gentlemen? Fang Hongyun is here?

Ji Feng was a little curious and continued to listen, but found that the speaker was not Fang Hongyun.

"You don't need to try to please me, and you don't need to call room service. I'm not in the mood to eat now." The man opposite was obviously very anxious, and he didn't pay any attention to the woman's great hospitality.

"Honestly stay here, I'm not in the mood to deal with you." His voice was a bit like Ma Yuanzhong's. Fang Hongyun is not here to hide the beauty of the golden house, but to hide Ma Yuanzhong well...?

No matter what, it is worth a try. Anyway, he even offended Fang Hongyun's son and offended his guests, and he didn't take it seriously.

"Fan Ji." Ji Feng called Fan Ji directly.

"I'm here, eldest brother." Fan Ji was still in the conference room, and when he saw that it was Ji Feng's phone, he quickly called.

In the face of this uncle, he did not dare to be slighted at all.

Fan Ji put down the phone, countless thoughts rushed in his mind, he grabbed the most conspicuous one.

If the person in room 2709 is not Ma Yuanzhong, then I am afraid that I will not be able to eat and walk around, and the reputation of Mingxi Hotel will be ruined.

After all, suddenly opening the customer's door is the most taboo of the hotel, and that person happens to be Fang Hongyun, who is the least likely to provoke in Yangcheng.

But if that person is really Ma Yuanzhong, wouldn't he be ignorant in front of Ji Feng?

He can't afford to offend people on both sides! Fan Ji just felt embarrassed.

Although it was already midnight, Fan Ji got up in a rush, and hurriedly ran out after putting on a dress, ignoring the surprise of his wife beside him.

Fan Ji stepped on the accelerator of the Porsche to the maximum, and quickly passed through the street with few pedestrians, and soon came to the hotel.

At this time, Ji Feng was already waiting in the hotel lobby, and when he saw him coming, he waved to him.

Fan Ji walked to Ji Feng in three steps and two steps, panting and explaining, "Brother, I... I really haven't seen anyone like Ma Yuanzhong come in and out these days, that person's voice..."

However, Ji Feng waved his hand and interrupted him, "The voice is a bit similar. I haven't seen anyone, so I can't tell. When I asked you to come over, I planned to go and see it together."

And Fan Ji is also a slick old fox. He didn't want to offend Fang Hongyun easily, so he thought for a while, "Why don't you look at the surveillance first."

Ji Feng glanced at him coldly, "I've seen it. The person who came with Fang Hongyun is very careful about privacy. There is no shortage of hats, sunglasses, and masks, but he looks a bit like that **** Ma Yuanzhong."

Hearing this, Fan Ji put away his last fluke, and could only bite the bullet and nod, "Okay, since that's the case, I'll accompany my eldest brother up to have a look, but I have an unkind request."

Ji Feng is not an unreasonable person, and he can roughly guess his worries without Fan Jiduo saying it.

Immediately, Ji Feng spoke first, "Don't worry, even if the person inside is Ma Yuanzhong, I won't shout at the hotel, and if I want to kill, I will bring people outside to kill."

Hearing this, Fan Ji looked at Ji Feng gratefully, and became happy, "Hey, thank you for being sympathetic, brother, let's go up."

Fan Ji gave Ji Feng to the elevator while talking, and told the customer service at the front desk, "Bring the 2709 room card with me upstairs."

Immediately, the three of them came to the door of 2709 together. The men's lewd smiles and the women's exclamations floated out from the cracks of the door, dyeing the face of the front desk customer service girl red.

The little girl was a little embarrassed and embarrassed at this time, "Mr. Fan, do you really want to open the door?"

Fan Ji glanced at Ji Feng who did not change his face, pursed his lips, and took the room card from the front desk, "Go downstairs, I'll do it myself."

Even though he said so, he was also afraid that if Ji Feng went to the Dragon Lake Tiger Den alone, he might get into trouble, so Fan Ji hesitated for a moment before sticking the room card on the door lock.

With a light "ding bell", the door lock was opened.

Ji Feng walked in front, and Fan Ji behind him pushed the door open.

At this time, the extremely ambiguous voices in the room rushed into the eardrums without blocking, making people blush and heartbeat.

But Ji Feng didn't think so, and walked in around Fan Ji, who was blushing and stunned.

Messy clothes were scattered in the living room of the suite, and two men on the big bed in the bedroom grinned, and their clothes were messed up on top of a woman.

The woman under her struggled and cried hoarsely, "Let me go, beasts, let me go, Fang Hongyun, you bastard, even if I die and become a demon, I will claim your life..."

The two men ignored her abuse and struggle at all, as if her cries were more interesting, the two of them were madly tearing at the few remaining clothes on her body, naked.

The man inside was so excited that he didn't notice Ji Feng coming in at all.

The woman roared in despair, "Even if I die! I won't let you succeed!"

"Beauty, do you know that you are so tempting men to commit crimes."

"The more you struggle, the more excited we are!"

l The vulgar words entered Ji Feng's ears, and even if he was a fool, he could still hear what was going on.

Ji Feng walked over and caught sight of all kinds of bruises all over the woman's body.

He looked coldly at the two beasts in robes and crowns, and suddenly burned with anger, rushed over in three steps, and dragged the man beside Fang Hongyun out of bed.

The man fell heavily on the soft carpet and looked at Ji Feng with a look of astonishment, "You... Who are you? How did you get in?"

Ji Feng didn't answer his question, just stared at his face for a moment, it wasn't Ma Yuanzhong!

At this moment, Fang Hongyun also reacted and said sternly, "You are really brave! Do you know who I am? You dare to come here and act wild!"

Immediately, Ji Feng snorted coldly, "You are Fang Wenyu's father? No wonder it's all the way. If there is a father, there must be a son!"

Hearing Ji Feng mentioning his son, Fang Hongyun suddenly felt startled.

Fang Hongyun couldn't help thinking of what Fang Wenyu had complained about in front of him before.

After all, Fang Wenyu was pampered and used to being held in the palm of his hand since he was a child. He had never heard of anyone who dared to bully him for so many years.

He rarely heard it once, and Fang Hongyun naturally remembered it very clearly.

Then Fang Hongyun asked, "Are you Ji Feng?"

"Exactly! I didn't expect you to have heard of my name. Could it be that Fang Wenyu heard me crying in front of you?" Ji Feng snorted coldly.

He was surprised at first how Fang Hongyun knew his name, but he thought of Fang Wenyu leaving crying.

After Fang Hongyun saw the other party's confession, he immediately became angry. It turned out that this stinky boy was Ji Feng who dared to bully Fang Wenyu!

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