Growing up slowly?

Goten was not in a hurry to grow up before because there was no need. But

Goten now can't wait to grow up slowly.

He told Videl very firmly that he would be responsible to the end, and the first step was to grow up first, and then the two of them would be together openly.

Videl was moved and amused when she heard this.

She didn't expect that this little guy Goten knew how to be responsible at such a young age.

However, Videl had no choice but to obey Goten.

Although she was gentle and cheerful, she was very traditional in her heart. Once she made up her mind about a person, she would never change her mind even if she died. But Goten seemed to have caught her bug.

It wasn't that Videl fell in love with him, but that he made up his mind in the process of her falling in love with her and him.

Although Videl also felt that she had a lifelong relationship with Goten, it might be a momentary impulse, but now that things have come to this, she can't turn back..

Behind Baozi Mountain.

Whether it's a routine or the girl Mu Qiang's heart.

At least the hearts of Bidi Li and Sun Wutian are close together.

"Damn Goten, I told you not to tear it apart, what are you going to do now?"



Sun Wutian smiled and snapped his fingers. The next moment, a set of clothes exactly the same as Videl's original set appeared in the void. After understanding and being able to create gold, creating clothes was a piece of cake for him.

Then Sun Wutian helped Videl put on her clothes with his hands and feet.

"Have you really thought it through?"

After confirming that he was dressed properly, Videl asked Sun Wutian to remove the soundproof and anti-peeping barrier set up by divine power. She looked at him again and gently helped him clean the sawdust and some dust that had just stained his hair.

"I heard that the air in the Spirit Time Chamber is thin and hot, with temperatures ranging from 50 degrees Celsius to minus 40 degrees Celsius, and the gravity is 10 times that of the Earth. If you stay there for a long time, it will be like hell."

"Haha, you understand it in detail?"

Sun Wutian nodded with a smile, but his expression was very determined and he said:"I must go. This is not only about the two of us. You also heard what I said to my brother yesterday. I don't want to be like my brother, who regretted it when something happened and thought about becoming stronger."

"I want to hold the future in my own hands, and my destiny must be determined by myself"


"I must also protect Sister Bidilli and our home."

Goten's words were so impassioned that Bidilli's beautiful eyes sparkled. The last words in particular moved Bidilli so much that she hugged Goten directly.

As the daughter of Satan, the education she received from childhood to adulthood was all about fighting, martial arts, and the strong. Bidilli had a strong heart planted in her heart since she was very young.

Just as Elisa teased Bidilli.

The object of Bidilli's dreams does not have to be tall and handsome, but he must be strong in the end, otherwise what can he use to conquer her and make her convinced?

Goten may not be old enough, but he is definitely strong enough.

Feelings can be cultivated slowly, even from childhood, but if Goten slips away and is missed, Bidilli feels that she will never be able to find someone who meets her mate selection criteria again in her life.

This is also the reason why Bidilli will slowly open her heart and accept being with Goten........

At noon, when Goten and Videl came back, there were many guests at home.

Bulma, Trunks, No. 18, Piccolo, and Master Roshi.

Oh, and a little one, Krillin and No. 18's daughter Maren.

"Brother Goten, long time no see!"

Maren waved happily at Son Goten on the sofa

""Well, long time no see, sister Maren!"

Sun Wutian nodded to her, and then politely greeted everyone. This is how it is for people of low generation. Basically, except for a few people of the same age, everyone is an elder.

After greeting, Sun Wutian looked around and found that there seemed to be someone missing in this family.

"Hey, where's mom and dad?"

Son Gohan has come out to help entertain the guests, but his father Son Goku is nowhere to be seen.

Hearing what Son Goten said, Chi-Chi, who was busy preparing fruit snacks, raised her head and replied casually:"As for him, when I asked him to give the gold to Bulma, he heard that Vegeta had realized the power of the Super Saiyan God and went to the Spirit Time Chamber of the Celestial Temple to practice, so he hurriedly followed him. I guess he wanted to wait for Vegeta to come out before going in to practice, right?"

With the gold that Son Goten brought back from the King Kai Realm, Chi-Chi no longer had the burden of family and life, so when she talked about Son Goku's practice, she was not as serious and angry as before.

"Oh, that's how it is."

Goten nodded. No wonder he didn't notice his father's presence around him. It turned out that he was training.

As he spoke, Goten pulled Videl to the sofa and sat down. He was quite calm about the possibility that Vegeta had realized the power of the Super Saiyan God.

"Everybody, why are you looking at me like that?"

Just after sitting down, Goten realized that everyone's eyes were focused on him. He thought that his affair with Videl was exposed, and was about to come clean.

But No. 18 spoke first:"Hey, Goten, I heard that you got a lot of gold for your family, and you can even turn stones into gold. Is that true?"


Sun Wutian looked at Chi-Chi and saw that she didn’t dare to look him in the eye. She probably had boasted about it when chatting with other people. He had no intention of hiding it:"Yes, Aunt No. 18."

As he spoke, the water cup in Sun Wutian’s hand had turned into gold emitting a golden luster in full view of everyone.


Everyone felt a flash before their eyes, and then they saw No. 18 snatch the water cup from Wutian’s hand, and shook it to her mouth to test the authenticity of the gold.

After No. 18 let go of the water cup, she spat out a small gold nugget from her mouth, which was obviously a fragment of the gold cup she had just bitten off. She spread it in the palm of her hand, full of amazement:"It actually turned into gold!"

In an instant, No. 18’s eyes looked more and more wrong when he looked at Sun Wutian

【Forty-five was killed, waiting to be released. Today, three updates will be released first, and it will be on the shelves at 12 o'clock tomorrow night. There will be five updates at a time. If you like it, please subscribe to support it. Thank you.]

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