The Strongest Son-in-law: God-level Choice

Chapter 1065: fright in the middle of the night

Liang Chaonan originally wanted to come here to find a chance, but now, he understood that it was useless no matter how much he struggled.

So Liang Chaonan simply left.

When An Menglan saw Liang Chaonan throw her sleeves away, she was a little worried, "Mr. Ji, is it really okay to let him go like this? He looks like he wants revenge."

Ji Feng said with a smile: "Looking at him like this, it's strange that he doesn't intend to take revenge. However, he is still useful."

An Menglan asked Ji Feng, "Mr. Ji, what's his use?"

Ji Feng took a look. There are many people here. If you talk to An Menglan about the gray organization here, I am afraid that people who are interested will listen.

An Menglan is also Ji Feng's partner, and is now involved, so Ji Feng plans to talk to An Menglan.

Ji Feng asked An Menglan to come to his address tonight to find him, but An Menglan agreed without any doubts.

After the party was over, An Menglan went to the hotel where Ji Feng was staying.

Ji Feng didn't go back and forth, and told An Menglan directly about the gray organization.

Ji Feng originally thought that An Menglan would be surprised, but An Menglan only revealed a pair of words: "It turns out that this organization made trouble."

"You know?" Ji Feng became interested.

An Menglan nodded, "I know. My father and my grandfather are both outstanding entrepreneurs. My mother's family is also one of the best. People from the gray organization have also contacted them before, but they are unmoved."

Ji Feng suddenly realized, "So that's the case. It's true that you didn't join the gray organization."

An Menglan agrees very much, "There are powerful people behind this gray organization, and the underground organizations in every urban area are basically related to the gray organization. If other companies rejected the gray organization, they would have been arrested. . It's just that our family's business is solid, so they haven't been successful."

After An Menglan finished speaking, she frowned and asked, "Mr. Ji, is it the gray organization that provokes you now?"

Ji Feng nodded and said, "That's right. There was a guy named Ma Yuanzhong in Donghai City before. Their family kept going and did a lot of stupid things. Now Ma Yuanzhong is still restless, so I traced it here."

An Menglan was silent for a while, and then said, "Mr. Ji, I also don't like the actions of the gray organization. No matter what you want to do, I will try my best to assist you. Just say it."

A partner like An Menglan is really good. Ji Feng said, "I know, I won't be polite in the future. What are you going to do? Are you going back tonight?"

An Menglan shook her head, "There is no schedule yet, and I don't know if Liang Chaonan will be bad for you, so I want to wait and see."

Ji Feng himself is fine, those guys are not his opponents.

"Okay, it's too late now, I'll take you back."

An Menglan said, "The hotel I live in is far away. I've already opened a room next to you. Mr. Ji, it's been a long time since I've seen you. Can I not have dinner with you?"

Of course Ji Feng would not reject An Menglan's request, he said, "That's good."

An Menglan went back to her room, washed and prepared to sleep. But at this time, a strange sound rang out, An Menglan frowned, and the sound seemed to sound from the door.

An Menglan cautiously walked towards the door, the sound was a bit louder, it must have been someone fiddling with the lock.

An Menglan's heart beat a little faster. Because An Menglan's acting skills are good, her background is very good, and she is so beautiful, she often attracts some fanatics.

These people are also called illegitimate meals, and they can even figure out An Menglan's address. Later, An Menglan could only move to a more advanced villa.

Now An Menglan always travels with bodyguards, but she came here to see Ji Feng today, so she did not bring bodyguards. Wouldn't it be so coincidental, I met an illegitimate meal at this time, right?

An Menglan frowned. She glanced at the cat's eye and looked at who the person outside was.

Just as An Menglan approached, a gunshot with a muffler suddenly sounded!

An Menglan was taken aback, the bullet rubbed her delicate cheek! For a moment, she only felt a burning pain in her face.

Is it a gun? !

An Menglan immediately ducked. The guy outside was still working on the lock. At this time, the lock was spinning, which meant that the guy had unlocked it!

An Menglan swallowed a mouthful of saliva with difficulty, and she immediately went to the back room. Now, she must not let this guy find her, otherwise it will be the end!

An Menglan had encountered such a person before, and it was her parents' enemies who came to her door. An Menglan was kidnapped several times when she was a child.

Even so, An Menglan is not afraid. At this time, An Menglan has no bodyguards to protect her, so she can only find a way to deal with it. After she got the mobile phone, she hid in the closet and dialed the phone eagerly.

The man had already got in. Although the lights were not turned on in the room, after getting used to the darkness, An Menglan could see a figure walking around.

His footsteps were very light, if he didn't look, An Menglan might not even know that he had walked in.

That guy was like walking in his own home, very casual, he was searching for An Menglan.

An Menglan didn't have time to find a bodyguard. The nearest person was Ji Feng, but if Ji Feng came in rashly, he would probably be killed by this gangster...

An Menglan became nervous, she didn't want Ji Feng to have an accident.

But if it is not called Ji Feng, then he may die.

When An Menglan was fighting, the gangster's deep laughter suddenly sounded, An Menglan's eyes widened suddenly, when did this guy come to the front? !

"You can't escape."

After the man finished speaking, he raised his pistol and shot at the wardrobe where An Menglan was hiding!

An Menglan immediately hid to the side, but the cabinet was so big that she couldn't hide anywhere!

The man sneered and got closer, just as he was about to fire the second shot, a figure suddenly appeared behind him!

Before the man could react, he was kicked to the ground by Ji Feng. The man was struggling and wanted to shoot. How could Ji Feng give him a chance? I saw Ji Feng stepped forward and stepped on the back of the man's hand. The man screamed, his bones were shattered, and he couldn't hold the gun steady at all.

An Menglan saw that Ji Feng appeared in front of her like a **** descended from the earth, and she was no longer afraid. She carefully pushed open the cabinet door, "Mr. Ji, thank you!"

Ji Feng nodded, then leaned over and asked, "Who are you? Who asked you to come? You'd better explain clearly."

The gangster struggled, "Don't want to know!"

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