"I did go to the underground bank before, but they caught them before I could find any clues. The location of the underground bank is very strange..."

Michelle was shy just now, but now she has become serious. Michele lowered her eyes and replied, "The location of their underground bank is uncertain, but what is certain is that they appear in all places. It's in Yangcheng."

"It's just that Yangcheng is so big that it's impossible to find the exact location, so we still need to find Zhang Asi or Liang Chaonan."

Michelle nodded in agreement, "It's true, but these two guys must have realized that the crisis cannot expose the situation of the underground bank... They report to the underground bank once every month. The data is to let the superiors know about this matter. And the list of coordinators. It’s just that my last report made their report come to nothing. So they should organize a second report.”

The underground bank is much more valuable than these city owners. As long as you find the underground bank, you can find more ledgers, and you can get more data and personnel lists.

"Are they going to have a second debrief any time soon? I don't think it's likely."

If it was Ji Feng, he would not take such a risk.

"Now we don't have any news on hand, so I'm not sure. But our people have already gone to monitor Zhang Axi and Liang Chaonan. These two people are the remaining two Liang Chaonan of the four major city masters. This person is suspicious by nature. The network is very wide, Zhang Asi has a more impulsive personality and a relatively simple mind."

In other words, Zhang Asi is actually a muscular, simple-minded guy.

"It's better to start with Zhang Asi. Regardless of whether there will be a next report, we must get some clues from these two people."

The system has already rewarded him, and Ji Feng received the next task, which is to kill Zhang Asi and Liang Chaonan to get more information.

The reward given by the system is related to Zhang Asi and Liang Chaonan, and it also gave a very useful thing, that is, an intelligence collector.

This intelligence collector can only be used once, but once is enough, they can get a lot of intelligence.

However, these information are random, and what kind of information Ji Feng is still uncertain about. Besides, this information is still regional, Ji Feng is thinking about the rare reward, so let's wait and see.

"Let's wait for the information. The personnel of the intelligence team will send us news."

The two waited for a while, and sure enough, the news came from the intelligence team that Zhang Asi and others were playing in the nightclub.

"It is generally more complicated, and the information obtained will be more, why not let the two of us investigate?"

Michelle's suggestion said that now Michelle is no longer arrogant, and Ji Feng will discuss everything she has.

Ji Feng thought for a while and nodded, "But Zhang Axi and Liang Chaonan both know you. What if you go and are found by the two of them?"

"It doesn't matter, I'm very good at makeup, as long as I draw them so they don't recognize it, that's enough."

After Michelle finished speaking, she vacated her makeup, and soon she put on a pitiful makeup, which looked very beautiful. Although Li Xueer's face was originally beautiful, this makeup made Michelle completely become another person.

At this time, Michelle put on pure clothes again and looked even more beautiful.

"What are you still doing? Let's go!"

Ji Feng thought about it and changed his clothes and changed his face. Generally, it seems that there is a big difference from usual.

Michelle looked like Ji Feng who had changed to another person, and she was also very surprised. Originally, this skill needs to be practiced, but Ji Feng's learning ability is so strong.

After the two put on their makeup, they came together and went to the nightclub. The place was very lively. Men and women twisted their bodies on the dance floor. The music was deafening and the light was colorful.

Originally, Michelle and Ji Feng had already made up to look different, and the lighting here made it even harder to see their faces.

The two of them found a seat and sat down, and each asked for a glass of wine. Unlike these people who came here to play, the two of them looked more vigilant. Soon their target person appeared Zhang Asi. He is a muscular man, and the clothes he wears can't hide Zhang Asi's figure. He looks very burly and sturdy.

Zhang Asi seems to come here often, so the bartenders and security here know him.

Today's Zhang Asi looked very worried. He said something to the manager with a dark face. The manager immediately greeted him aside. This bar has a box. Although the hall is deafening, the box is relatively quiet.

Seeing Zhang Asi walk into the box, the two of them exchanged glances, and they both walked towards the corridor over the box.

Unexpectedly, he was stopped by the manager in front of him as soon as he walked over. The manager asked with a smile, "Have the two of you reserved a box?"

"Is there still an appointment for this box? We're from out of town, so I don't know."

Ji Feng adapts accordingly.

"It turns out to be friends from other places. The box in our bar requires reservations to enter. Since the two of you have no reservations, let's play in the lobby!"

Ji Feng nodded, and the two returned to the deck at this time.

"They must be conspiring something in the box... I saw the crowd walking past again just now. I have seen this person in the underground bank."

Michelle stuck to Monsoon's ear and said this quietly.

"But they are more strictly guarded there, and we don't think we can get in."

"You're right. Besides, we caught the manager's attention when we went in just now. If we go in again, we will definitely be found... By the way, I'll go back and take a look."

Michelle thought for a while, and then stood up. It seemed that she needed to go to the bathroom, but in fact, she didn't go to the bathroom, but to see the person serving wine and serving fruit in the background.

Sure enough, those people wanted to deliver a fruit bowl to Zhang Asi's box.

Michelle pretended to be drunk and bumped into one of the waiters, and she stuck the bug in her hand under the fruit bowl.

The waiter was a little angry at first, but seeing that Michelle was so beautiful, the waiter swallowed all the words in his stomach.

After installing the bug, the waiter walked into the box.

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