In the living room of the Sun family,

Son Gohan sat obediently next to Eliza, facing the questioning of his old mother with a serious face, while Son Goten happily ate melons and watched the show beside him.

"Hey, Goten, what's going on with Gohan and that girl?"Sun Wukong lowered his voice, put one hand in front of his mouth, and asked next to Sun Wutian.

My mother hen.

Sun Wutian shook his head repeatedly, he was still confused.

However, Sun Wutian rolled his eyes and soon came up with an idea.

"Sister Bidili, what’s going on?"

"That sister Elisa and my brother are in love?"

Sun Wutian nudged Bidili next to him with his elbow, with a look of curiosity on his young face. What exactly is going on today? With the mentality of watching the excitement, he tried to stimulate the development of the Shura Field.

However, Bidili's attitude disappointed Sun Wutian.


Videl looked at Goten in surprise, and then looked at Gohan and Elisa, who were holding hands and ready to face the interrogation and test of their old mother Chi-Chi, with an expression that said you don't know.

Not to mention Goten and Goku.

Even Chi-Chi, who cares about Gohan the most, is still confused.

Seeing Goten approaching with curiosity and confusion, Videl took a deep breath, lowered her voice and slowly began to tell Goten something that Goten didn't know in his ear.

"Ah this?"

"You mean, when Eliza discovered that my brother was a Saiyan Superman, she thought that my brother was full of justice, but shy and timid, and did not dare to show his true identity to be a hero. Later, she was gradually conquered by my brother's talent, and finally they got together?"

"Then by chance, your best friend Sister Iresa let slip that my brother is a Saiyan Superman. After you witnessed my brother's strength several times, you repeatedly wanted him to teach you martial arts but he refused. Finally, after Iresa's pleading, my brother agreed to teach you the Air Dance Technique?" The more Goten talked, the weirder his expression became. How could the plot be so magical?

He thought carefully about the original plot in Dragon Ball. It seemed that there was indeed a short clip in which Gohan transformed into a Saiyan Superman and flew to the rooftop of the school, rushing to school, without realizing that Iresa was also on the rooftop and discovered his secret.

But Goten really didn't expect that the plot of this world would actually start to collapse from here?

No wonder when Majin Buu was causing trouble on Earth and Gohan was almost killed in the battle, Goku took everyone to the Temple of the Gods, and Bidi Although Li was very sad, she did not notice any intimate behavior between the two.

So, there was no sign of these two people.

Was it his mother Qiqi's wishful thinking?

Wait, what if that's the case?

Sun Wutian looked up and down at Videl. She was young and youthful, with a delicate face that was still a little green. Her face without makeup was full of collagen. Coupled with her tall figure, she was a perfect model of a high school beauty.

Then he looked at Eliza who was sitting next to his brother in front.

Well, his brother has a good eye. She is also a beauty.

And she was born with blonde hair.

"Oh my god, born blonde, if brother and Ireza get married, won't the baby they have be a born 'Super Saiyan' with blonde hair?"Goten's thoughts strayed for a moment, and then he quickly gathered his thoughts and continued to gossip with Videl about Gohan and Ireza.

Listening to Videl's occasional topics about Gohan and Ireza, and Videl's blushing face sometimes saying that she and Ireza had an agreement to be the godmother of their child in the future,

Goten felt that it was a bit awkward.

However, Goten understood why Gohan and Ireza got together. The

Sun family, from Goku to Gohan, are all the kind of people who are quite dull in terms of feelings, and can't get anything out of them with just one stick. Unless they share weal and woe and the relationship develops slowly, it is impossible to expect Gohan to take the initiative to pursue a girl.

But Ireza is just the opposite. According to Videl, Li said that Ilessa was the kind of girl who dared to love and hate. Once she had decided on something, she would do it no matter how difficult it was.

So after Ilessa had figured out Son Gohan's identity, she directly began to pursue him vigorously.

As the saying goes, when a man chases a woman, there's a mountain between them; when a woman chases a man, there's only a layer of gauze between them.

Son Gohan's personality was originally loyal and shy, and he liked a passive personality. It didn't take long for him to get together with Ilessa. From then on, whether in school or after school, except for going home, they basically stayed together.

There was no chance for other people to get involved.

Not long ago, Son Gohan and Ilessa agreed that they didn't want to hide it from their parents anymore, but Ilessa was embarrassed to be alone, so she asked her good friend Bidel, who had had an intersection with the Son family, to come to the house together.

"Are they developing so fast?"

Goten's eyes widened. His brother was in the same class as Ireza and Videl. They all graduated together in the first half of this year, more than two months after the incident of Majin Buu.

As a result, it has only been a short time, and they are already meeting their parents?

Is the next step to get a marriage certificate?

Is the next step to have a baby?

Then, did he, Goten, directly become an elder at the age of 8-9?

"Not soon, right?"

Bidelly put her index finger on her chin, tilted her head, and said,"Before we graduated, I heard Gohan and Sasha say that they were going to meet their parents and get their consent and blessings, but it was delayed until school started."

Son Goten thought about it and felt that what Bidelly said made sense.

Since they had decided to be together, there was no need to hide it. After all, the ugly daughter-in-law had to meet the parents-in-law. As long as Son Gohan made up his mind, he believed that his mother would be happy to see it happen, right?

Sure enough, when Son Goten looked up, Chi-Chi was already sitting between Son Gohan and Eliza with a smile on her face, holding Eliza's hand and asking about her well-being, with a happy smile on her face from time to time.

It looked like she was just about to let Son Gohan and Eliza take their household registration books to get the marriage certificate on the spot.

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