The strongest soldier

Chapter 986 Seizing the Hilltop

The enemy's atrocities completely angered Luo Zheng. Unable to contact the outside world and wait for help, Luo Zheng even gave up holding on to save himself and directly chose to counterattack and resist the enemy's bullets. This was not a blind death. It's a strange trick to survive in death.

Because Luo Zheng knew very well that the enemy was well prepared and must have made comprehensive arrangements. For example, the sneak attack at the bottom of the slope. Although only three lines of fire were exposed, Luo Zheng did not dare to bet that there were not more. Another example was that the enemy kept suppressing it with cold shots. The guard company counterattacked, and then used RPGs to directly bomb the cars. The fight was methodical and slow. If everyone wanted to survive, the best way was to stand still and wait for help.

Facing a well-prepared enemy, if you want to survive, you must disrupt the enemy's rhythm and go in the opposite direction instead of waiting for help. Counterattack is undoubtedly the best choice. Shi Tao leads the people in front. , all ten people dispersed, keeping a distance of about ten meters between people, three people formed a triangle, three triangles formed a large triangle, and ten people invisibly maintained a triangle attack formation and rushed forward.

Shi Tao took the lead and rushed forward, roaring angrily: "Fuck your grandma's bastard, come out if you have the guts, old cow, die or not, lead your people forward, three o'clock direction, don't worry about anything else." "

"Understood." A voice not far ahead shouted loudly, like a furious tiger in the heavy rain. It was Niu Gang. With just a few words, Niu Gang understood what Shi Tao meant and knew that the team had a major breakthrough. The decision was made because he didn't have time to inform himself. He didn't care about the bullets that were fired at him. He howled wildly and shouted with unruly and pride: "Brothers, charge with me and stand up to these weaklings."

"Kill!" A dozen voices echoed from all corners, and they all turned out of the bunker, and like the god of death suddenly emerging from the ground, they rushed forward without fear of death.

Luo Zheng had just recovered from his injuries and could not withstand the fierce battle, but he had no problem running. He grabbed Ishii Haru and rushed forward, following closely behind the team. He saw the intensive gunshots and roars that were not afraid of death. , and the sound of trampling rain as he ran, Luo Zheng smiled. With such a team, even the enemies in front of them would be swallowed up by this murderous aura.

The soldiers of the guard company were infected by the fighting spirit of Niu Gang, Shi Tao and others, and they screamed fearlessly and rushed forward. The dense bullets formed a fire net, and wherever the enemy's firepower was exposed, they Wherever it is shrouded, the enemy will not dare to fire easily.

The almost suicidal counterattack brought a powerful attack momentum. The team roared forward like a torrent of steel. In the world of heavy rain, an astonishing murderous aura broke out. This murderous aura seemed to pierce the sky. Luo Zheng's blood boiled. Following closely behind, holding Ishii Haru in one hand, he looked around with cold eyes. Whenever he saw an enemy firing, he raised his hand and fired back a few times. After a while, the pistol was empty of bullets. There was no time to replace the bullets. Luo Zheng quickened his pace. Follow the team and rush forward.

After a while, everyone rushed to the mountain peak. Without waiting for Luo Zheng's order, they all dispersed their guard and guarded the entire mountain peak tightly. Luo Zheng threw Ishi Jingchun on the ground, only to find that the other party had bled to death and had many wounds on his body. There were two new bullet holes. Looking at the bullet holes, Luo Zheng was secretly grateful that Ishii Haru was a human shield.

"Take statistics on the team and prepare for battle. Those beasts haven't left yet. Officers above the class have come to my place for a meeting." Luo Zhenghan roared with a face on his face. His voice was like thunder, rolling away on a rainy night and spreading far away. Far away, as if the entire sky was about to collapse.

"Yes." The officers who heard the order stood up and shouted.

After a while, all the officers above the class gathered in front of Luo Zheng. The platoon leader reported the situation of each platoon. All the situations were summarized. Luo Zheng was saddened to find that six soldiers had been killed and eighteen injured in the charge just now. The bodies of the soldiers were placed on the ground. Being washed away mercilessly by the heavy rain, the eyes on Qingchun's face were closed forever.

Luo Zheng led the officers to the fallen soldiers. With a heavy heart, stern eyes, and endless anger, he shouted: "Salute, brothers, don't walk too fast, watch us take revenge." His voice was full of endless grief and anger. Echoing in the rainy night, lingering for a long time.

Everyone stood up, even the wounded, and solemnly stood up straight, saluted, and bid farewell to the fallen brothers. In a military manner, Luo Zheng put down his hands and looked down the mountain with a stern expression, his eyes like torches, as if they could pierce through All the sharp swords shouted: "Brothers, the enemy is still below, numbering about sixty or so. Their deployment has been completely disrupted by us. Now, I order you to hold on to the mountain. As long as you persist for one hour, victory will belong to us. Everyone, please take action to gain honor and avenge your brothers."

"Yes." Everyone roared in unison.

"The platoon-level officers stay and the others disperse." Luo Zheng continued.

The squad officers returned to their respective posts one after another. Luo Zheng glanced at the platoon officers with stern eyes and landed on the highway ahead. His whole body was exuding a chill and he said with a livid face: "Everyone, there are many enemies. Come prepared. , but no matter what, this is a shame for our soldiers. We must entangle this group of enemies, not let them escape, and get in touch with the outside world immediately."

"I tried it just now, but it still didn't work. The signal was interfered with." A second lieutenant said quickly.

"It seems that the enemy has not given up. Very good. The guard company is responsible for staying on the mountain peak and waiting for reinforcements, Niu Gang and Shi Tao." Luo Zheng said coldly.

"Here!" they both shouted in unison.

"I order you to lead the troops to attack from both sides, hang together with the enemy, hold the enemy back, and not let them escape. There are twenty of you and sixty of the enemy. I believe you can also see that the enemy's They are very powerful in combat. They are not ordinary gangsters. They are well-trained. They are either killers or soldiers. I suspect that they are reincarnation killers and death killers who have joined forces. Are you confident?" Luo Zheng asked coldly.

"Yes." Niu Gang and Shi Tao roared without hesitation. As soldiers, even if there are mountains of swords and seas of fire in front of them, even if there are wild beasts in front of them, they must rush forward without hesitation and use their own chests and their own flesh and blood to build a A great steel wall, defeating and destroying the enemy.

"Go." Luo Zheng looked solemn and shouted. Ishii Haru said the words about the Demon Slayer Operation. Luo Zheng knew about the Demon Slayer Alliance, so he naturally knew that tonight's operation was against him, and he must sell off the enemy's stolen goods. The arrogance continued, but unfortunately the injury had just healed and he could not fight in person, so he had to hand over the task to Niu Gang and Shi Tao.

"Yes." The two agreed without hesitation, led their respective teams down the mountain, and disappeared into the heavy rain.

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