An Menglan didn't speak, An Jiajia was even more proud.

Mingzhe also felt that he was proud, and his eyes were full of provocation when he looked at Ji Feng.

Mingzhe has always felt that Ji Feng is a guy with little ability, even if he is rich, he will not be rich.

He did this deliberately in front of An Songling and the others. Mingzhe's intention to do this was to tell them that they didn't choose him. Now he regrets it, right?

Ji Feng said with a smile: "Actually, I was thinking just now that since I'm here for the dinner, of course I can't be empty-handed. So I also prepared some gifts, but it may be a bit slower."

An Chuang didn't think that this young man could afford anything, he said with a smile: "Oh, what gift to give, we are a family banquet, you and we are not a family, it is actually a matter of whether to give it or not. It doesn't matter."

Although An Chuangxian said so, but he didn't think so.

He is proud now, after all, there is a good son-in-law like Mingzhe, and he has a long face.

An Songling was not very happy in his heart, he knew that the second brother was a competitive person. In fact, after so long, An Songling and his wife Fang Ling had long known that everyone in this family had evil intentions.

Because the third brother's son showed a sinister heart from the very beginning. They felt that there was only one man in the family, so the property must have fallen on them.

It is because of this that the third brother and his son began to run amuck.

Not only that, but they don't take a few sisters and sisters seriously. They believe that it is the male who can inherit the incense.

Some time ago, this unfinished business went to An Menglan's film and television center to make a scene, and was later kicked out by An Menglan's security guard. Their father and son were both very angry.

After that, Father An came out to solve it, and the two of them became quiet. It's just that they felt that it was unfair to them that the old man did this. They were so angry that they didn't come to the dinner.

This made An Menglan breathe a sigh of relief. Dealing with these relatives and friends was a nightmare for An Menglan. Make her feel more tired than work.

Now An Menglan looks at An Jiajia showing off in front of her, but in fact her heart is not disturbed. But because Ji Feng was involved, An Menglan was a little worried.

An Menglan pulled down La Jifeng's sleeves in private. In fact, what she meant was to let Ji Feng not care about them so much, because An Menglan thought that these people were just for face.

But Ji Feng held An Menglan's hand back, and a sworn smile appeared on his face. His intention was very clear, to reassure An Menglan.

An Jiajia also said, "What are you giving? If it's cheap, forget it. Our family is not short of money."

Although An Chuangxian is also the chairman of the company, in comparison, he is indeed much worse than An Songling. Mr. An also knew that among his three sons, only An Songling had the ability to do business.

At the beginning, their family was poor. If An Songling hadn't led the whole family to make money, they would still be digging in the village now. How could they have had a better life now?

Mr. An holds the largest shareholding in their joint venture company. An Chuangxian and his third brother both wanted to take it, so they always curry favor with Mr. An.

Mr. An's attitude has always been in the middle. He also knew that these two sons were inseparable.

Now this family banquet was supposed to be very happy, but I didn't expect the second son and the eldest son to fight again.

Mr. An couldn't help but sighed.

However, Mr. An believes that Mingzhe is indeed a good candidate. If Anjia Canon and Mingzhe get married, it can be said that their business will be improved to a higher level.

Therefore, Mr. An's eyes looking at Mingzhe and An Jiajia became much warmer.

On the contrary, Mr. An felt that an excellent girl like An Menglan found a little-known stinky boy, which made Mr. An very unhappy. Isn't this a waste of resources?

Although the old man felt that his bowl of water could be leveled, he was still very unhappy, and even his face became bad.

Seeing that Mingzhe hadn't moved for so long, he smiled smugly and said, "Ji Feng, didn't you say you wanted to give our grandfather a gift? Where's your gift?"

As soon as Mingzhe finished speaking, the sound of the helicopter's propeller rang out. Everyone was startled, and they didn't care about eating anymore, so they went out to check.

At this time, they saw a helicopter hovering above An's old house.

An Jiajia opened her mouth in surprise, what's going on? How can there be a helicopter?

Ji Feng smiled and said, "Say that Cao Cao and Cao Cao are here, the gift I want to give you is on this helicopter."

A man dressed as a butler got off the helicopter. He held several gift bags in his hand. When he delivered them, the butler respectfully said, "Master, all the gifts you asked for are here."

Ji Feng nodded and said, "Okay, let's go back first."

An Jiajia and others watched the plane leave again, their eyes straightened.

How stylish is this?

Ji Feng said with a smile, "I didn't know what to give you when we first met, so I specially asked someone to extract the purest royal jelly. This royal jelly is very good for the body and suitable for the old man to eat."

Ji Feng said and handed the gift bag in his hand to the butler. The butler hurriedly took it and felt heavy when he started. This royal jelly is a rare treasure, and the bottles of royal jelly are made by top troops. completed.

Mingzhe had also heard the legend about the emperor's royal jelly before, but they had never been able to ask for it. They didn't expect that Ji Feng would be such an expensive gift as soon as he shot it.

But Mingzhe thinks that it is unlikely that the royal jelly that even their family can't ask for, how could it appear in the hands of a stinky boy who has no ability at all? Mingzhe guessed that Ji Feng must be lying!

Mingzhe said sneeringly, "I heard that this royal jelly is hard to come by. How many dignitaries have tried to find it, but they have never been able to find it, and I don't know if the royal jelly you got is real or fake. , There are a lot of fake products on the market, if grandpa eats the fake products, it will be harmful to his body without any benefit."

Mingzhe's voice sounded, and An Chuangxian stepped forward immediately and looked at Ji Feng with terrifying eyes, "How dare you fool us with fakes, I think you are impatient!"

An Menglan didn't think Ji Feng would do such a thing, so she stopped in front of Ji Feng and said, "I believe that Mr. Ji's royal jelly is real."

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