On the other hand, Ji Feng and Michelle have changed their addresses.

They came to the new hotel to stay, and their information has been kept secret.

However, due to the special nature, the two can only live in the same room.

Due to the misunderstanding last time, Michelle always felt a little uncomfortable when facing Ji Feng.

But because of his busy business, Ji Feng didn't notice that Michelle was wrong at all. He sat in the living room and dealt with his own affairs. Although he came here to track down Ma Yuanzhong's whereabouts, he unexpectedly gained the love of Wang Dafa and Yang Rundong. Assets are still in liquidation.

After Ji Feng finished this, it was already night. Michelle went into the bathroom to take a shower at this time. Ji Feng wanted to go in and ask about the account book and roster that Michelle had on hand. She wanted to take a general look. The roster staff there.

Unexpectedly, the two met at the door, and Michelle was wearing a bath towel.

Michelle blushed, she lowered her head, and said a little embarrassedly: "I saw you were busy outside just now, so I went to take a shower first, sorry I forgot there was someone outside... …”

Ji Feng shook his head and Michelle, who had taken off her makeup, looked extremely pure. Originally, Ji Feng thought that Michelle should be very young, but she didn't expect that when Michelle was handing over the information, Ji Feng took a peek. It was discovered that Michelle was only one or two years younger than herself.

Sure enough, she has a baby face, which is very tender.

"It's okay, what's the matter with your injury?"

At this time, Ji Feng found that Michelle's shoulders and arms were all bruised, and there were traces left by the whip, which looked very serious.

Michelle looked down at the injuries on her body, she smiled and shook her head, "It was done when they were caught, they tortured me in order to get news from me, but it's a pity I I have been trained, even if I kill me, I can't get the slightest bit of information from my mouth."

"Your injuries are so serious, why don't you go to the hospital to take a look?"

Ji Feng frowned.

"What's so serious, I've had more serious injuries. But my skin constitution is very strange, no matter how serious the injury is, it won't leave any scars, and that's why I'm especially suitable for execution Task."

If you have to wear a dress or swimsuit on certain occasions, those scars will reveal yourself.

Michelle seems to be very proud of her physique.

"But even so, you can't let it go. No matter how serious your wounds look, if you don't disinfect them properly, these scars will stay on your body, and they may become inflamed for a long time."

"But now I'm still on a mission. If I go to the hospital and are discovered by others, it will be more than worth the loss..."

Michelle shook her head and felt that she should stay in the hotel and let these wounds heal themselves.

Ji Feng couldn't help sighing, "The body is the capital of the revolution. If your health is not good, even if you want to catch these bad guys, you will be powerless. You stay here and I will come back."

"Where are you going?"

Michelle wanted to follow, but because she was wearing a bathrobe and couldn't run to the corridor, she could only watch Ji Feng shut the door.

It didn't take long for Ji Feng to walk in with a medicine box. He went to the front desk to ask, and there was indeed a medicine box there.

There are basic bone-setting medicines to stop bleeding, as well as disinfectant and so on.

Ji Feng walked to the bed and raised his chin towards Michelle, "What are you still doing there? Come here."

"Ah? You know medicine?"

"A little bit."

Michelle nodded dumbly, and then walked over slowly. She was a little uncomfortable, and she always felt very strange in her heart.

But she still lay down obediently.

Ji Feng's medical skills are still very high. Because of the system, he has already learned all kinds of skills. Therefore, these injuries on Michelle's body are not a big problem at all.

Ji Feng's technique was very skillful. First, he treated Michelle's bleeding wounds. In fact, there was no bleeding now, but it looked really scary.

Michelle's body is relatively petite, but her body is covered with scars, one can imagine how those guys tortured Michelle.

Michelle and Su Miaomiao have similar personalities and are about the same height.

But Michelle was injured so badly, Ji Feng couldn't help frowning, and he started a lot softer.

Michelle never dared to look up at Ji Feng. She lowered her head and didn't know what she was thinking.

Ji Feng quickly treated Michelle's wound.

Then Ji Feng scattered silt for Michelle.

"You may feel a little pain for a while, but it's over once you endure it."

Michelle nodded randomly and then really felt a lot of pain, and the pain became relieved after a while.

It took nearly half an hour or so before Michelle felt comfortable.

"Where are your wounds?"

As soon as Ji Feng said this, Michelle's face turned red, and she was actually injured... But Ji Feng was a man anyway...

"I can handle other injuries myself, don't bother you."

"What's the matter? Are you embarrassed? You don't have to feel embarrassed about me, because I'm a doctor and I've seen all kinds of people."

Ji Feng watched Michelle change her normal behavior, and he couldn't help but tease.

Michelle saw that the wounds treated by Ji Feng were almost healed, and the bruises had dissipated. If it was before, it would take a long time for these wounds to heal on their own, and the bruises would not heal for a long time. It cannot be dissipated. Although Michelle's body does not leave scars, it will take some time for these injuries to heal.

The bruised places will make people feel very painful, Michelle licked her dry lips, but those places are too private, "It's okay, I'll do it myself!"

Michelle shyly picked up the medicine box and went back to the bathroom. Ji Feng couldn't help laughing at Michelle's appearance.

Michelle came out after giving herself medicine, and then asked, "What are we going to do next, those guys must be vigilant, and from Yang Rundong and Wang Dafa's mouth, we can't get anything News. I think Zhang Asi and Liang Chaonan must be very cunning."

"Why don't you look for the underground bank first, haven't you been there? Do you remember the address?"

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