Wang Junfu immediately asked the dog, "What do you mean? Do you know something?"

The dog leg nodded immediately, he slapped himself twice, looking extremely pitiful, then he knelt in front of Wang Junfu, and tremblingly said who hurt Wang Dafa.

"I originally chased it out, but I'm not Ji Feng's at all. His opponent was beaten all over by him looking for his teeth. When I woke up, I knew that the young master had been sent to the hospital, so I went to the hospital immediately. It's still useless for me to come to the hospital, if I'm better, then..."

When the dog said this, he slapped himself twice, and it seemed that he was really very protective of the master.

Wang Junfu was even more angry when he heard Goujizi say this. He just wanted to find the murderer who hurt his son.

Now that Wang Junfu knows, how could he give up?

"Where is that guy? Take me there, I must kill him!"

The city lord of the Nancheng Group had already investigated Ji Feng's location early in the morning and told the dog-legs, because the city lord of Nancheng knew that Wang Junfu would definitely find trouble with Ji Feng.

"Because I chased him out, I know where he lives. If he didn't change his place, he should still be in the Yangcheng Hotel!"

Wang Junfu's eyes seemed to burst with fire, "Although I don't know who that guy is, I will never let him go if he dares to hurt my son. You did a great job!"

Wang Junfu gave the dog leg a sum of money very generously. When the dog leg came just now, he was a little scared. He thought that he should choose the money and run away. I didn't expect that there would be extra money for the dog leg. Thank you. , promises to say:

"Grandpa, don't worry, I will protect the young master no matter what, so that the young master will not be harmed in any way! At the cost of my life, I will also ensure his safety!"

Wang Junfu nodded, and looked at the dog with admiration, thinking that it would be pretty good for his son to have such a loyal servant, but it's a pity that his son didn't know if he would be able to wake up, so Wang Junfu clenched his fists. , no matter what, he will let the guy named Ji Feng be buried with him!

However, the Yangcheng Hotel was really a bad move. Wang Junfu thought for a while and immediately dispatched a private detective. He wanted to know Ji Feng's whereabouts.

Ji Feng was still with Michelle at this time. The two were in the Yangcheng Hotel. At this time, Michelle noticed something was wrong. Her eyes looked around vigilantly, and then said in a low voice:

"Do you feel as if someone is watching us?"

In fact, Ji Feng had noticed it from the beginning, but Ji Feng did not say it.

Ji Feng also knows who the other party is. It must be someone from Wang Dafa's side. As the lord of a city, how can he not have any ability? Wang Dafa's situation is definitely not good.

When his father Wang Junfu learned that his son was beaten like this by others, he would definitely come to him.

But it doesn't matter, because Monsoon has already got some clues, and the system tells Ji Feng that Wang Junfu has come to the door. Of course Ji Feng is not afraid, Wang Junfu's father can't, Wang Junfu can find him quickly, so that he can investigate this gray organization. matter.

Ma Yuanzhong also holds the roster of the gray organization and some accounts of the gray organization, and Ji Feng didn't want it at first.

Because this is not of much use to Ji Feng.

But now Ji Feng wants it, he wants Ma Yuanzhong to disappear without a trace.

Even if this guy fled to the ends of the earth, he would not be able to escape from his palm.

Besides, the gray organization has gotten in his way.

"Really? Why didn't I notice? Where is he?"

Ji Feng asked Michelle with a puzzled face.

Michelle glared at him, feeling a little bit of a drum in her heart. Didn't the above say that Ji Feng is very powerful? But now that doesn't seem to be the case.

He didn't even know that someone was watching him.

What kind of power is this? Is the investigation wrong?

"Since someone is monitoring us, it must be your problem. Have you offended anyone recently? Otherwise, why would someone investigate you?"

Michelle lowered her voice and asked Ji Feng like this. Ji Feng blinked, and he shook his head:

"I don't know if you ask me. After all, many people like me hate me. Maybe they send someone to monitor me."

Michelle frowned, thinking that this is someone who can't count on Ji Feng, so it seems that she can only investigate by herself.

Michelle withdrew her eyes at this time. The other party might have noticed that Michelle was looking at him, so he found a seat and sat down. Although he didn't look at them anymore, Michelle still knew that he was still there. Monitoring Ji Feng and himself.

Michelle is not the kind of person who sits and waits. If there is not Ji Feng in front of him, he would have already gone up and caught him and questioned him.

Michelle glanced at Ji Feng with some resentment, then she withdrew her eyes, patted the table, stood up and said to Ji Feng:

"I don't drink anymore, let's go back now, it's not good to stay here and be watched."

After Michelle finished speaking, she walked out, not only enriched the money, but also followed behind Michelle. At this time, a person was separated from the coffee shop. This person was none other than the detective.

In fact, this detective is already very vigilant, if it were ordinary people, he would not have discovered his existence at all. But Ji Feng and Michelle were both very vigilant, so when the detective looked at them frequently, they noticed it.

Michelle quickly distanced herself from Ji Feng. At this time, Ji Feng was walking unhurriedly. In fact, he wanted the detective to follow in his footsteps.

They came quickly, and came to a small street inaccessible.

The stalker has stopped coming forward, because it's easy to expose yourself on such a street.

Just as the detective was about to leave, a figure suddenly appeared behind him. This person was none other than Michelle!

The detective was startled, he did not expect that Michelle would actually conduct a counter-investigation on him.

This guy subconsciously wanted to run, but Wu Xueer caught him in two or three strokes. He was not Michelle's opponent at all. Michelle pinned the man to the ground, and the questioner said:

"Who are you? Why have you been following us?"

The man wanted to struggle, but he underestimated Michelle. Although Michelle looked petite and petite, she was very strong, let alone an ordinary person. Even if she was trained, she might not be her opponent.

"Don't force me to do it!"

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