The strongest soldier

Chapter 995 Follow the clues

The next morning, the fourth squadron conference room.

The core members of the squadron all joined the meeting to discuss the case. Hong Meihua glanced at the exhausted people and said with a smile: "It took a day of investigation, but I finally got something. Blue Star, you go ahead."

"Yes." Blue Star agreed and continued: "I traced Cheng He's phone number, and all the callers verified it. It was indeed limited to members within the base, and did not contact anyone outside the base. However, in tracing Cheng He's room I discovered something special when looking at the network IP.”

As he spoke, Lanxing typed on the keyboard, and a person quickly appeared on the projection screen. Lanxing continued: "According to the IP, we found that Cheng He had five contacts with this person. The identity of this person has been verified. He is Sam." A Chinese intelligence officer, they used an Internet phone, and the call content has been deleted and difficult to recover, which shows that Cheng He’s computer skills are not bad.”

"Sam Nation intelligence officer?" Luo Zheng said with a surprised frown.

"The dramatic thing is that this person was arrested by their intelligence agency just one day ago for unknown reasons and where he was held." Blue Star continued.

"Oh? Could it be that the mission failed and he is under investigation?" Guishou said suddenly from the side.

"There are too few clues to draw a conclusion. We are organizing forces to trace the whereabouts of the other party." Blue Star replied.

"It's really weird here. Since there is no news about Cheng He, let's attack this person first. In this way, I propose to go to Sam Country, with me leading the team, to try to find this person, and see if we can pass him Find Cheng He." Luo Zheng suggested seriously.

After everyone heard this, they began to think deeply. Hong Meihua thought about it and thought it was feasible, so she said, "I agree with this proposal. What support do you need?"

"I, the Ghost Hand Team, that's all for now. We need a safe house." Luo Zheng said.

"There is no problem with the safe house. Sam's country has one ready-made. I will arrange it. Will there be too few manpower?" Hong Meihua reminded worriedly.

"I'll go." Lan Xue suddenly said, her tone firm and unquestionable.

Luo Zheng knew Lan Xue's temper, and no one could persuade him to decide what to do. After thinking about it, he thought it was feasible, so he nodded and agreed. Hong Meihua did not object and added: "Then it's settled. It's a big deal, and I won't Go there, Blue Star, you are responsible for satellite and intelligence support."

"Yes." Blue Star said quickly: "It's best to take me with you. After all, the distance for information support is too far. Once the satellite is lost, we won't be able to provide any support. Besides, Sam Country's information warfare capabilities are super strong and they will definitely be able to detect me." With the support of satellites, interception will be troublesome. If we are on site, as long as there are information transmission towers and the like, we can provide intelligence support to everyone without using our satellites."

"That's fine." Hong Meihua thought that this was the first mission since the establishment of the squadron. It must not be missed. One more person would bring more strength, so she agreed, glanced at everyone, and continued: "Leave the equipment issues to me. Come and prepare. In addition, we need the support of the intelligence personnel of the National Security Bureau stationed in Sam State so that we will not be completely black when we get there. We also need the support of the Ministry of Foreign Affairs, otherwise it will be difficult to get through."

"No problem, I'll be responsible for communication." Lan Xue agreed.

"Okay, then it's not settled." Hong Meihua said seriously: "This is our first battle since our establishment. Failure is absolutely not allowed. We must arrange to leave the country as soon as possible. We must find out the intelligence officer when we arrive in Sam Country. Is there any problem with the personnel’s detention location, Blue Star?”

"No problem." Lan Xing estimated the time in his mind and agreed firmly.

After the meeting, everyone prepared to go. In the afternoon, news came from the Ministry of Foreign Affairs that a large business inspection group happened to be passing by. Everyone mixed with the business inspection group and entered Sam Country through diplomatic channels. A dozen people mixed in with the large business group of nearly a hundred people. The inspection team does not show mountains or leaks.

Everyone immediately prepared and took a helicopter to the capital. They dressed up as businessman bodyguards and blended in with the crowd to board the plane smoothly. A business inspection team was temporarily formed. Many of them did not know each other. Everyone blended in the crowd and did not speak. They sat at the back of the plane, which was fine. Muddle through.

Along the way, everyone kept a low profile and did not communicate with each other, as if they did not know each other. When they arrived in the capital of Sam Country, it was already the second night. After successfully leaving the country with fake ID documents, everyone came to the hotel to stay with the business delegation, and then Gather in a guest room for a meeting.

Hongmeihua took out the phone, turned on the speakerphone, and dialed the headquarters phone number. Everyone's phone calls were specially encrypted and used a secure channel. It would take time to monitor and decipher, but she was not afraid of being discovered. After the call was connected, the deputy captain of the intelligence team quickly said without waiting for anyone to ask: "The location of the other party has been found and is being held in a secret stronghold. I will send the address and coordinates to your mobile phone."

When Luo Zheng heard that there was progress, he was immediately overjoyed. Soon he heard the notification sound on his cell phone. He opened it and saw a GPS navigation map, which clearly displayed the coordinates and street sign names. Blue Star turned on the computer and entered the coordinates into the computer. After a while, , a surveillance picture appears in front of everyone, and the picture is sent to everyone's mobile phone.

It was a villa. There were several people in black suits swimming around the villa, always watching the surroundings with vigilance. The villa was surrounded by green trees, and it was dark and it was difficult to see clearly. It was impossible to determine the situation inside. Blue Star continued Typing on the keyboard, Hong Meihua said next to her: "Get the blueprint of this villa as soon as possible. Let's take a rest tonight. Tomorrow morning we will divide into two groups to keep an eye on them. Guishou and I will be in the same group, Ghost and Lan Xue will be in the other group. Stay in the hotel and don’t move around to avoid exposure.”

"Yes." Lan Xing and Niu Gang, deputy captain of the Ghost Hand Operation Team, agreed quickly.

Everyone went back to their rooms to rest, while Lan Xing was busy. As an information person, he must make as many preparations as possible before taking action. Luo Zheng returned to the room and saw Lan Xue coming in, so he motioned for Lan Xue to sit down and talk. , opened the bottle of mineral water and handed it to Lan Xue, while saying: "You seem to be in a bad mood."

"Well, my intuition tells me that this matter is not simple. It may be dangerous to investigate tomorrow. It's a very strange intuition. I don't know if it is right. I want to talk to you." Lan Xue said.

"A woman's directness is very accurate. You are right. This thing is really weird. I also feel something is wrong, but I don't know what is wrong. I can only take one step at a time. Go to bed early? Only by replenishing your energy can you fight. ." Luo Zheng said with a solemn expression.

"You also feel something is wrong? Then there must be something wrong." Lan Xue looked at Luo Zheng in surprise. When Luo Zheng nodded, he continued in surprise: "Do you think it is a conspiracy?"

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