Chen Xun didn't expect Ji Feng to be so arrogant when he arrived on his own territory, he squeezed his fist and looked at Ji Feng with gloomy eyes.

Ji Feng came by himself. Although his skills are good, Chen Xun did not think that Nie Feng would be the opponent of the bodyguards he invited.

"It seems that Mr. Ji is not going to give me this face of Chen Xie?"

"You open your KTV, I do my business, and it has nothing to do with you. Besides, do you think I can't afford to pay for your few things?"

Ji Feng sneered, and then stepped on Fang Hongyun who wanted to sneak.

Fang Hongyun's old face was wrinkled into a chrysanthemum, and he was grinning in pain, but he was caught by Nie Feng, and Fang Hongyun couldn't escape even if he wanted to.

Of course, Chen Xunhui also wanted to help Fang Hongyun. After all, the two of them are old acquaintances.

Fang Hongyun does have more resources on hand, and he can also open up a new world for himself. The last time Chen Xun and Fang Hongyun were drinking and chatting, Fang Hongyun intends to invest in Chen Xun to open a nightclub.

Chen Xun already has many nightclubs on hand, but of course he can't make enough money. If Fang Hongyun helped him, wouldn't Chen Xun be in full swing?

It is precisely because of this that Chen Xun wants to sell his favor to Fang Hongyun, so that Fang Hongyun will fulfill his promise and cooperate with him to open a nightclub. Fang Hongyun will take care of him, then Chen Xun can get more money and resources.

Besides, Chen Xun thought about how Ji Feng was a foreigner. He came from Donghai City, and Yangcheng was their territory. How could Ji Feng be allowed to run wild here?

"Mr. Ji, we are all civilized people. What can't we say openly, we have to fight and kill?"

Chen Xunpi asked without a smile.

"This is my grievance with Fang Hongyun, and it has nothing to do with you. If you still want your store to stand here safely, then shut up and go out. I still have something to ask Fang Hongyun."

Ji Feng did not intend to play tricks with Chen Xun.

"However, Boss Fang and I are also good friends. It doesn't make sense for you to bully my friend like this, right? I don't know what kind of grievances there are between the two of you, but your shouting and killing will also affect my business."

Chen Xun glanced at Fang Hongyun who was being stepped on and said this.

At this time, Fang Hongyun's heart was about to pop out. At this time, he was still wicked and courageous. He thought about the group of bodyguards brought by Chen Xun. He also knew the strength, it was really strong!

Besides, Ji Feng is alone now. His subordinates are all wine bags and rice bags. It is normal for them to be unable to move. However, Chen Xun's bodyguards are different. They spend a lot of money to support them every year. These people are still retired servants. Soldiers!

"Chen Xun! There's no need to talk to him so much. If you kill him here today, then I'll give you all the nightclubs in Yangcheng. Do you dare!"

This is a huge temptation. Fang Hongyun does have such ability. Although he has suffered setbacks before, Fang Hongyun's life is still very nourishing. He relies on his father and his wife. Both of them are considered good. Economic ability, and both black and white.

When Chen Xun heard Fang Hongyun promise him such a thing, his mind became active.

He is also a ruthless master who can do this. Originally, he was very unhappy about Nie Feng's behavior. Now that he has received Fang Hongyun's promise, how could Chen Xun not think about himself?

Seeing that the expression on Chen Xun's face also became sullen, he raised his hand, and the bodyguards behind him immediately closed the door. Those bodyguards also looked at Ji Feng with the same vicious eyes.

Ji Feng raised his brows and said with a smile, "What? Are you going to resist?"

"What's so strange about this, you bully my brother like this, how could I let you go?"

Chen Xun gave an order, and the well-trained bodyguards behind him immediately swarmed up. They were good at punching and kicking, but Ji Feng was not a vegetarian. Ji Feng grabbed the wine bottle on the table and saw a Smash one!

He already knows martial arts, and his physical fitness is strong enough. It is not difficult to deal with these retired mercenaries. Besides, the geographical location here has an advantage for him.

He didn't need to dodge at all, he stepped on Fang Hongyun's body and did not give Fang Hongyun a chance to escape.

Fang Hongyun was like a rag on the ground. His fat body twisted hard, but he still couldn't break free from Ji Feng's feet. Ji Feng's legs were nailed to him like steel.

At first, Chen Xun felt that he was sure to win, but now the situation is not right, Chen Xun is also a little scared, he took a step back, but where did Ji Feng give him a chance? In order to prevent Ji Feng from escaping, Chen Xun had already closed the door of the box.

Ji Feng killed those guys by three and five, and they were all not Ji Feng's opponents, and they were beaten to find their teeth.

After killing them, Chen Xun also knew that it was not good, but it was too late for him to escape, only to see Ji Feng kicked over and directly kicked the person to the wall. Chen Xun's physical fitness was not good, he had already Because the sensual dogs and horses have been hollowed out in recent years.

In the early years, Chen Xun was bold enough, but now Chen Xun has no help and protection, and now he has to kneel down and beg for mercy.

"Originally, I didn't plan to deal with you, because I'm not interested in Yangcheng's industry, but since you have done this, then I will let you taste what despair is."

After Ji Feng finished speaking, he took out his mobile phone and turned it off and called Lao Tang in the magic capital. Lao Tang also felt a little surprised when he received Ji Feng's call at this point.

"Brother Ji, you rarely call me at this point, is there something wrong?"

"I went to Yangcheng on a business trip today, and I happened to meet a nice shop called Earl. I want you to buy it for me now."

"It's just a small matter! I'll send someone to do it right now!"

After Lao Tang finished speaking, Ji Feng hung up the phone. At this time, Chen Xun looked at Ji Feng with eyes like a monster. He didn't know whether what Ji Feng said was true or false, because Chen Xun belonged to the earl. Boss, logically, you should ask him if you want to buy it, what is the use of him making that phone call?

Unexpectedly, Chen Xun immediately received another call. This call turned out to be from a real estate developer. Although he was doing KTV here, it was not his.

"I'm sorry, we may not be able to rent land to you. Please close your business immediately tomorrow."

"What do you mean? Didn't we sign the contract?!" Chen Xun was furious.

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