Goten's words had an unprecedented impact on Chi-Chi.

Her outlook on life and values were almost shattered at this moment.

But just as Chi-Chi fell silent, Goten heard Sun Wukong shaking his head and saying,"Goten, Dragon Balls cannot be used casually."

Goten was speechless and asked in frustration,"Dad, why do you think this is a casual use?"

"You have been contributing to the Earth since you were very young. It was you, Dad, who defeated the Great Demon King Piccolo who wanted to conquer the world, stopped Uncle Piccolo's ambition, defeated Raditz, repelled the invasion of the Saiyans, and fought against Frieza on Namek."

"It was also because of your and your brother's efforts that we defeated the androids and Cell and prevented the destruction of the world, right?"

"When Majin Buu was killed, if his father hadn't used the Spirit Bomb, the entire universe would have suffered a terrible disaster, and countless planets would have been destroyed, right?"

Son Goten recounted the achievements of Son Goku from childhood to adulthood, and Videl was stunned.���Because she even heard the secret that the person who defeated Cell was not her father Satan.

However, Goten didn't care what Videl was thinking now.

He just looked at Goku calmly and made a suggestion:"Dad can contact King Kai of the North? You can ask King Kai of the North, ask King Yama of the underworld, or even ask the two Kaioshin. With your contribution to the earth, the North Galaxy, and the entire universe, is it considered a misuse to use the Dragon Balls once to improve your family's living conditions?"

This is because the Dragon Ball world does not have the setting of becoming an immortal, a god, or a saint through merit.

Otherwise, with the merits of Goku saving the world, the North Galaxy, and the universe so many times, if he were thrown into some immortal world or prehistoric or mythological world, it would be normal for him to become an immortal or a saint on the spot based on his merits.


Sun Wukong also felt that his values were slightly shaken

"Ask them if they also think that your use of the Dragon Balls to wish for wealth and improve your life is bad and that we should not use them indiscriminately. Then I will stop trying to persuade you."

Sun Wutian shook his head and interrupted Sun Wukong.

Sun Wukong was stunned when he heard this. Qiqi, who had been silent just now, also looked up at Sun Wukong.


After being silent for a while, Sun Wukong frowned and decided to ask Lord North Kai for his opinion. He walked to the side and touched his forehead with two fingers, and began to contact the North Kai who was far away on the Great King Kai Planet.

At this time, Videl, who was next to him, curiously came to Sun Wukong and asked,"Hey, Goten, what are the North King Kai and God Kai you just mentioned?"

"And, does King Yama really exist?"

Upon hearing this, Goten nodded and introduced the existence of King Kai of the North and God Kai to Videl. The former is the god who controls the countless galaxies in the Northern Milky Way, and his status is even higher than King Yama, who controls the cycle of life and death in the entire universe.

God Kai is the highest god in the universe, above the four King Kais of the East, West, South and North and the Great King Kai, and is in charge of creating and maintaining the balance of the universe. As

Goten spoke, he suddenly seemed to think of something and smiled mysteriously at Videl,"Come to think of it, Sister Bidel, have you ever seen God Kai?"

"Eh? Have I ever seen the King of the Worlds? ?"

Bideli pointed at herself in astonishment, recalling the past frantically in her mind, but she couldn't imagine when she had met the supreme god who was above the entire universe:"When, why didn't I know? ?"

"The World's No. 1 Martial Arts Tournament"

"When King Kai was trying to deal with Majin Buu, he also participated."

Goten didn't keep it a secret, but smiled and reminded him,"You should have a deep impression of the man who fought against my brother and wore the God Servant Costume, right? And the 'Shin' he followed is the current King Kai of our universe."

During the World Martial Arts Tournament, although Videl also participated, she was soon eliminated. She didn't experience the two guys controlled by Majin Buu, so she watched the battle between Gohan and Jepiter from beginning to end.

Therefore, when Goten reminded her, Videl remembered it.

"Is it him?"Bidiri exclaimed in surprise as an image of a man with a row of white hair in the middle, a gloomy look, and a bunch of yellow earrings appeared in her mind.

Just as Sun Wutian smiled and nodded, a voice suddenly rang in the ears of everyone in the Sun family.

""Hey, Goku."

Iresa, who was flirting with Son Gohan outside the door, was startled. Son Gohan quickly comforted her and explained that it was not Baozi Mountain or the Sun family that had a ghost, but that the North King Kai was contacting her father, which made her relax.

But then, there were all kinds of questions similar to Videl's.

Son Gohan smiled very patiently and explained to Iresa the existence of the King Kai.

"Oh, is that all?"

King Kai thought that something urgent was going on, so Son Goku would contact him in the middle of the night on Earth. But when he heard that he was just asking if what Son Goten said about collecting Dragon Balls to make wishes for wealth and using them to improve his life was considered misuse,

King Kai's brain went blank.

That's it??

"Ahem, Goku, why do you think this is misuse?"King Kai dry coughed twice and passed the voice over in silence.

"Who would think that the wish you made by collecting dragon balls is a waste of time?"

"What qualifications do they have to question it?"

The North King said at the end, his eyes narrowed, and his tone was dangerous:"If you hadn't been protecting the Earth, or even the North Galaxy and the universe, I'm afraid the universe would have been a mess, and the Earth would have ceased to exist long ago."

"Who dares to say that you are misusing the Dragon Balls? Let him tell me."


Son Goku opened his mouth and wanted to explain the education he received from Master Roshi, Master Karin and the gods, but when he thought about it carefully, he found that no one seemed to stop him from using the Dragon Balls. It was just what he thought all along.

"Wukong, remember this"

"As long as you don't want to use the Dragon Balls to make wishes to conquer the world, disrupt the universe, or destroy the world, you can make any other wishes. I will take care of anything that happens to you."

King Kai said at the end, revealing a trace of contempt for others. This is his favorite student, the father of the strongest warrior in the entire universe, and also one of the strongest warriors in the universe.

As long as Sun Wukong doesn't go crazy and destroy the earth, or even wantonly destroy planets and galaxies,

King Kai can protect him.

It's just a wish made with the dragon of the earth.

King Kai didn't take it seriously at all.

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