In the room.

Son Goten was still immersed in the system to receive the super god reward. But

Videl's face was already red. She swore that she was curious at first and wanted to listen to whether her best friend Elisa would really taste the forbidden fruit with Son Gohan.

As a result, her curiosity came true.

The problem was that she didn't want to eavesdrop on this.

Videl was a little panicked, and quickly got into the quilt in two steps. She secretly"spit" at herself in disgust. She felt it was too embarrassing to eavesdrop on others.


After all, Bidili was also a beautiful girl in adolescence. The first time she eavesdropped on someone in the corner, even though she was covered in the quilt, the astringent images kept popping up in her mind.

"Ah, I can’t think about it, I can’t think about it."

Videl shook her head frantically, trying to get rid of the 18+ images in her mind, but the more she did so, the more she found herself thinking about it. What Videl couldn’t accept the most was that she actually thought about what Elisa had said before, and the image of Sun Wutian appeared in her mind.

At this moment, Videl felt that she might be crazy.

Sun Wutian was still so young, even if he was....That would only be possible when he really grows up, right?

Videl blushed and looked at Sun Wutian quietly. As soon as she emerged from the quilt, she met Sun Wutian's eyes. Her heart beat wildly and she almost screamed.

"Enlightenment..."Goten, you haven't slept yet?"

Videl laughed awkwardly, her little hands nervously grasping the quilt, but she found that Goten's expression in front of her was getting more and more strange. At this time, she also found something wrong. She tilted her head in a silly way and asked puzzledly:"Hey, why is this quilt so soft?"

"Is it possible that…"

Sun Wutian took a deep breath and reminded:"What’s under the quilt is my leg?""


It can’t be…"

Videl opened the quilt and found that the soft quilt she had just felt was used as a pillow and she was rolling on it. In fact, what she had just grabbed was Sun Wutian’s leg.

"Ah~ um? ?"

Bidili was about to scream, but Sun Wutian quickly covered her mouth. The neighbors were just doing good things, but if she screamed like that, bad things would happen.

"Yes, I'm sorry, Goten, I, I didn't mean it."Bidelly apologized with a flushed face. She was so distracted just now that she didn't notice the difference at all.

"Sister Bidelli."

Sun Wutian smelled a faint fragrance in his nose, looking at the blushing Bidelli in front of him, he didn't take it seriously at first, but suddenly he found that Bidelli was so beautiful.

She was a little over 160 cm tall, with a beautiful face and a smart temperament.

Although she is not a stunning beauty, she is also a unique beauty.

The most important thing is that Sun Wutian is familiar with her and they are now alone in a room.

Thinking of this, Sun Wutian deliberately moved in front of Bidelli, their noses and shoulders bumped together, their faces were almost touching, their eyes met, and they could feel each other's breathing.

A sly smile appeared on Sun Wutian's face:"I heard what you said to Sister Eliza"

"Well, that's just nonsense from Elisa."

Videl hurriedly explained. She didn't want to be considered a pervert who liked children by Goten, Gohan, and Chi-Chi.

In her haste, Videl even forgot to push Goten away.

Goten wasn't stupid either. He continued to stick close to Videl's pretty face and said with a smile,"Really?"

"Of course it's true."

Bidelly was a little bit lacking in confidence. It wasn't that she liked Son Goten, but she thought of what Eliza said, and thought that if Son Goten was the same age as Son Gohan, or about the same age, this little guy would really meet her mate selection criteria perfectly.

"Goten, you are still young...."

Before Videl finished her words, Goten interrupted her. He didn't care about anything else, but this was impossible. He knew Videl was not driving, but Goten didn't want Videl to continue looking at him as a child. After all

, he was going to be the king of the Saiyans with the strongest harem in the universe and all time.

"Sister Bidel, I can also grow bigger."

Goten didn't say growing up, because it couldn't be done overnight, unless he really stayed in the Spirit Time Chamber for eight or nine years.

But, who is he?

Saiyan Goten! Goten didn't give Bidel a chance to speak, his body suddenly retreated and fell to the side of the bed, then he clenched his fists, and an extremely terrifying aura rose in an instant, but was instantly suppressed by Goten.

Angry form Goten, debut!

With the power of the Saiyan giant ape, although Goten's alchemy was still a little immature, his body suddenly increased to 2 meters in height, and his muscles were knotted all over his body, which was completely incomparable to the little guy just now.

The most important thing is that in this state, Goten feels that he can be strong.

Good guy, is this another wonderful use of the legendary Super Saiyan transformation?

Accelerate the growth of the body?

This is really... great.

"Fortunately, I suppressed it, otherwise my brother and mother would have killed me."The first moment that Sun Wutian completed his transformation, he was secretly thankful that after the battle with Gogeta, he was able to control his aura very well, otherwise he would have blown up the house at this time.

Even if he had just made great contributions to the family, he would have been crushed to ashes by his mother Chi-Chi, who was excitedly pulling Sun Wukong to continue making babies, and the brother next door who had just become an adult.

""Wow... so tall!"

Bidili covered her mouth in disbelief. She didn't expect that Sun Wutian could suddenly change from a little guy of about 1.2 meters to a 2-meter-tall strong man.

These words are too easy to cause misunderstanding.

If it weren't for Sun Wutian's sensitive ears, he almost heard it wrong.

However, even if he heard it, Sun Wutian would go with the flow, explain it in simple terms, nine deep and one shallow, pay homage to Guanyin, ask Guanyin to sit on the lotus platform, and finally worship the Buddha sincerely with a free mind.

The figure flashed, and he sat directly on the bed, and looked into Bidili's eyes:"Sister Bidili, do you think I'm still young?"

Bidili heard the words, her eyes drifted down uncontrollably���

In an instant, he seemed to realize that his action was too obscene, and he retracted his gaze like a frightened rabbit, stammering,"Big, no, I mean, no....Not young anymore, no, no, I, I mean, Goten, you are still young"

"Hehe, as long as Sister Bidelli approves, that's good."

Sun Wutian laughed and approached Bidelli again.

"You...what do you want to do?"Bidelly was really nervous. Facing Son Goten, who was still a child under normal circumstances, she would be embarrassed, but not nervous, because even if he was a child, he was powerless.

But now it was different.

The smell of hormones that came to her face, coupled with the glimpse just now, Bidelly knew that the situation was completely different, no matter how naive she was.


This one word represented that Sun Wutian was not ignorant.

But Bidi was confused. Was Sun Wutian so precocious?

Wait, that's not right. Is this the time to think about this?

"Wait, I was wrong. I didn’t say you are small. You are very big. Very big, okay?"

"Sister Bidili, didn’t you just say that I was still young?"

"Damn Goten, I'm not talking about your age."

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