The old man smiled and took Ji Feng and An Menglan to Qingfeng Teahouse. He also had Xiaoguang go in to check her throat, worried that she was choking.

"I'm so sorry, I didn't take care of it well."

Ji Feng shook his head and said, "You shouldn't tell me this, after all, you are his parent. But you don't have to blame yourself. I can see that there is something wrong with your legs and feet. That's why you can't keep up. ."

The old man's eyes widened sharply, and he said, "Are you a doctor? How can you tell that there is something wrong with my legs and feet."

Ji Feng smiled and said, "I know some medical skills."

The old man nodded, "So it is!"

Ji Feng looked at the old man's leg injury and said, "It looks like this disease has been rooted for a long time, right? But you often do reconstruction, so the legs and feet are not deformed."

The old man felt that Ji Feng was really a god, "Oh, you know so much at a young age! It's amazing! By the way! I haven't officially introduced myself yet! People call me Tu Lao, how about you? Young people?"

Ji Feng smiled and said, "My name is Ji Feng."

Tu Lao smiled and said: "Ji Feng? Yes, yes, the name is good! But listening to the accent, you don't seem to be from the imperial capital, right? What do you want to do here? Do you want to buy antiques? You can go to my antique shop. Look! You saved my grandson just now, and I haven't repaid you yet! Pick whatever you want!"

Ji Feng waved his hand, "No. Mr. Tu, you are too polite. I just did it by hand. Besides, whoever encounters such a thing will help."

Tu Lao gave Ji Feng a thumbs up, and he said, "It's not bad! Young people are enlightened!"

Ji Feng said with a smile: "It's fate that we met, why don't I help you see your legs?"

Mr. Tu took a sip of tea, smacking his lips, and said, "Hey, to tell you the truth, my legs are already old. I have asked many doctors to see them before, but they are not good. I have already given up."

Ji Feng was even more curious, "I would like to see what's wrong."

Seeing that Ji Feng was so curious, Tu Lao pulled up his trouser legs to show Ji Feng.

Ji Feng looked at Tu Lao's leg, he said "Huh", and then said: "Tu Lao, your leg is muscle atrophy caused by poisoning. The toxin is still on the leg after so long."

Tu Lao was taken aback, "Brother Ji, can you tell?"

Ji Feng waved his hand, "I can't see it, how dare you call yourself a doctor?"

Mr. Tu asked again: "Brother Ji, you can see that, do you know how to cure it?"

Ji Feng nodded, "It's not too difficult for me. As long as you remove the toxins that are still on your leg bones, it can be cured."

Old Tu was so excited that he almost stood up, "Hey! I didn't expect that a person whose half of my foot was almost in the coffin would be able to heal my leg! To be honest, brother Ji, I am so bad for this leg. It took a lot of time and money, but it didn't work! My legs are still the same! The toxins are everywhere!"

Ji Feng smiled and said, "Not only that, but it still hurts every night, right?"

"That's right! It's amazing! You just need to look at it to see it! It's amazing!"

Ji Feng added: "I can treat you now. But I didn't carry a silver needle."

Tu Lao immediately said: "Is this not easy to do? I will have someone send it over immediately!"

Old Tu immediately ordered to go on.

At this time, the more An Menglan looked, the more she felt that the person in front of her was very familiar, as if she had seen it somewhere. But she couldn't remember it for a while.

Soon someone brought a silver needle. Ji Feng began to use his medical skills to treat Tu Lao's sick leg.

Old Tu's eyes stared at him tightly, while Ji Feng concentrated on giving Tu Lao an injection.

After about ten minutes or so, the treatment was over. Tu Lao really felt that his legs were very comfortable.

Ji Feng said: "You have been sick for a long time, and it will take some time to cure. It will take about a week to cure it."

Tu Lao wondered if he heard it wrong, "One week is enough?"

Ji Feng nodded, "Yes, the toxin can be forced back in about a week. It really takes some time and effort."

Old Tu couldn't believe that the illness that had tormented him for so long could force him to retreat in about a week. It was amazing, wasn't it?

Ji Feng looked at the time and said with some distress: "I'm sorry, old man. Now we have to find someone, so we won't sit."

Mr. Tu hurriedly asked Ji Feng: "Brother Ji, why don't you leave your contact information? I will definitely repay you if you heal my leg!"

Ji Feng also knows how exciting it is to see the hope of treatment after being tortured by the pain for so long. So he left his contact information, "Now we are staying at the Mochizuki Hotel. If it is not convenient for you to come, make an appointment and I will treat you."

Tu Lao nodded again and again, looking at the contact information that Ji Feng handed over like a treasure.

"By the way, who are you two going to find? I know this street very well. Tell me, maybe I can help you find it."

Ji Feng and An Menglan glanced at each other and said, "We are Tutianlong, do you know each other?"

Old Tu suddenly widened his eyes and said, "Are you looking for me? I am Tu Tianlong!"

An Menglan was taken aback, she quickly took out the information, "But, it doesn't look like it..."

Tu Tianlong leaned over to take a look, laughed and said, "These are photos from a long time ago! After I quit the business world, there is basically no news about me."

Ji Feng took a closer look, but it was somewhat similar, "I didn't expect to meet you here by chance."

Tu Tianlong also thought it was a coincidence. He said, "Brother Ji, I don't seem to know you. What exactly are you looking for me for? Tell me! As long as I can do it, I'm absolutely bound to!"

Ji Feng said with a smile: "Actually, we are here today, and we do have something to tell you."

Ji Feng talked about the forced debt 30 years ago, and Tu Tianlong's face became darker and darker, and he looked at An Meng and Ji Feng in a dark and unclear manner.

After Ji Feng finished speaking, Tu Tianlong said: "Brother Ji, I thank you very much for helping me treat. Of course, let alone one billion, I can give you even ten billion for the treatment fee, this is not a problem. It's just this money, I will never give it to An Jia as compensation."

An Menglan was very puzzled, "Old Tu, when you and my parents started the business, there was no me. So I don't know what happened back then, and my parents never told me, I want to know why you guys Enemy against each other?"

Tu Tianlong looked at An Menglan and asked, "They never mentioned it?"

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