The strongest soldier

Chapter 920 Failure at the beginning

The helicopter flew all night, refueled in the Northwest Military Region and continued westward. When it was approaching the border, the helicopter flew at an ultra-low altitude and took a circuitous route through the canyon to avoid being detected by the radar of the neighboring country. Unknowingly, it entered the border of the neighboring country. The pilot was from Guoren and his flying skills were top-notch. Everyone sat on the helicopter and took a nap to recharge their batteries. Once the battle started, there would be no time to sleep afterwards.

In the middle of the night, the helicopter came to a valley, and the green light rang in the cabin, which was just a signal for everyone to prepare to jump out of the plane. Everyone suddenly opened their slightly closed eyes, and a fighting spirit burst out, and they quickly entered into battle preparations. Lan Xueleng He shouted coldly: "Check the equipment and prepare to rappel."

Everyone checked the equipment. Three minutes later, everyone felt that the helicopter was hovering in the air. The cabin door was unlocked. Everyone opened the door, threw ropes from both sides, grabbed their bodies and jumped down quickly. People were in the air, Shuangjia clasped the lower end of the rope, stood straight down, and quickly ran forward a few steps after landing. He stopped and knelt down to aim forward, staring sharply ahead, with high alertness.

Soon, everyone descended. The pilot put away the rope, closed the cabin door, and turned around. Luo Zheng calmly stared at the dark night sky around him. The dark mountains stood like monsters, and the moon and stars were sparse. , the earth is gray, and there is no forest in the mountains, they are bare.

The five people formed a tacit understanding of the ring defense and watched the surroundings vigilantly in case they were ambushed. After making sure there were no enemies around, Lan Xue said: "Headquarters has landed. It's safe."

"Your position has been locked. March at a speed of fifteen kilometers per hour. It is estimated that you can reach the enemy's temporary station in five hours. The enemy has stopped advancing. They fought a battle with your friends an hour ago and they suffered little loss." Hong The sound of plum blossoms sounded in everyone's headsets.

"Search forward." Upon hearing this, Luo Zheng ordered immediately. The helicopter roared loudly, and the enemy would hear it if it went further. It was almost done here, and you could only rely on yourself for the rest of the way.

Ghost Hand and Mountain Eagle were on the left and right, and the other three people fell behind about ten meters, maintaining a triangular formation and distance, and rushed forward quickly. Luo Zheng was in the middle of the back row, calmly staring into the depths of the night. The wilderness is not quiet late at night. Various crickets are chirping, and occasionally there are strange calls from big birds.

The team walked along the ridge. The moonlight was hazy, but it was enough to see the road. There was no need to wear night vision goggles. The mountains were bare, with no woods or shrubs. There were only some low grass and exposed stones, which did not affect the walking. , everyone said nothing and walked on silently.

Unconsciously, I ran for more than an hour. The road ahead was still full of mountains. It seemed that there was no end in sight. It was dark and there were no coordinates to refer to. Fortunately, with the guidance of the blue star, I finally did not deviate from the direction. Luo Zheng looked up at the night sky and saw the moon. We had already reached the east and were about to fall. I couldn't help but look up at my watch. It was already four o'clock in the morning. It was estimated that I could catch up with the enemy after dawn.

Thinking of the enemy's massacre of his brothers' troops, Luo Zheng was filled with anger. He couldn't help but tighten his grip on the steel gun and speed up his pace. In order to ensure his physical strength, Luo Zheng switched to the traditional breathing method and quickly marched, and soon entered an ethereal state, as if My senses have become stronger, and the sounds of wind and insects around me are particularly clear.

After about half a minute of rapid march, Luo Zheng suddenly felt a slight uneasiness in his mind, as if there was danger approaching. In the state of the breathing method taught at home, Luo Zheng's ability to predict danger is much stronger than in the normal breathing state. This kind of Uneasy emotional warnings often indicate impending danger. Luo Zheng did not dare to ignore this feeling. His face was stern, he quickly checked his surroundings, and said through the headset: "Stop moving forward."

"What happened?" Lan Xue and Hong Meihua's voices sounded in everyone's headsets almost at the same time.

Everyone looked at Luo Zheng and secretly became vigilant. We had been fighting side by side for more than a day or two. Knowing that Luo Zheng's battlefield intuition was very keen, especially his intuition for danger was better than everyone else's, they all realized that there was a situation. This kind of cooperation would be red plum blossoms. It was the first time, and he continued to ask in surprise: "What's wrong?"

"It feels wrong, it's too quiet in front." Luo Zheng said in a low voice and gestured for everyone to lurk in place. He also lay on the ground and raised the telescope for observation. The telescope was the latest high-tech device developed by the National Blade Equipment Brigade. It is a technological and military product that does not have night vision. It also has an infrared thermal imaging function. It can see up to about ten kilometers in the dark, but it can't see anyone, so I can't help but be surprised.

"There is no one in the wilderness, just be quiet. What did you find?" Hong Meihua asked curiously. For Hong Meihua, she is familiar with spy wars. She doesn't know much about this kind of desperate battle. Seeing Blue Star make a gesture, He signaled himself not to ask any more questions, so as not to interfere with his thinking. He immediately realized that he was a little impatient and nodded immediately.

Luo Zheng did not give up his observation. He stared coldly at the surroundings. After observing for five or six minutes, he found nothing. He couldn't help but be surprised. This intuition saved his life more than once. There was nothing wrong with it. However, there was indeed no enemy around. Why? Will this happen? Does the enemy's combat uniform have the function of preventing infrared detection or thermal imaging?

"Nothing is found, what should I do?" Lan Xue put down the telescope and whispered.

"Battle formation, Ghost Hand, you open the way, Mountain Eagle, you cover, Snow Leopard, you take the rear, we are in the middle, responsible for both sides." Luo Zheng made a quick decision and said coldly.

"Yes." Everyone agreed immediately, the team dispersed, and continued to move forward according to Luo Zheng's plan.

After walking for about half an hour, she didn't encounter any danger along the way. This made Hongmeihua curious, wondering if Luo Zheng had made a fuss about it before. Just as he was about to ask, a gunshot rang out.

"Whoops!" It was a sniper bullet, a very sudden shot without any warning, which broke the peaceful night. The sound rang out in the wilderness, like the grim smile of the god of death, which made people collapse. When everyone heard the gunshot, they immediately chose He lay down on the spot, put the sniper scope in his eyes and looked around. He didn't see any enemies. Luo Zheng was horrified and asked in a low voice: "Where was the shooting? Is anyone injured?"

Everyone said that they were not injured, except that one Snow Leopard was missing. Snow Leopard was responsible for cutting off the back. Everyone looked back in surprise, only to see Snow Leopard lying on the ground, motionless. Luo Zheng was shocked and quickly lowered his voice and shouted: "Everyone." Don't move, Snow Leopard, how are you?" There was endless anxiety and worry in his words.

The snow leopard remained motionless and did not answer. Luo Zheng's face changed drastically. He gritted his teeth and crawled towards the snow leopard warily. His sharp eyes were filled with intense worry, which was particularly clear under the moonlight.

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