashed with a fighting spirit. He immediately looked at the red plum blossom and said, "It's possible that Charlie is coming. Now, what attack method do you think he will choose?"

"It's hard to say. It's very difficult to attack on the ground. The possibility of attacking from the air is zero, unless it's underground. However, I have checked the underground drainage outlets. They are very small and cannot accommodate people. It is impossible to penetrate from underground pipes. However, since If you sense danger, you need to take emergency measures." Hong Meihua became serious and suggested.

"How?" Lan Xue asked.

"Our biggest weakness is the mother and daughter. As long as we protect them, everything else is not a problem. This villa has an indoor garage, which is fully enclosed. The door is closed so no one can enter. There is a ventilation fan. It can ensure the air inside." Hong Meihua suggested.

Luo Zheng was startled, then nodded and agreed, saying: "To be on the safe side, let's make this arrangement."

"Okay, I will make arrangements and protect them both personally. I remember there is a car in the garage. If necessary, I will drive and evacuate alone." Lan Xue looked at Luo Zheng seriously and said.

"Okay." Luo Zheng said seriously.

Lan Xue hurriedly deployed. Not long after, Luo Zheng saw Lan Xue taking Mrs. Liu and her daughter downstairs and entering the indoor garage from the side door. The door was locked from the inside. Luo Zheng felt a little calmer and looked at Hong Meihua said: "Thank you for the reminder. With our defense and military strength, if it were you, how would you choose to attack?"

"It's impossible on the ground and in the air, only underground. But I can't figure out how they will attack." Hong Meihua said thoughtfully, her eyes serious.

"Underground?" Luo Zheng also pondered. There is no way for people to pass through the underground pipeline. How will Charlie attack? Luo Zheng couldn't figure it out, so he came to the command room and saw Lan Xing and several information police officers busy. The screen kept switching between surveillance videos. Lan Xing stood up and looked at Luo Zheng in surprise.

"Have you noticed anything unusual?" Luo Zheng asked in surprise.

"No, do you want to ask the secret whistle?" Lanxing asked. When Luo Zheng nodded, he asked through the headset: "The secret whistle on the periphery reported the situation."

After waiting for a while, no one answered. Luo Zheng was shocked and looked at Lanxing. Lanxing asked again, but there was still no answer. Lanxing immediately asked the members of the serious crime team who were on guard outside, but there was no answer. He suddenly realized that something had happened and was anxious. He asked Zhou Gang and others who were lurking on the roof, but there was no answer.

"Something happened." Luo Zheng was taken aback and quickly pulled out his pistol and continued: "Keep calling and notify me immediately if there is any situation." He rushed outside.

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