After a while, they came to a very large company.

Ji Feng looked up after getting off the car and said, "It's very different from what I imagined. I thought it should be an antique lobby."

Hei Long snorted and said, "The gangs are different now. Let's go!"

Under the leadership of Heilong, Ji Feng came to the 30th floor. It turned out to be a gym with all the fitness equipment in it.

There are also many people who are exercising. Their bodies look very strong, and at a glance, they know that they are not easy to provoke.

After the black dragon entered, these younger brothers immediately stood up and bowed to the black dragon, "Heilong hall master!"

Heilong raised his hand and said, "Where is the third brother?"

Immediately, a younger brother replied, "The Hall Master Red Dragon is in the ring."

Heilong raised his chin towards Ji Feng and said, "Boy, come with me. I'll show you the power of my third brother!"

Ji Feng was neither annoyed nor afraid, and followed Heilong to the arena. The ring here is very professional. Ji Feng could hear the sound of waving his fists breaking through the air from a distance, screeching loudly. One can imagine how strong the person who waved his fist was.

Walking closer, Ji Feng saw the man fighting with the sandbag. The man was shirtless, with red hair, big muscles and strong muscles.

Heilong called out, "Third brother! I brought people here!"

Honglong stopped his hand, wiped the sweat on his forehead, turned his head and looked at Ji Feng with sharp eyes, his eyes were very picky, after looking at Ji Feng, Honglong said displeased: "That's it. A weak chicken, beat you all over the place looking for teeth?"

Hei Long's face turned red, and he felt incredible last night. Ji Feng doesn't look explosive, but he fights harder than anyone else.

"I'm embarrassed! Please compare the third brother with him, so that he will know that our Panlong Gang is not easy to mess with!"

Honglong sneered, walked towards Ji Feng, and said, "I heard that you beat up our brother of the Panlong Gang and defeated my fourth brother. I want to see how good you are. Come on."

Honglong didn't talk nonsense, and after jumping on the ring, he waved at Ji Feng.

Ji Feng was wearing a casual suit today, and he didn't want to back down. He jumped onto the ring and said, "How are you going to compare?"

Honglong rubbed his fists, "I don't come here for those fake ones. Let me explain to you first, I am the third runner-up in the Asian field in the Free Fighting Competition. My explosiveness is very strong. If this fist goes down, you may die. You If you are afraid, you can kneel down and beg for mercy now. Otherwise, if a fight really breaks out later, I will not be merciful."

Ji Feng nodded, "It looks good. That's definitely a free fight, right? Come on."

Ji Feng beckoned to the red dragon. When the red dragon saw Ji Feng's arrogant appearance, he was also welcome.

I saw the red dragon violently attacking Ji Feng, he didn't even try to test it, and punched Ji Feng directly in the cheek!

The fist of the red dragon is fast and fierce! Ordinary people really can't escape! But who is Ji Feng? How could he give the Red Dragon a chance to hurt himself?

Hong Long's fist failed, and he couldn't help being surprised. You know, his speed is very fast.

The red dragon stabilized his mind and began to attack Ji Feng violently again! But Ji Feng's evasion ability is very strong, and the red dragon can't touch Ji Feng at all!

After Ji Feng avoided a few moves of the red dragon, he had already figured out the routine of the red dragon, so he started to fight back.

Ji Feng's speed was much faster than Red Dragon's, his throat could not parry at all, and he was beaten and retreated.

At first, the red dragon thought that it was just the black dragon that made a mistake in the fight with Ji Feng, so Ji Feng won.

But when he really faced Ji Feng, Red Dragon knew how powerful Ji Feng was, and Red Dragon was not Ji Feng's opponent at all!

But Honglong had his own pride and couldn't admit defeat. He bit the bullet and took Ji Feng's tricks again, but he felt unbearable pain where Ji Feng hit, so he couldn't fight back!

Ji Feng wanted to show them some color at first, but it was polite to look at Heilong and Honglong, so Ji Feng stopped and gave Honglong a little face.

The red dragon's face was really bad, he shook his numb hand and said, "It seems that I underestimate you, I really am not your opponent."

Ji Feng grinned and said, "Since that's the case, let the most powerful people from the Panlong Gang fight with me. I'm here to play today."

Honglong squeezed his fist, his face became very ugly, he said: "Although I lost to you, don't be proud, because I am not the most powerful one, since that is the case, then I will let us Panlong Gang. The most powerful big brother Qinglong will come to meet you for a while!"

After the red dragon finished speaking, he immediately called his eldest brother, and the blue dragon arrived soon.

Qinglong looked more ordinary than Black Dragon and Red Dragon, but Ji Feng could see a faint anger from him. Judging from the way he walks, this guy must be a very powerful trainer.

"I heard that someone came to smash the scene, presumably that person is you, right?"

The one who spoke was the elder brother Qinglong. Qinglong looked at Ji Feng up and down, then glanced at Honglong again, he said, "Is he very powerful?"

The red dragon nodded and replied: "Big brother, this guy does have two brushes, remember to be careful when you face him."

Qinglong smiled, he jumped onto the ring, and beckoned to Ji Feng, "I'm learning ancient Chinese martial arts. I want to see how powerful you are, and you can beat my two younger brothers."

Ji Feng grinned, "It turns out that you are studying ancient Chinese martial arts. That's a coincidence. I learned the same thing as you, so it depends on whether my moves are good or yours are good."

Qinglong's eyes became dark and unclear, and he put on a posture, "Come on then!"

Ji Feng took the lead in attacking, and Qinglong immediately counterattacked. The two of you came and went, and in the blink of an eye, they had already passed dozens of moves. Their speed was extremely fast, and the eyes of the red dragon and the black dragon below could not keep up.

When Qinglong and Ji Feng were fighting, they found that Ji Feng's internal strength was very strong. It seemed that he was indeed a man who had practiced for many years, but how could he have such strong internal strength when he looked so young? This is counterintuitive!

Ji Feng is getting more and more brave, and Qinglong is losing ground, but if he admits defeat now, then no one from the Panlong Gang can beat Ji Feng!

Qinglong had to do everything he could, even if his bloodline collapsed, he would never let go!

Just as Qinglong's blood was churning, an old voice suddenly came over.

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