The Strongest Son-in-law: God-level Choice

Chapter 1026: Morning tea storm

There was a calculating smile on the face of the city master of Nancheng. He glanced at it. The roster and the ledger were placed on the table. These are all rare resources. Whoever owns them can get more. money and power.

However, the city owner of Nancheng knew that Ma Yuanzhong would come here to talk to him. Of course, he had already left behind. People like him are very cautious, and it is impossible to pass all the roster and account books into his hands.

"You take these things in exchange for Ji Feng's life, right?"


Ma Yuanzhong has no money or power now. Only these things are worth a little money. He doesn't want to go to jail or get caught, but he hates Ji Feng to the core. Abandoned his son just to be able to fight back.

"Okay, since that's the case, let's make a deal!" Nancheng City Lord laughed.

"You also know that I have always been cautious. I will give you all the information when things are done. At present, I can only give you the electronic version."

As Ma Yuanzhong said, he took out a USB flash drive from his pocket, and saw that he handed it over.

Although the city owner of Nancheng is not happy, there is nothing he can do. If he threatens Ma Yuanzhong now, Ma Yuanzhong will never tell himself where he put the rest of the ledger data.

Although not very happy, the city lord of Nancheng still stretched out his hand and took the USB flash drive.

Although there is not much data in this U disk, it is better to have something than nothing.

"Ah, by the way, there is one more thing I want to tell you, you must not underestimate that stinky boy from Ji's family, he is not easy to provoke!"

"Humph! Don't think I'm like you. The vision in my hands is much bigger than yours."

The city lord of Nancheng does not believe that a stinky boy is still an outsider, and he can withstand the wind and waves here.

Ma Yuanzhong originally planned to remind Nancheng City Lord, but seeing that Nancheng City Lord was so confident, Ma Yuanzhong also thought of the power in his hands...

"Then wish you success."

After Ma Yuanzhong left, the city lord of Nancheng also sent someone to follow him, but he was quite cunning and did not leave any trace.

The next morning, Ji Feng woke up when there was a knock on the door.

Ji Feng was a little puzzled, but he went to open the door. After opening the door, he saw Sun Jie standing outside, with a sweet smile on Sun Jie's face.

"Mr. Ji, did I disturb your rest?"

"How did you come?"

"I just finished the work at hand, so I came here to see you. You haven't contacted me during this time. As soon as I contacted me, I was looking for Ma Yuanzhong's whereabouts. I was very worried about this."

In fact, Sun Jie just wanted to see Ji Feng, she was also the daughter of the Sun family, but for Ji Feng, she was fascinated and couldn't extricate herself.

Sun Jie had seen many men, but none of these men could compare to Ji Feng.

"By the way, my brother told me that Ma Yuanzhong is still active in Yangcheng recently. As for the gray business here, we can't find it. The main reason is that the gray organizations here are very cautious, or they are powerful enough, so we have no Right to view."

Sun Jie looked at Ji Feng with some remorse, "I'm really sorry, what I checked is the same as if I didn't check it."

"Knowing that Ma Yuanzhong is still here is enough. He came here to find someone to help him. Now he is like a mouse crossing the street."

Ma Yuanzhong is now asking for money, but he has no money, but he has no money to pay off his debts. No matter who he is, he avoids him.

And he also knows that his identity is sensitive, so he never appears in front of others.

"Aren't you used to living in Yangcheng these few days?" Sun Jie smiled, "I lived here for a while, and it's still early, why don't I take you to have morning tea?"

Ji Feng saw that it was really early in the morning, so he nodded, and the two went to the most expensive tea restaurant here for morning tea.

Yangcheng Tea Restaurant has to make a reservation before entering.

Sun Jie had already made an appointment early in the morning, and she flew to Yangcheng non-stop, just to see Ji Feng.

The two came to the outside of the tea restaurant, and Sun Jie said to the front desk, "You two, we have already made an appointment."

After Sun Jie finished speaking, she took the card and came out, but at this moment, a group of people came over and scolded Sun Jie directly.

Ji Feng's reaction was fast enough, he hugged Sun Jie's shoulder, and brought the person into his arms.

At this time, the long-lost system has taken its head again.

"System prompt: You have a new task, please pay attention to check it!"

"Let's teach the four bullies of Yangcheng! Accepting will get some clues, and giving up will get 50 million."

Ji Feng has already made a lot of money, so this amount of money is nothing to him. As for the clue, he doesn't know what the clue is, but as long as there is a clue, he will take it.

Ji Feng directly accepted this new task.

"Are you two blind or what? Get the **** out of there!"

The one who spoke was dressed in bright and bright clothes, but at a glance, he knew that he was a dog's leg, and standing beside this dog's leg was a man who was more exaggerated and extravagantly dressed.

The man said Cheng Liang's oily head, and he looked at Ji Feng with contempt.

But soon, the man's eyes were attracted by Sun Jie's beauty.

"Ouch! Where is this little beauty from? She looks pretty good!"

And Sun Jie's figure is great. She really put a lot of effort into dressing up today, so she looks even more beautiful and dazzling, which makes people fascinated.

After Sun Jie was scrutinized by this man's mischievous eyes, she felt uncomfortable all over her body. She took a step back subconsciously and hid beside Ji Feng.

Ji Feng stopped in front of the man and looked at him with condescending eyes, "You bumped into someone just now, aren't you going to apologize?"

"Hey! What kind of thing are you, you dare to ask our eldest young master to apologize, do you know who this is? This is the young master of the Beicheng city lord of the four major city lords! Wang Dafa! What are you?"

The dog leg straightened his chest, but he was too short, even if he had the right momentum, he still looked very wretched.

Nie Feng has a height advantage, he can look down at the dog leg from standing there, and the dog leg's aura naturally falls.

"No matter who you are, you have to apologize when you bump into someone."

"Hehe, that's really interesting. It's the first time I've met such a ignorant guy. If you haven't heard of it, then go and find out. If you offend me, you will be responsible for the consequences!"

"It looks like you're not going to apologize?"

Ji Feng raised his brows and sneered.

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