An Menglan nodded embarrassedly.

In fact, many people do not like to confuse life and work together. This is also normal.

The two went to the office together. The office here is similar to that of the company. Ji Feng couldn't help sighing when he saw it - he was really a workaholic.

An Menglan took out the report and handed it to Ji Feng, "This is the autopsy report of the killer."

Ji Feng looked at it a little and filtered out more useful news.

"I thought it was weird when he broke into my room that day. Liang Chaonan wanted to deal with you, but he didn't have the guts to deal with me. This killer has a tattoo on his body and looks like a member of the Killer Alliance. I suspect him to deal with me."

An Menglan told Ji Feng directly.

"Aren't all the people in the Killer League employed by others? I think he may have bought it from Liang Chaonan. Maybe he went through the wrong door."

The two rooms are very close to each other.

Although Ji Feng's analysis is also reasonable, An Menglan thinks it is not. This kind of killer is very powerful, and he will definitely observe the target to kill before taking action. Logically speaking, absolutely nothing can go wrong.

An Menglan said: "I have arranged for someone to investigate this matter, and a conclusion should be reached soon. Mr. Ji rest assured, I have also made people look at Liang Chaonan. If there is any movement in Liang Chaonan, I will be here. I'll know right away."

Liang Chaonan's media company has been targeted by An Menglan, and his TV program has been cut off, which has already caused Liang Chaonan to suffer a lot, and now it is difficult to restore it.

As long as An Menglan starts, then Liang Chaonan will not have a good life.

In addition, Ji Feng has already emptied Yangcheng. Two-thirds of Yangcheng's enterprises are now in Ji Feng's hands. Even Liang Chaonan is no match for the two of them.

The reason why Ji Feng didn't kill all of them was to wait. Wait for the underground bank to emerge, and wait for Ma Yuanzhong to show up.

It's just that this guy Ma Yuanzhong is really cunning enough to know that he has nothing now, so he has been silent and never appeared.

Just then, there was a knock on the door.

An Menglan frowned, she was a little angry, who was this time?

"Miss, Madam asked you to come downstairs."

It turned out to be the housekeeper of An Menglan's house. The housekeeper also knew that what An Menglan hated most when she was working was when others came to disturb her.

When An Menglan heard that it was her mother who asked her to go downstairs, she had to say to Ji Feng: "Mr. Ji, will you go down with me? It's almost time for dinner. It's impossible not to invite you to dinner. "

It didn't matter to Ji Feng, he went downstairs with An Menglan.

At this time, An Songling and Fang Ling were already dressed neatly. In such a short period of time, they both changed into a suit, and they looked much more serious.

Seeing Ji Feng, Fang Ling raised his brows and said, "Why haven't you left yet? Do you really want to humiliate yourself?"

An Menglan said angrily: "Mother, please respect Mr. Ji. I have already said that Mr. Ji and I are not the kind of relationship you think. Mr. Ji is my partner. I will be here today. invited."

Unexpectedly, Fang Ling sneered and said, "Have you started to protect him now? It's a pity, he doesn't seem to have any courage at all. It doesn't look as powerful as you said."

Fang Ling thought that Ji Feng was not responsible and dared to come back with her daughter, but did not dare to face a stronger opponent than him.

An Menglan was originally selfish, but now she is clearly aware of her mother's hostility towards Ji Feng. Of course, An Menglan couldn't let her mother misunderstand.

But no matter how An Menglan clarifies, it is useless, because unless she is working, she basically doesn't have any contacts with men. This time, she and Ji Feng were not only photographed entering the hotel, but even brought Ji Feng home.

How could An Songling and Fang Ling not be suspicious? Fang Ling doesn't look down on Ji Feng. In Fang Ling's eyes, Ji Feng is just an ordinary person who can't stand on the table.

At this time, Ji Feng stepped forward and stopped in front of An Menglan, "Auntie, although I have only just started, I can't compare to your business. But I believe that I will be able to compete with you if I can't pass much. Please give opportunity."

An Menglan was taken aback, why did Ji Feng suddenly say such a thing?

Fang Ling even felt that Ji Feng was unreliable. This guy's rhetoric must have deceived her daughter's heart like this.

Fang Ling glanced at Ji Feng coldly, then didn't speak.

Before long, several luxury cars stopped in the parking lot of the manor. A few people in suits and leather shoes stepped out of the car. The one at the head looked young and energetic. He walked in with a smile, "Hello, uncle and aunt! It's been a long time."

An Songling nodded with a smile, "Mingzhe, I didn't expect you to grow so big. I remember seeing you only a little taller before, but now you're a man."

Mingzhe said with a smile: "Uncle has been abroad all the time, and it's rare to return to China during this time, so I hurried over to see you. Here are some small gifts from me, I hope my uncle and aunt like it!"

After Mingzhe finished speaking, people moved in a lot of things.

A smile appeared on Fang Ling's icy face, "I still know the rules of etiquette, unlike some people."

An Menglan could hear her mother's voiceover, and she was very angry, "Mother, I brought Mr. Ji here to clarify things, not to visit the two of them."

Mingzhe actually saw this man standing beside An Menglan from the very beginning.

Mingzhe also saw the scandal today, and he was furious. When he came just now, he was thinking about how holy this man is, and how dare he come so close to his woman.

Now it seems that this guy just wants to eat swan meat. Mingzhe is not worried now, because in Mingzhe's eyes, Ji Feng in front of him is not competitive at all.

"Since you're here, sit down and have a light meal."

Mingzhe said, "Uncle and aunt, I found a very good Cantonese restaurant. I know that you two like Cantonese food, so I have already made a reservation."

An Songling laughed, "Yes, yes, what your aunt and I miss the most is the taste of Cantonese cuisine in the past, which is rare now."

Fang Ling also nodded and said, "Okay, then let's try it out."

Although Fang Ling didn't say anything to Ji Feng, Fang Ling's attitude already explained everything.

An Menglan sighed, "Mr. Ji, let's go together. I've wronged you."

Ji Feng didn't care. The two of them got into a car, which made Fang Ling very unhappy.

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