The Strongest Son-in-law: God-level Choice

Chapter 1056: annoying person

Ji Feng didn't know whether to laugh or cry, "Then wait a while, I'll pick you up."

Su Miaomiao just complained. She didn't expect Ji Feng to come to pick her up. She said happily, "Brother-in-law, do you have a car here too?"

Does Ji Feng really have his own car here? He just took a taxi when he went out recently.

But Ji Feng doesn't care, it's just buying a car, it's not difficult for him.

"Yeah, I have a car, so you wait a moment, I'll go right away."

Su Miaomiao was overjoyed, she replied repeatedly, "That's great, I'll wait for you at Yangcheng Airport!"

After Su Miaomiao hung up the phone, she said to her agent, "Let's wait here for a while? My brother-in-law will come to me!"

The agent also nodded and waited with Su Miaomiao.

"This Yangchang Airport is really big. It's my first time here."

Su Miaomiao looked around, and the more she looked, the more excited she became.

"It's still big? Then you haven't seen the capital's international airport. It's even bigger!"

Su Miaomiao pouted, "I haven't been there yet! But in the future, I will be in more variety shows, so I can go with me, right?"

The agent couldn't help but smiled. This agent was arranged by An Menglan, who was kind, and was a gold medal agent.

Others call her Sister Hui.

"Yes, yes, you are a good seedling, and you will definitely shine in the future! Maybe you will be able to compete with the actress!"

Sister Hui's words are not compliments, but to make children happy, she really thinks so.

Su Miaomiao's face blushed, she waved her hand, "Actually, I don't have much ambition. I just don't want to cause trouble for the family. If I can earn money to support myself, that's enough."

Sister Hui smiled without saying a word.

At the beginning, when Su Miaomiao was assigned to a gold broker like Sister Hui, it caused a heated discussion.

Because Su Miaomiao's process is wrong. Su Miaomiao didn't go to the training group, nor was she packaged. She had to say that she didn't seem to be a star except for her face.

Not even the temperament and aura of a star.

Even Sister Hui didn't know why An Menglan would arrange herself beside Su Miaomiao.

But after Sister Hui and Su Miaomiao got in touch, she fell in love with this honest girl again.

She is well protected, but at the same time she is kind and sincere, and has a soft heart, but in the entertainment industry, these shining points may become poison.

So Sister Hui was very worried, wouldn't it cost her life to let such a girl enter the entertainment industry?

Later, Sister Hui noticed that Su Miaomiao was very talented and full of spiritual energy, and she had her own characteristics in every frown, smile, cry, and trouble.

And she did a good job in changing roles. She was definitely not a vase, and her acting skills were also excellent. When she said she was in the play, she was in the play, and her plasticity was extremely strong, which made Sister Hui, a gold medal agent who has read countless people, sigh.

She has brought a lot of new people, as long as she takes a look, if it doesn't work, then it won't work. She is also very good at capturing the shining points of these artists for packaging, so the artists who pass through Sister Hui's hands are basically popular.

Su Miaomiao made her very satisfied.

Sister Hui brought Su Miaomiao to participate in the variety show in Yangcheng this time, firstly to increase her popularity and attract fans, and secondly to promote Su Miaomiao's movie.

Although Su Miaomiao is a supporting role in this movie, this movie is a super big IP, and her role is very lovable.

If the previous variety show is well done and the publicity is in place, with her ability, the Best Newcomer Award is definitely not difficult.

Sister Hui looked at Su Miaomiao with tenderness.

"Oh, this girl is so pretty!"

A frivolous voice suddenly came over, Su Miaomiao froze for a moment, looked in the direction of the voice, and saw a man dressed in fancy clothes and two younger brothers walking towards them.

Su Miaomiao frowned, the airport is very big, there are many places, and everything is empty.

Su Miaomiao is also a little famous now, so Sister Hui asked her to sit in the corner in order not to cause unnecessary trouble.

Who knew that this flower still attracted wild bees and butterflies.

Sister Hui glanced at it roughly, this guy looks very rich, and his clothes are all luxury. She has been in this circle for so long, how could she not see it?

It's just that money is rich, and he looks vulgar when he looks at it. He has put together all the clothes that can be named, and he looks messy. This kind of person is more like a rich upstart.

Sister Hui frowned, pulled Su Miaomiao up and said, "Miaomiao, let's go somewhere else."

In order to avoid unnecessary misunderstandings, she intends to escape.

But the man stopped them. The man grinned and said, "Where are you going? Your name is Miao Miao? It's a really nice name! Get to know me, I'm a tyrant in Yangcheng, you can call me super young."

Su Miaomiao has no good feelings for this kind of bullying guy. She remembered how Ma Rulong and others bullied her sister, and as long as she remembered it, Su Miaomiao was very unhappy.

"Sister Hui, let's go."

Su Miaomiao turned her head and left, her brother-in-law was coming soon anyway.

"Let's go? Where are you going? I'm the most familiar here. I can take you wherever you go. It looks like you're from out of town, right? You look familiar... ah! I remember, are you? The female artist who participated in Little Secrets of Boys and Girls?"

Chao Shao seemed to have thought of something, and immediately became excited, "I said that you are familiar! It seems that you are right! Ouch, I thought it was a microdermabrasion in the later stage of the show, but I didn't expect you to be so fair and beautiful in real life. ."

Chao Shao looked at Su Miaomiao, those eyes seemed to stick to Su Miaomiao's body.

"Super little, right? Thank you for liking our Miaomiao, but our Miaomiao still has to make an announcement. I'm sorry."

Sister Hui is also polite.

"Catch the announcement? What's there to catch? Oh, Miao Miao, let me tell you, the entertainment industry is very deep. Look at those famous actresses and actresses who married rich people after they became popular. Why? Because they all eat youth food. If they don't marry these rich people, they can't survive. How? You don't think about it while you're young?"

Chao Shao licked his lips, his expression was very wretched, and Su Miaomiao was very disgusted.

"What nonsense are you talking about?" Su Miaomiao scolded angrily, "Then you have a narrow view! I will conquer the audience with my acting skills!"

"Hey, don't you know that the film and television group in Yangcheng is under my father's control? If you want to promote it here, you have to pass me!"

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