"Actually, this is a very crude lie. It's just the right time and place, plus the evidence we have given. Although An Songling and Fang Ling couldn't believe it, they left with us."

The manager sighed, "This is the biggest mistake I have done. This little misunderstanding has become a knot in their hearts. I dare not say it, and I don't know how to say it. Because the two of them have drifted farther and farther. already."

It was An Menglan who didn't expect that it was because of this million that they had misunderstood for so many years.

When An Menglan went out, she only felt that good fortune was tricking people.

"My parents and Tu Tianlong must have been very good at the time."

Ji Feng thought that An Menglan's parents had already put this matter down.

"After so many years, I haven't seen them mentioning Tu Tianlong. But this time they said let's go to Tu Tianlong to ask for a debt, but it still costs one billion yuan. Tu Tianlong is very worried about what happened back then. Your parents are very concerned about what happened back then. I also feel unbearable in my heart. It's just that everyone is old, and your parents can't let go of the big brother Tu Tianlong. So they sent us over to give Tu Tianlong a step down."

An Menglan looked at Ji Feng with bright eyes, "That Mr. Ji meant..."

Ji Feng nodded, "Since this is a misunderstanding, let's solve this misunderstanding."

An Menglan thinks it's feasible, but...

"My parents may not be willing to come. Besides, Tu Tianlong is also a tough-tempered person. Will he listen?"

Ji Feng smiled and said, "Why can't I listen? He still has to treat his leg!"

An Menglan laughed, "What you said is true... Then I went to talk to my parents and said that Tu Tianlong was willing to pay back the money, but he had to pay it back in person."

Ji Feng nodded and said, "Yes, that's it. As for Tu Tianlong, I will arrange it."

At this time, Mingzhe also found Tu Tianlong, but Mingzhe's identity couldn't figure Tianlong at all. When others heard that he was here to collect debts, they were very unhappy, and they threw him out without listening to what he said at all.

Mingzhe couldn't do it, but he thought, he couldn't do it and Ji Feng shouldn't either.

With such an idea, Mingzhe went back. Anyway, Fang Ling likes him. As long as he uses some means, An Menglan will definitely be his own.

An Menglan has contacted her parents, and they will arrive tomorrow.

At this time, Ji Feng had already arranged the teahouse, and asked Tu Tianlong to go at the time he arranged.

The next afternoon, Tu Tianlong arrived as promised, and Ji Feng treated him for his leg.

At this time, Ji Feng said, "Elder Tu, haven't there been any turning points between you and An Songling? That one million is like this?"

Tu Tianlong said very unhappily: "Brother Ji, it's not that I didn't help you. But the million was bought with my life. If they treat me like this, they can't think about it anymore. This is the evidence that they betrayed me. I will remember it for the rest of my life!"

"Tu Tianlong! What is this million proof that we betrayed you? What did we betray you! You have to lie like this!"

Fang Ling was always a violent person. After she heard it outside the door, she didn't care so much. She pushed the door and barged in, very angry.

Tu Tianlong didn't expect that it had been so many years, and it was actually in this situation.

But even so, it's useless!

Tu Tianlong sneered and said, "What are you betraying me, you know it yourself! Do you need me to say it?"

An Songling used to be a very easy-going person, but now he is also very angry. He said, "Brother Tu, when you abandoned our woodware factory and ran away with the money, I always didn't believe it. Later, I came to you. , but you have already gone to the imperial capital. You took the money we earned together and went to the imperial capital to develop!"

Tu Tianlong was so angry, "I've never seen you so shameless! It turned right and wrong! You left me to go to a big factory, and the landlord came to ask our factory and kicked me out. The goods didn't come out in time, and they all got wet in the rain. I lost it. I couldn't supply the goods to Qinglong, and I was sent to be beaten to death by the leader of the Qinglong Gang! It was you who left me!"

As soon as the two sides met, they quarreled, and the quarrel was particularly fierce.

Just when the two sides were arguing, Ji Feng opened his hand and played the content of his conversation with the manager of the big factory yesterday.

Tu Tianlong and An Songling stopped and listened in a daze.

After the broadcast, Ji Feng said: "Since everyone has come, then sit down and have a cup of tea and talk about the events of the year."

An Songling's eyes widened suddenly, and he asked, "Is this true?"

An Menglan nodded, "Father, I personally went to Dachang's manager with Mr. Ji and asked."

An Songling looked at Tu Tianlong, who also looked at An Songling in disbelief.

"Then we have hated for so many years, but we were actually put together..."

Both sides were stunned as if their strength had been drained.

"In fact, no one was right or wrong back then, but at that time, everything was too coincidental."

It's just a pity, if the two of them join forces, the industry may be even more brilliant.

After Tu Tianlong, An Songling, and Fang Ling made a clear relationship, they realized that something really went wrong.

Tu Tianlong looked at his brother whom he hadn't seen for so many years, and he was getting old. This knot had been buried in his heart for more than 30 years.

The three of them blushed.

Ji Feng took An Menglan away, intending to give them some time to digest.

An Menglan couldn't help but sighed, "Fortunately, their misunderstanding has been resolved."

Ji Feng smiled and said, "Yes."

Tu Tianlong, An Songling, and Fang Ling Sanren finally figured out what happened back then, and the three of them couldn't care less, and cried together.

They didn't expect that such a small misunderstanding would have alienated them for so many years.

Finally solved this knot, and the three of them planned to have a meal together.

Of course, Ji Feng and An Menglan also participated in this long-awaited dinner together.

At the dinner table, An Songling, Tu Tianlong, and Fang Ling all drank too much. An Menglan also drank a lot. Ji Feng won't get drunk after drinking too much, so he took up the responsibility of taking care of them.

Ji Feng sent them all into the room, and finally sent An Menglan back to the room.

Just when Ji Feng wanted to leave, An Menglan grabbed Ji Feng and said, "Mr. Ji, are you leaving?"

Ji Feng didn't know whether to laugh or cry, he said, "You are drunk."

An Menglan said with blurry eyes: "Mr. Ji, I know I can't stand by your side, but I want to be the woman on your back."

Ji Feng was stunned, "What did you say?"

An Menglan blushed and said, "I want to be Mr. Ji's person."

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