The strongest soldier

Chapter 912 Peaceful Valley

As people grow older, Luo Zheng's abnormal physique and gunshot wounds made the old man think a lot and worry a lot, so he had to be more careful. However, Luo Zheng's eyes were filled with stars and he couldn't find the strength to answer. At this time, the young man excitedly He ran over, holding a pottery bowl in his hand. The contents inside exuded a delicate fragrance. When Luo Zheng smelled the fragrance, his stomach rumbled unsatisfactorily, and he couldn't help but smile in embarrassment.

This detail fell in the eyes of the old man. Seeing that Luo Zheng could still maintain his sense of shame despite being like this, the old man couldn't help but secretly breathed a sigh of relief. A person who knows his integrity can't be bad no matter how bad he is. He motioned to the young man to bring it up, and the young man agreed. With a sound, Luo Zheng helped Luo Zheng sit up. Luo Zheng smiled gratefully, took the pottery bowl, thanked him, and started drinking.

"Young people, if you don't make up for your weakness, you have to slow down." The old man reminded kindly.

Luo Zheng agreed, but he didn't care about this much. He cooked rice with meat. He didn't know what kind of meat it was. It was very light and sweet. Luo Zheng drank a few big sips, took the wooden chopsticks handed over by the young man, smiled awkwardly, and continued After eating, after a while, a bowl was poured into his stomach. He handed the pottery bowl to the young man with unfinished thoughts. The old man smiled. Through various details, he found that Luo Zheng did not look like a bad guy, so he murmured a few words in dialect, and the young man agreed to go. .

After the young man left, the old man continued: "Can we talk now?"

"Thank you for saving me. It's not that I don't want to tell you, but my identity cannot be disclosed." Luo Zheng explained awkwardly. This old man is not simple. His eyes are so powerful that he seems to be able to see through everything. He should be a wanderer. , a well-informed person, there is no point in lying, as it cannot be hidden from the other person's eyes.

"Why?" the old man asked in surprise.

"I can only tell you, it's a state secret." Luo Zheng said truthfully.

Upon hearing this, the old man's expression became serious. He thought for a while and said, "Well, with your body, you should be able to go to the ground after three days of recovery. Please leave by yourself then. Our village has been isolated from the world for thousands of years. No. Contact with the outside world, I don’t want your appearance to disturb the quiet life here.”

"I understand, thank you." Luo Zheng agreed.

"Your life was discovered by the kid just now and he carried you back. When he found you, you were in the river with nothing on you. I asked someone to take off your clothes and wash them clean. I'll get them to you," the old man said. Get up and walk outside.

Luo Zheng found himself lying on the bed naked this time. Fortunately, there was a sheet. His face turned red. He saw the young man running in excitedly, holding a pottery bowl in his hand. Luo Zheng took it gratefully and continued to eat. The young man looked excited. Luo Zheng didn't understand a word of what he was saying, so he had to smile bitterly. After eating, he felt much better in his stomach, so he handed the pottery bowl to the young man.

At this time, the old man came in, holding Luo Zheng's clothes. Luo Zheng took a look and saw that the tights were still there, as well as the belt. He secretly breathed a sigh of relief. The tights were state secrets and must not be lost. The old man put the things on On the bed, he said: "Looking at your belt, you are obviously a practicing master. There was some cash in the pocket of your clothes. They were all soaked by water. I couldn't use them anymore, so I threw them away. The others are all there. Look what's missing." ?”

"Quite a bit." Luo Zheng said gratefully. As long as the tight-fitting clothes were on, nothing else was a problem. A wave of fatigue came over him, and he couldn't help but yawn.

The old man nodded and said: "You have recovered well from your injuries. It is a miracle that you can survive such a high fever. Your vitality is the strongest I have ever seen. By the way, the five gunshot wounds on your back have been scabbed. Don't worry, just have a good sleep and you'll be fine when you wake up." After the old man finished speaking, he said a few words to the young man and left.

Seeing that Luo Zheng couldn't understand what he said and lost interest, the young man walked out of the room and closed the wooden door. Luo Zheng was sure that these people had no ill intentions and used the family's breathing method to sleep peacefully.

When he woke up, the sun was shining brightly outside. Luo Zheng didn't know how long he had slept. He felt much better and his physical strength had recovered a lot. He couldn't help but be overjoyed. He moved his body a little and found that there was no serious problem, so he put on his clothes and pants. , put the belt around his body again, and found that the shoes had been wiped and looked very clean. He couldn't help but be overjoyed, put on his shoes and walked out of the cabin.

Walking outside, Luo Zheng found that it was surrounded by a valley with tree-lined roads and many wooden houses built in the woods. There were also many wooden houses on the mountainside on both sides. They were well-proportioned and seemed to me very coordinated. A young man was practicing archery not far away. It was a hard wooden bow with ordinary arrows. There was a triangular iron arrow set on the front end of the hardwood. The target was a big tree. Many people of the same age were watching the fun and joking around.

In the woods, there are smoke from many wooden houses, and there are also some wooden fences, which contain pheasants, hares and other things, as well as black goats. They must have been hunted by the people here and kept in captivity to eat. The valley is filled with There is a peaceful atmosphere, like a paradise where chickens and dogs can hear each other.

Luo Zheng wished to go here at a glance, but he also knew that this was not his place. He had to go out as soon as possible and pass on the news that he was alive to Lan Xue to prevent Lan Xue from doing something stupid. Thinking of this, Luo Zheng's calm heart became worried. A voice came from behind: "How is it here?" It was the old village owner.

"It's simply a paradise without fighting against the world, but it's too austere. It's unfair to the children. They should receive a better education." Luo Zheng said with a smile.

"So what if you get a good education? In the end, you live in fame and wealth. Why bother? Life doesn't bring it, and death doesn't take it away. Ordinary life is a blessing, and desirelessness is true. A person's life goes round and round, and in the end he returns to the starting point. Even if he becomes successful and famous, and turns into a pile of loess in the end, who will still remember him after he dies?" The old man said lightly, his cloudy eyes shining with the vicissitudes of life that have seen through everything.

Luo Zheng was startled, and after thinking about it, it was really like this. He couldn't help but smile and said: "What you said makes some sense. This is a philosophical question. Philosophical thinking about life, whether it is a dull thing or a vigorous life, it doesn't matter whether it is right or wrong. It all depends on what you desire in your heart and how you choose it. Although a short-lived flower is sad and beautiful, it has also bloomed, but you must be worthy of heaven and earth, and worthy of your own conscience."

"Are you a soldier?" the old village leader suddenly asked.

"Why do you say that?" Luo Zheng asked in surprise.

"Your attitude towards life has told me that only soldiers can have this kind of philosophy and use the metaphor of epiphyllum to describe themselves. The epiphyllum blooms brilliantly in life, even for a moment. You soldiers fight for the country, on the battlefield of iron and blood. The sparks of life erupted from above, which makes the same sense." The old village leader smiled and felt relieved.

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