The next morning, Ji Feng and the Four Great Heavenly Dragons came to Suzaku Hall together.

The headquarters of Suzaku Hall is the Suzaku Building. Qinglong saw that there were so many people in the Suzaku Building, and he couldn't help but sneer: "It seems that these guys are not trustworthy. Let's go! Let's go!"

The four heavenly dragons entered the Vermillion Bird Hall together.

As soon as they entered, several people were stopped, and the security guard asked, "Who are you? What do you want to do?"

Qinglong said: "Tell your boss to come out and talk about something!"

The security guard looked at Qinglong with sarcasm in his eyes. He said, "What are you? You still want to see our boss? I think you are delusional!"

Before the security guard's words were finished, he was kicked by Qinglong and kicked all the way.

The security suddenly spit out a mouthful of blood, and other security personnel rushed up immediately and surrounded the five of them.

At this time, Qinglong was not annoyed. He raised his hand and snapped his fingers. Hundreds of people poured into the lobby of Suzaku Building in an instant. Compared with them, these security personnel were nothing compared to them!

They could not help but swallow a mouthful of saliva.

Qinglong said again: "Tell your boss to come out, I want to see him. My patience is limited, it is best not to make me wait too long."

The security personnel looked at each other in dismay, and they did not dare to refuse Qinglong. There are too many of these people, and they are not opponents at all!

At this moment, a woman's voice came over, "Oh, isn't this Brother Qinglong? What's the matter with you? It looks very annoyed."

When Qinglong saw it was Bailing, he squinted his eyes and said, "Bailing, that day you brought someone to our Panlong to help play the restaurant and lost, but you haven't gotten out yet. Are you breaking your promise?"

Bailing said with a smile: "Brother Qinglong, last time I was ignorant. I was talking nonsense. This is just a joke."

Heilong got angry and said: "Just kidding? People from the Five Poison Sect have all invited, don't you just want to take the opportunity to occupy the Panlong Gang? Don't think I don't know! If you fail to kick the gym, you should be punished! Get out! Imperial City!"

Bailing's smile froze on her face, her eyes became gloomy, and she said, "I'm so sorry, I can't do it!"

Bai Long knew that the people in Zhuquetang were cheating, so he said, "Since you can't do it, then we'll do it!"

Bailing laughed and said, "I know you have hired a great helper, but it doesn't matter! We also invited!"

Honglong grinded his back molars and said angrily, "You really didn't plan to leave the imperial capital."

Bailing snorted and said, "So what? This Vermillion Bird Hall was not established overnight. How could we just withdraw from the Imperial Capital Market? I think your heads are broken!"

The Four Heavenly Dragons also know that there is no need to talk to Bailing, this war is about to break out.

Not to be outdone, Bailing found a large number of people and the two sides confronted each other.

At this moment, Ji Feng came out and said, "I would like to know what kind of powerful people you have."

Bai Lingjiao smiled and said, "I know you are amazing, and the one I invited is also a master! Last time you fought with his apprentice!"

The four celestial dragons were all shocked, and they quickly asked, "You despicable woman, you actually invited the leader of the Five Poison Sect?!"

Bailing nodded and said, "That's right! I asked the leader of the Five Poison Sect. If you want to accept the Vermillion Bird Hall, then you have to pass this level!"

Bailing retreated. At this time, a man in a black cloak walked up slowly. His outstretched hand was very withered and looked weak.

But Ji Feng could sense that there was a strong pressure on him, and it spread out invisibly. The Four Heavenly Dragons also felt that they were about to lose their breath.

They couldn't help but take a step back, but they reacted quickly, biting the bullet and continuing to fight against him.

The leader of the Five Poison Sect removed his hat, his face was dry, making people feel uncomfortable looking at him.

The leader of the Five Poison Sect smiled coldly and said, "You are the guy who injured my disciple, right? What's your name?"

Ji Feng smiled and said, "My name is Ji Feng."

The eyes of the leader of the Five Poison Sect looked like poisonous snakes, staring at Ji Feng closely, and then he said: "It's really good to have such ability at a young age. I am also a talented person. If you give up, I can still do it. Take you as a disciple."

The Four Heavenly Dragons looked at Ji Feng with some concern. If Ji Feng really worships him as his teacher, then the situation of the Panlong Gang can be imagined! I didn't expect the leader of the Five Poison Sect to be so despicable and shameless!

Ji Feng shook his head and said, "I'm so sorry, you are not qualified to be my master."

The leader of the Five Poison Sect said: "Good boy, enough is enough, then I will let you taste what it is like to be alive but not to die!"

After finishing speaking, the leader of the Five Poison Sect immediately launched an attack!

A piece of purple smoke sprayed out from the sleeve of the leader of the Five Poison Sect!

Seeing this, Ji Feng immediately said to the people behind him, "Cover your mouth and nose, and leave the Suzaku Building!"

The Four Heavenly Dragons were still a little hesitant, but they knew that they would only be a drag on Ji Feng here, so they immediately retreated.

In the huge hall, only Ji Feng and the leader of the Five Poison Sect were left to confront each other.

The leader of the Five Poison Sect said, "Boy, it's too late for you to regret it now!"

Ji Feng said, "There is no regret in my dictionary! Come on! Let me see how powerful the leader of the Five Poison Sect is!"

The leader of the Five Poison Sect felt that Ji Feng was an insufferable person, so he did not persuade him at all. He began to use the Five Poison Palms to deal with Ji Feng! His palm technique is very good and the speed is extremely fast.

But Ji Feng didn't cover it either. When he swept in, he immediately used the items that the system gave him.

"Mirror Copy!"

Ji Feng's tricks have become exactly the same as those of the leader of the Five Poison Sect!

Moreover, Ji Feng's own cultivation base is higher than that of the leader of the Five Poison Sect, so the moves he uses are also more severe than those of the leader of the Five Poison Sect. He is not Ji Feng's opponent at all!

After a while, he was defeated by Ji Feng!

The leader of the Five Poison Sect was shocked: "How can you know the secret skills of my sect!"

Ji Feng said sarcastically, "Don't think it's your patent! I'm going to let you taste what it's like to get five poisonous palms today!"

Ji Feng's voice just fell, and his speed became faster!

Where is the leader of the Five Poison Sects Ji Feng's opponent? He tried his best to fight against Ji Feng! But he was still hit by Ji Feng in the chest and flew out!

In an instant, the leader of the Five Poison Sect felt a burning pain in his heart, and the toxins spread through his tendons instantly!

If it weren't for the fact that the leader of the Five Poison Sect had a poisonous body, he would have been killed by Ji Feng's Five Poison Palm!

But he was still badly injured!

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