The Strongest Son-in-law: God-level Choice

Chapter 1017: The edge of life and death

Chen Junnan originally came here to be happy and happy, but he ate a turtle. At this time, he felt very uncomfortable, and naturally he did not intend to spare Ji Feng lightly.

The two who were just thinking about sharing the beauty together, but now they have taken their hearts away, thinking about how to find Ji Feng to make a comeback.

Ji Feng and Fan Ji took the rescued woman to the standard room downstairs together, and then Fan Ji asked the front desk to get her a work uniform to put on.

After she put it away, Lu Yajing sat down and told the whole thing in detail.

It turned out that this woman's name was Lu Yajing. Just after graduating from high school, she gave up the opportunity to go to college and came to Yangcheng to make a living because of family difficulties.

But when she first entered the society, she was beautiful, and she didn't care much, so she was quickly promoted.

Under the guise of recruiting etiquette models, the black intermediary tricked her into drinking in a nightclub. Lu Yajing tried to escape several times and was caught.

In the end, she also gave up, thinking that she would be able to make money by continuing to work in the nightclub.

The foreman of the nightclub is also a good person. Seeing that Lu Yajing is young and insists not to sell herself, not only did she not make things difficult for her, but she maintained her everywhere.

Until Fang Hongyun came to spend a few days ago, seeing her pure and beautiful, he tied her to the hotel regardless.

During this period, she has been desperately resisting, fighting with her life to save her innocence.

And Ji Feng was a little embarrassed after hearing this. It seems that this Lu Yajing is also a poor person.

Ji Feng looked at Fan Ji, "She managed to escape from Fang Hongyun's claws, and she may not find a place to live in Yangcheng behind her. Why don't she arrange a job in the hotel, with you under her cover, I don't think Fang Hongyun will be Dare to go too far."

Hearing this, Fan Ji nodded and agreed, "Just be the front desk! Four thousand yuan a month is not much, but it's not hard work. It's a serious job."

After listening to Lu Yajing, she thanked her repeatedly, and at the end she was afraid that Fan Ji would go back and ask in a low voice, "Then... Then when can I go to work?"

Fan Ji was amused by her instead. After looking at her injuries, he couldn't help but feel a little distressed, "No hurry, you should rest for two days to recover from your injuries. When you settle down, you are welcome to come to work at any time."

Lu Yajing was overjoyed, "I can go to work tomorrow."

After speaking with joy, Lu Yajing's face became gloomy again.

Thinking of her current situation, she was not only penniless, but also had no place to stay.

Ji Feng naturally also saw her difficulties, and her sense of responsibility was overwhelmed again, "You stay here for one night, tomorrow I will take you to find a place to live, and I will take you to settle down first, you must work hard then. "

"As for the issue of accommodation, you don't need to have too much psychological burden, you can just treat it as the accommodation arranged by the company for you."

"Thank you……"

Lu Yajing was instantly grateful. She didn't know what to say, she just lowered her head and burst into tears.

The next day, Ji Feng took Lu Yajing to find a one-bedroom near the hotel.

The house that Lu Yajing fancy is an old community with outdated facilities, but fortunately the rent is cheap, only 900 yuan a month is enough.

Ji Feng knew that the other party just wanted to save money, but since Ji Feng decided to take him out to see the house, he would naturally pay part of the rent for her.

"Do you really stop thinking about it? This place will be very empty at night." Ji Feng asked.

"It's all right, no need, no need to think about it anymore. I'll just rent this house. After you leave, I will continue to live. If the monthly rent is too high, then I don't need to think about eating." Lu Yajing explained write.

Ji Feng heard the truth, found the landlord to sign a contract, and then paid her a year's rent.

Looking at the empty house, Ji Feng could only simply buy a few pieces of furniture, and then went to the supermarket to buy some daily necessities.

After all this was done, the sun had already set in the west.

The afterglow of the setting sun is now pouring golden light and shadow through the glass on the window.

Although the room is not big, it is warm everywhere.

Lu Yajing stood in the room clutching the key tightly, and suddenly felt mixed feelings in her heart.

A few days ago, she was still in the devil's cave, struggling on the edge of life and death every day.

Now she can have her own small world and a clean job where she can live and live, all because the man in front of her is not afraid of **** and lends her a helping hand when she is most in danger.

Thinking of this, Lu Yajing warmed her heart, and then she turned to Ji Feng and said, "Thank you, Brother Ji! I have nothing to repay you now. My cooking skills are not bad. If Brother Ji doesn't dislike it, just stay and eat. Let's have dinner, I'll say thank you."

Ji Feng wanted to refuse, but looking at Lu Yajing's sincere smile, he finally couldn't bear to refuse her, nodded and said, "Okay, then I'll trouble you."

"Okay, I'm going to prepare now, Brother Ji, sit down first."

Lu Yajing smiled happily, two shallow dimples appeared on her cheeks, which filled her gorgeous face with a pure and childish look.

Mature and naive, elegant and pure, are perfectly integrated in Lu Yajing.

Even Ji Feng had to admit that Lu Yajing was indeed a rare beauty, no wonder Fang Hongyun took so much trouble to tie her up.

Lu Yajing got into the kitchen, and in less than an hour, she cooked four dishes and one soup and placed it on the newly bought square table. She smiled sweetly and filled Ji Feng with a bowl of fish soup, "Brother Ji, try my craft, and also Does it suit your appetite?"

Ji Feng took a sip of the soup, which was fragrant and delicious, and put a piece of sweet and sour pork loin in his mouth.

Ji Feng nodded and praised sincerely, "Good workmanship!"

Lu Yajing didn't lie, her cooking skills are really good.

Being praised by her benefactor, Lu Yajing was overjoyed, and added a piece of fried shrimp to Ji Feng, "eat more if you like..."

After speaking, the little girl who had no experience in the world bowed her head a little shyly.

Ji Feng didn't feel anything at first, but when he was eating, he felt something was wrong.

Lu Yajing's eyes became more and more shy when she saw her. After a meal, her face was as red as a ripe apple in autumn, with an alluring aroma in its sweetness.

It was getting late, and the lonely man and the widow were in the same room. Ji Feng felt more and more angry and ambiguous. He got up and prepared to leave, but Lu Yajing kept him from behind.

The delicate body was clinging to his back, and there was shyness in his voice, "Brother Ji, you saved my life, and you all say that it is a life-saving grace. You should show your gratitude to yourself, Brother Ji, you..."

Ji Feng was stunned for a moment, sighed softly, and broke her hand around his waist, "I already have a family, and saving you is not for your repayment, you are still young, work hard, and find someone to treat you with sincerity in the future. The man has a good life."

After saying that, Ji Feng pushed open the door and left without looking back, leaving Lu Yajing alone at the door.

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