The strongest soldier

Chapter 898 Analysis of the Case

"I understand the situation, and I will support you in finding him, even if it means all your family property. Doesn't that person want money? I'll give it to you. You can find a way to get in touch with that person. As long as you can rescue him, you can pay all your family property." It doesn't matter, this is what we should do." Father Lan warned with a serious expression.

"Dad, thank you." Lan Xue said gratefully, with a bitter smile on his face. At this point, it was no longer a matter of money, but Lan Xue didn't want to say these words to avoid making his father feel uncomfortable. After thinking about it, , said: "I'm here to say goodbye to you. I'm going to find him. I won't come back until I find him."

"You?" Lan's father looked at Lan Xue with panic on his face. Seeing Lan Xue's resolute face, he knew that it was useless to persuade him. He suddenly understood a little and said bitterly: "I have taken revenge, but I have to lose my beloved daughter. It would have been long ago." Knowing this, I might as well not take revenge, what kind of evil have I done?"

"Dad, don't say that. Family revenge must be avenged. If not, how can you be worthy of my mother? I am also a arrogant child. As for him, this may be his life. Don't worry, we will definitely come back. I firmly believe that if we can , take care of his family for me, he has a sister who runs a company." Lan Xue said imploringly.

"Don't worry, I'll make arrangements right away, whether it's injecting capital into her or acquiring her, as long as she likes it, whatever it is will do. In short, I won't lose her." Lan's father agreed without hesitation.

"Well, she doesn't like help from others for no reason, so just say that you owe her brother a favor." Lan Xue sighed, went to her room to pack some things and put them in her bag, and then came to the living room again, where she saw her father sitting in a stalemate. Looking at the photos on the wall, Lan Xue glanced at her mother in the photo, sighed, and left in a hurry.

After getting in the car, Lan Xue drove straight to her grandfather's residence, while communicating with Guishou and others. The body had been handed over to the police for disposal, and everyone had evacuated the scene. Lan Xue asked everyone to find a place to stay, and drove to a certain military restricted area. , walked into the courtyard, and saw an old man squatting on the ground, burning paper and praying, it was grandpa.

Lan Xing helped beside him, sobbing and throwing the yellow paper into the brazier. Lan Xue also walked over, picked up the papers one by one, and threw them into the brazier, thinking about his own concerns. What is the importance of mother to Lan Xue and Lan Xing? , a very distant thing, no memory of it, revenge. At this moment, the two found that their mother was beside them, looking at them with a smile, which was a strange feeling.

After a while, after the paper money was burned, Mr. Li asked the guards to take away the brazier, and motioned Lan Xue and Lan Xing to come to the living room of the courtyard. Everyone sat down, and Mr. Li said seriously: "The great revenge has been avenged, and my wish has been fulfilled. This is thanks to one person, you know this person, now he is in danger and must find a way to rescue him."

"Grandpa, is there any news?" Lan Xue asked in surprise.

Mr. Li did not answer immediately, but looked at Lanxing. Lanxing nodded knowingly and said: "Sister, I checked. During the inspection last night, there was a car that was not checked. It had the license plate of the Sam State Embassy in the country. The registration and filing documents are also from the embassy. I have contacted the Ministry of Foreign Affairs, but the other party made a clean push, expressed ignorance, and claimed that it was a set up and the documents were also fake.”

"Sam Country?" Lan Xue's face turned cold, and she snorted coldly. She suddenly thought of something, her face changed drastically, and she couldn't help but think deeply. She sorted through all the things that had happened recently, and her face became solemn.

"What did you think of?" Mr. Li asked in surprise.

"Well, grandpa, didn't you say that there was a group of people who diverted the pursuit of Shadow and Drunkard? You also said that their action style was similar to that of spies. It seems that this matter is related to the country of Sam. The spies of Sam country cooperated with Tang Tian to plan The whole thing." Lan Xue analyzed seriously.

"What do you want to explain?" Mr. Li keenly felt that there was something in Lan Xue's words and couldn't help but ask.

"He once said that the person he killed last time may not be the real Charlie. He suspected that Charlie was someone else. Judging from a series of recent events, it is impossible for Tang Tian to do this. It should be Someone else is planning it, Tang Tian is just executing it, maybe this person is the real Charlie." Lan Xue said with a complicated expression.

"What?" Lan Xing said in surprise, looking at Lan Xue blankly with a look of disbelief on his face.

"Has he really had this suspicion?" Mr. Li asked curiously. Seeing Lan Xue nodding affirmatively, he couldn't help but think deeply. After a while, Mr. Li continued: "The intelligence brigade also has this suspicion, and the report is still with me. , it seems that the coincidence may be true, and only a person like Charlie can set up such a big scheme, plan every step of the way, and plot against us."

"Well, Guishou suspects that Tang Tian's extortion of a huge ransom is just a smoke bomb, and the kidnapping is just the introduction to the whole plan. There are two purposes, one is to kill Song Tao, and the other is to kill him. The link of kidnapping Blue Star is very critical, because the smoke in front Now, we suspected that Tang Tian’s purpose was ransom, so we agreed to exchange hostages, but in fact Tang Tian’s purpose was to control him, hand over the evidence to us, and just use our knife to kill Song Tao." Lan Xing analyzed angrily. , the dignified national sword elite was being manipulated by others, which made Lan Xue very angry.

"Judging from the current development, they succeeded. If this is the case, after they kidnapped the ghost, they quickly arranged for the Sam Country embassy car to take away the ghost. Others may be hiding in the embassy. We evacuated this morning After obtaining the inspection card, they took the opportunity to sneak out of the capital." Mr. Li analyzed along Lan Xue's train of thought.

"Yes." Lan Xue replied feebly with an ugly face.

"What a sophisticated calculation. It's really like Charlie's style. Is Charlie really still there?" Mr. Li frowned and pondered. Guoban lost. He lost miserably. This made Mr. Li very angry. After a while, Li A ray of light burst out from Lao Wei's closed eyes, and he said: "The kidnapping of Song Tao's wife is a lure, the crossroad sniping is a demonstration, and the kidnapping of Lan Xing is a trap. The purpose is to exchange hostages and trick us around. This person who made the plan is too What’s scary is that there is no flaw at all.”

"The most critical link is the evidence. They know how much we attach importance to the evidence, and they took advantage of our revenge mentality. They not only killed people with a borrowed knife, but also took the opportunity to escape. This person is too scary. What's even more terrifying is, how could they want us?" Evidence?" Lan Xue frowned and analyzed seriously.

"If it's an agent of Sam Country, then it's possible." Mr. Li said thoughtfully. Seeing that Lan Xue didn't quite understand, he continued: "The attending doctor was once bribed by an agent of Sam Country. Perhaps because of some unexpected coincidence, The evidence fell into the hands of the agents of the Sam Kingdom. This is no longer important. The top priority is to rescue the ghost. I have contacted the military and set up checkpoints at the border. What do you think?"

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