"You brat, don't you know, anyway, I'm giving you a chance, you dare to talk to me like this, I think you don't want to live?"

Chao Shao glared at Ji Feng fiercely, Ji Feng shrugged his shoulders, "Didn't you just say you were going to clean me up? I haven't seen you doing anything to me now, and you left the two bodyguards behind, look. Doesn't it look like you're trying to run away?"

Chao Shao felt embarrassed, so he wanted to leave first, but did not expect Ji Feng to dare to use aggressive tactics?

"Very good, you have successfully angered me, I want to let you know what is king!"

I saw Chao Shao raised his mobile phone and made a call, "If you have the ability, just wait here, my people will come in a while, and let you see what it means to be really strong!"

"That's good, then I'll wait here, I'll see what crooked melons and cracked dates you can call."

Su Miaomiao pulled Ji Feng's sleeve a little worriedly, "Brother-in-law is not good, if he calls a lot of people, how could we be her opponent, and he also said that this is his territory."

Ji Feng gently patted the back of Su Miaomiao's hand, comforting Su Miaomiao and said:

"You don't have to worry, but if he dares to call someone, I'll let him see what is powerful."

After Ji Feng finished speaking, she helped Sister Hui who fell to the ground. Sister Hui closed her eyes, and it seemed that the kick she was kicked really hurt her.

"What about my brother-in-law? Sister Hui was bullied by those hooligans because of me. Let's take Sister Hui to the hospital first, shall we?"

Su Miaomiao moved in. Sister Hui's appearance was really frightening. Su Miaomiao didn't care so much now. They could go to the hospital first while the super young were still calling.

"Don't worry, it just kicked her stomach. I'll treat her."

Ji Feng had nothing on hand, but he massaged Sister Hui with his hand. Sister Hui quickly breathed a sigh of relief and slowly woke up. Sister Hui, who opened her eyes, looked at her worriedly. Su Miaomiao, let Su Miaomiao run away quickly.

"Sister Hui, don't worry about my brother-in-law coming. Those guys can't escape. They don't dare to bully us any more, so don't worry!"

Su Miaomiao believes in Ji Feng very much, because Ji Feng often leads them out of danger.

Sister Hui glanced at Ji Feng suspiciously.

Sister Hui doesn't know Ji Feng, nor does she know the relationship between Ji Feng and An Menglan, nor does she know that An Menglan's big company is actually Ji Feng's business.

"But we can't just sit back and wait. If the one called Chaoshao calls a lot of people in a while, where are the few of us who are their opponents?"

Ji Feng smiled and comforted, "It doesn't matter, how many people he can call, I will make them regret it."

Originally, Yangcheng didn't have Ji Feng's property, but Wang Dafa and Yang Rundong gave away their heads to their heart's content. In addition, Monsoon had already harvested Zhang Axi's property yesterday. Now half of Yangcheng's world belongs to him. Under the order, hundreds of people will definitely gather here with a hula.

Sister Hui was a little worried and didn't know why Ji Feng was so confident, but they could only rely on Ji Feng now.

It didn't take long for the people who were arranged very rarely to come. Those people looked fierce and vicious, and there were hundreds of people. , everyone dared not say a word.

After Chao Shao saw these people, a smug smile appeared on his face. He stood in front of these little brothers and looked at Ji Feng coldly.

"Stinky boy, it's too late for you to apologize to me now."

Looking at Chao Shao's indomitable expression, Ji Feng couldn't help but smile. He saw that Ji Feng snapped his fingers and nearly 500 people walked in from the airport. The group of people wore uniform clothes, and at a glance, they knew that they were not easy to provoke.

Chao Shao was taken aback. He saw that Ji Feng sent almost twice as many people as they did, and these people looked fierce, and Chao Shao was a little horrified at the time.

Chao Shao licked his dry lips, but he couldn't be ashamed in front of his younger brother.

"Don't think it's amazing that you have more people calling you. If you really want to fight, you are not the opponent of my little brothers!"

At this time, Su Miaomiao was also startled. She didn't know where Ji Feng had called so many people. These people were all well-trained, and one or two eyes were not easy to provoke.

But no matter what, Su Miaomiao still puffed up her chest, and saw Su Miaomiao glaring at Chao Shao fiercely, "Aren't you very arrogant just now? Now that you see our people, do you feel scared? You? Didn't you just say let us beg for mercy? I'll return those words to you as they are."

Chao Shao gritted his teeth with hatred. He originally thought that Su Miaomiao was just an unattractive little actor, but he never expected that she would have such a powerful brother-in-law, but Chao Shao has been domineering in Yangcheng for so long, but he has never heard of it. There is a person like Ji Feng, who is this guy? Look, he doesn't look like a native of Yangcheng. How can he know so many people?

But the arrow had to be sent on the string. As the saying goes, don't fight for the steamed bread. I saw Chao Shao clenched his fists and roared, "Give me everything, beat that guy down, I will reward you!"

As the saying goes, there is a lot of money out of a brave man. When everyone heard that there will be a lot of rewards for the super young people, they didn't care about so much. They immediately rushed up and scuffled with the group of people.

In the chaos, Chao Shao wanted to smear oil on the soles of his feet and slip away, because Chao Shao already felt that he had no chance of winning. After all, there were so many people on Ji Feng's side, and the fights were quite fierce.

As the saying goes, there is no turning back and there are too few arrows, and there is no way to stop this melee, so after finding out that the situation is not right, Chao Shao will slip away, but the movement of Chao Shao is seen by Ji Feng.

Everyone in the airport was shivering with fright. Now, no one of them dared to move, and they could only watch the airport become chaotic and the sound of fighting continued, just like the battlefield in ancient times, which was very spectacular.

"It seems that you are planning to run away, but I told you that the door is not bullied. My sister-in-law just wants to run away like this. Are you thinking too much?"

Chao Shao was caught, and he couldn't escape if he wanted to escape. Chao Shao was pressed against the wall by Ji Feng, and he was suspended.

Chao Shao waved his hands and feet vigorously, but he couldn't get rid of Ji Feng's hand at all. Ji Feng's strength was so great that he grabbed Chao Shao's neck.

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