""Hmm! Hmm?"

Bidili responded subconsciously at first, then she realized something was wrong and her voice suddenly rose.

"You...Eliza, what nonsense are you talking about?" Bidili's pretty face was flushed. She was so angry about Eliza's matchmaking that she stamped her feet and said coquettishly,"How old is Wutian? Have you lost your mind?"

"No, no, no"

"Bidel, listen to me!"

Eliza raised her finger and shook it continuously, saying earnestly,"I heard from Gohan that Goten is stronger than him. I remember that you always admire the strong the most, and you also said that your future husband must be someone stronger than you. Gohan said that Goten is the most powerful person in the entire universe."

"The most important thing is... he can turn stones into gold"

"Do you still remember a word we read when we were young called"Golden House Hidden Beauty"?’?"

Eliza excitedly pulled Videl and said with shining eyes,"As long as you marry him and let Goten turn stones into gold in front of the house, wouldn't the fairy tale of the beautiful woman in the golden house that we watched when we were young come true?"

"Although Goten is a little young, where else can you find someone who perfectly meets your standards for a mate except him?"

Seeing that Videl was still glaring at her with a red face, Eliza suddenly had an idea and clapped her hands,"If you really think he is too young, I remember you said that they can enter the Time Chamber, where one day is equivalent to one year outside. I will ask Gohan to find a way to urge him to go in a few times, and he should grow up quickly. Isn't that enough?"

"Wow, I am such a genius."

At the end, Iresa suddenly became proud.

She felt that she was such a genius that she could even think of such a way.

However, it must be said that what Iresa said at the end about the Spirit Time Chamber making Son Goten grow up quickly made Videl somewhat tempted. She thought about it along with Iresa's thinking. Son Goten is now seven years old, but actually eight years old. As long as he goes into the Spirit Time Chamber for ten days, won't he be eighteen years old when he comes out?

Wait, that's not right.

Realizing that she had been led astray, Videl was actually thinking about things with Son Goten. She was so angry that she didn't care that there were members of the Sun family around her, and she went straight to"teach" Iresa a lesson for talking nonsense.

"Kukuku, I...Stop it, I am serious."

Eliza is just an ordinary high school girl. How could she avoid the tickling method of Bidili who was trained in martial arts? She was covered with her mouth and laughed so hard that tears came out, but she did not beg for mercy to prove that she was not teasing, but serious.

In return, Bidili played a prank that was even more embarrassing and annoying.

Especially when Sun Wutian looked at her, Bidili was so embarrassed that she wanted to dig a hole and crawl into it immediately. What kind of brain circuit is her best friend?

This love story is beyond the ordinary.

She didn't know Sun Wutian was so angry that she wanted to laugh. Did Wukong and Chi-Chi hear it? If they did, how would she face Goten's family? Wouldn't they be considered as a pervert who likes Yuyu?

Little did they know that among all the people present, Chi-Chi, the worst one, had once made it into the top eight of the world's number one martial arts tournament. She might not be as good as a real martial artist, but her strength was definitely not bad.

Eliza's proposal and her joking just now were all heard clearly.

The only difference was that Goku and Gohan just laughed it off.

Chi-Chi's eyes were a little strange, but she was not noticed.

"Videl and Goten?"

"It’s not impossible!"

"Although I misunderstood her relationship with Gohan before, if she can be with Goten, wouldn't Videl still be my daughter-in-law?"

Thinking of keeping the wealth within the family, Chichi began to think about it in her heart.....

With the gold mountain brought back by Son Goten and the two universal capsules filled with diamonds, the financial pauper of the Sun family disappeared completely.

As for the future of the two children, Son Gohan and Son Goten, Chi-Chi had to bring up the past again. Perhaps she felt sorry for her sons and was stimulated by Son Goten's words,"Entering society and being ordered around like a dog" is the promising future she longed for. It could also be because she no longer had to worry about money.

After considering it, she gave Son Gohan the right to choose freely.

Should he continue his studies or practice hard like Son Goku to become stronger and not waste his terrifying potential.

As for Son Goten?

He was only seven years old and didn't want to go to kindergarten. Chi-Chi insisted on going to elementary school, but Son Goten put his two fingers against his forehead, as if to say,"If you force me to go to school, I will run away from home and run into the universe."

Chi-Chi could only give up for the time being.

"I haven't thought about it yet!"

Seeing that everyone's eyes were on him, Sun Wutian frowned for a long time before looking at Qiqi, smiling bitterly and shaking his head, saying:"My mother always taught me to study hard and become a useful person."

"But what Goten said makes sense. If what mom expects is a promising future and just a stable job, the gold Goten brought back is enough for us to live a very wealthy life for hundreds of years."

"It seems that the meaning of studying has lost a lot all of a sudden."

Chi-Chi wiped her tears silently. After Goten's enlightening words, she had already let it go. Especially when she met Gohan's somewhat dazed look, she felt a little pain and guilt in her heart.

Her Gohan was recognized by everyone as the person with the greatest potential. He surpassed his father Goku twice.

If it weren't for her constant"earnest teachings" to force Gohan to study and become a useful person, I'm afraid that after returning from Namek, Gohan would have become an outstanding warrior like his father, right?

Seeing this, Goten held Chi-Chi's hand to comfort him, then looked at Gohan and said with a smile:"Brother, you misunderstood. Mom is not forcing you to make a choice again, to give up studying or to give up training."

"You can continue reading."

"Knowledge is an eternal wealth. I don't think studying is bad. I just don't want you to neglect your practice and waste your talent."

Sun Wutian paused, raised his head, and said seriously,"Brother has graduated from high school. You should have heard this saying, that is, you can't guarantee which will come first, the accident or tomorrow. If brother completely neglects his practice, once an enemy that Dad and I can't deal with appears and wants to enslave the earth and destroy mankind,"

"What can you get from the knowledge you have worked so hard to learn? Can you protect your mother, protect your sister Elisa, and protect the earth?"

Goten's words left Gohan speechless.

"Just like what happened with Majin Buu in the past, if your brother had not wasted seven years and had just taken a little time every month to practice, I'm afraid that Majin Buu would have been easily killed by you at that time, right?"

"Not even……"

There is no need to say more about the rest of the story, because in the tragedy that happened before, except for Eliza who disappeared along with the Earth, Qiqi and Videl were both turned into chocolate and eaten in the Temple of the Gods.

"Goten, don't..."

Seeing that Son Gohan was full of guilt and tears were oozing from the corners of his eyes, Chi-Chi couldn't bear to shake her head at Son Goten.

But this time, Son Goten didn't listen.

He looked at Son Gohan and reminded him again:"Brother, do you still remember what I said in the Kaioshin Realm? Everything is happening, it's a dream and it's also reality. I don't want to force you, but I don't want to see you regret it in the future."

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