Facing Gogeta's terrifying attack, Goten was very calm. Every move he made was accurate in taking Gogeta's fierce attack and turning it into nothing.


A terrifying tremor sounded throughout the Kaishin Realm.

What caught everyone's eyes was an extremely terrifying scene.

Time seemed to have stopped at this moment, causing Gogeta, Son Gohan, Old Kai, God Jepitel, Piccolo, Trunks, Tien Shinhan and others in the distance to stare with their eyes wide open, full of disbelief.


With disbelief and confusion on his face, Gogeta opened his mouth uncontrollably and spit out a large mouthful of bloody acid. Then his body flew backwards like a cannonball, completely out of control.

Until this moment, everyone saw that Son Goten was still in a punching posture, arrogantly watching Gogeta fly backwards like lightning, plowing a huge gully across the entire Kaioshin Realm.

"hair...."What happened?"

Son Gohan, Piccolo, Trunks and others were bewildered. They felt as if time had lost touch with them. The moment before, they were still trembling with the power of Gogeta and shocked by Goten's outrageous words.

But the next second, Gogeta, who was the synonym of invincibility in their eyes, was beaten away by Goten without any warning.

"Is Goten's power higher than Gogeta's at this moment?"Son Gohan was so shocked that his body was shaking. Apart from this explanation, he couldn't think of any other reason to explain this shocking scene.

"I am afraid……"

An old but trembling voice sounded in everyone's ears. Everyone turned around and looked at the old Kai who spoke, only to find that he was staring at Son Goten. He trembled and said,"He is more terrible than me, than you, and even than Gogeta imagined."


In Son Goten's unskilled attack, the old Kai keenly sensed a trace of power that did not belong to the Kai realm.

That was... the power of time.

But how is this possible? ?

A Saiyan, a seven-year-old Saiyan, mastered the power of time?

This joke is not funny, but rather a bit scary.

"Old Ancestor, what are you talking about?"

Although God Jebit's face was full of disbelief, there was still a hint of stupidity in his eyes. He had never expected or noticed the strangeness of the moment when Son Goten defeated Gogeta just now.

"Just wait and see, there will be an answer soon."

Old Kai was in no mood to explain to God Jebit and the others at this time. He looked at Son Goten who slowly retracted his fist in the sky and did not pursue the victory. His voice was a little trembling, and it was so low that no one except Piccolo could hear it."Since he has shown such power, he should not hide it anymore. Is it what I guessed? If so,……"

In the end, Old Kai did not say anything more.

But his attitude this time attracted the attention of Piccolo and Son Gohan.

The two looked at each other and saw the worry in each other's eyes.

But at this time, both Son Gohan and Piccolo knew very well that they could do nothing, let alone stop the continuation of this battle.

Yes, they believed that with just such a blow, Gogeta would never be defeated.

The battle would definitely continue.

Because, that was Gogeta, the strongest warrior of the fusion of Son Goku and Vegeta!!..

After a while, Gogeta, who had smashed countless mountains in the Kaioshin Realm and plowed a huge gully that stretched for thousands of miles and was hundreds of miles wide, finally stopped in a mountain.


Unlike the bloody acid water that spurted out in front of Son Goten, this time, Gogeta spurted out blood. He lay in a huge pit buried by countless boulders, his body covered with fist marks and scars.

""What happened just now?"

Gogeta lay in the darkness in a daze, still recalling the fight with Son Goten. Although his attacks failed to defeat Son Goten, and were easily taken by the opponent every time, it was still a stalemate between the two sides, neither of them giving in. But in an instant, a terrible warning arose in his heart, and he was directly defeated by Son Goten.

The attack was so fast that he didn't even react.


"I was only hit by Goten once, why is every part of my body telling of the pain of being attacked countless times?"

Feeling the feedback of pain from every part of his body, Gogeta's mind was clearer than ever before:"At that moment, I seemed to be disconnected from the surrounding space, no, time, I seemed to be out of touch with time."



As a combined warrior of Son Goku and Vegeta, Gogeta's grasp of the abilities of both is more than the multiplication of the two. His understanding of teleportation and even space is far beyond that of Son Goku.

To be a little conceited, Gogeta is even sure that there is no one in the universe who knows more about space and teleportation than him.

However, after excluding the factor of space, there is only one incredible answer left in Gogeta's mind.


Only the strange and terrifying power of time can make his body seem to have endured countless attacks before he can react.


Gogeta wanted to get up, but the severe pain in his body told him that he seemed to have reached his limit under the blow from Son Goten, and could not continue to withstand more intense battles, which made him frown.

However, this little pain could not even hit Son Goku and Vegeta.

How could Gogeta, a combined warrior, lose his fighting spirit and admit defeat?


The golden light, accompanied by a scarred figure, pierced through the sky again and caught everyone's eyes. In the next moment, less than 0.00001 seconds later, Gogeta had crossed thousands of miles and appeared in front of Son Goten, and blasted him with all his strength.

Instant movement plus Gogeta's sudden attack.

This attack is almost unsolvable.

【At the end of the chapter: Please give me rewards, flowers, monthly tickets, recommendation tickets, and all kinds of support. If not, please leave a comment. Just don’t make me feel like I’m alone. 】

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