The head of the Vermillion Bird Hall smiled and said: "You have already discovered my secret, how can I let you get out of here alive, you better not struggle, enjoy the last few seconds of your life, and say goodbye."

The head of the Vermillion Bird Hall let out a gloomy laugh, and then the door in the room slowly closed. Ji Feng was already blocked by the smoke at this time, but he was not in a hurry. Watching the dark smoke spread towards him, he said to the system, "Use my props to solve the current problem."

Before Ji Feng had accumulated a lot of points in the system, these points could be exchanged for props in the mall, but the requirements for each exchange were very high, and Ji Feng could only get points by completing tasks.

The system quickly dealt with the status quo. It arranged several plans for Ji Feng. Ji Feng looked at it and saw that there was an option called "Hundred Poisons Do Not Invade Martial Arts". Immediately learning it would be effective immediately, so Ji Feng chose it. this program.

In just a blink of an eye, Ji Feng has already learned. He is now walking in these black mists, like a fish entering the water, and it has no effect at all.

When Ji Feng came to the door, he directly kicked the door open. After kicking the door, Ji Feng walked in the direction of the Zhuque Hall's Hall Master. At this time, the Zhuque Hall Hall Master had escaped from another exit, but this The old guy has inconvenient legs and feet, and is still sitting in a wheelchair.

In addition, there is no one else around the old guy, so he can only rely on the intelligent wheelchair to take him forward, but how can he be faster than Ji Feng?

Ji Feng came to the old guy in two or three times, he smiled and said to the old guy, "Are you trying to escape?"

The head of the Vermillion Bird Hall did not expect Ji Feng to leave the fog unharmed! He was taken aback, with incredible written all over his face, and said, "How did you do it? It's impossible!"

Ji Feng sneered and replied, "Don't think that you are the only one who is capable. You should still tell me honestly, what are you doing? What are the things you created? What do you want? "

The hall master of the Vermillion Bird Hall swallowed a mouthful of saliva with difficulty. He couldn't run away even if he wanted to! At this time, the head of Zhuque Hall rolled his eyes, and then said to Ji Feng: "Since I have fallen into your hands, and you want to know so much, why don't you lean over and let me tell you!"

Ji Feng approached the hall master of Vermillion Bird Hall, but the old guy suddenly attacked. I saw him raise his hand and attack Ji Feng's heart!

His speed is fast and ruthless, and his fingernails are sharp and very sharp. Ji Feng has actually realized that the Vermillion Bird Hall Master will be disadvantageous to him. At this time, he felt a sticky and slippery touch on the skin of Hall Master Zhuque, as if he had touched a frog that had been in the water for a long time.

This touch made Ji Feng feel very sick. But the old guy wanted to kill him, of course he couldn't let go.

The hall master of Vermillion Bird Hall did not expect that Ji Feng was able to escape his own blow, and then he began to fight with Ji Feng, but after all, it was very difficult for him to fight with hemiplegia.

Without hesitation, Ji Feng twisted off the hands of the hall master of Zhuquetang, completely incapacitating him to attack.

Ji Feng smiled and said to the head of the Vermillion Bird Hall, "You should tell me now, right?"

The head of the Vermillion Bird Hall was sweating from the pain. He swallowed hard, and then replied, "Don't think about it, I won't tell you!"

Ji Feng still smiled brightly, and he said to the hall master of Zhuque Hall: "If you tell me everything you know, then I can help you heal your legs. Not only that, I can also heal your body. situation."

The hall master of the Vermillion Bird Hall opened his eyes wide and looked at Ji Feng with disbelief. He shook his head repeatedly and murmured, "Impossible, where do you have this ability?"

Ji Feng said: "I can't guarantee others, but I have this ability. You also know that when you were mortal enemies before, the Panlong Gang **** Jinlong's leg, right? His leg was cured by me. He is now It is possible to go down to the ground, although walking is a little difficult, but it is only a matter of time to get better."

The head of the Vermillion Bird Hall said eagerly: "You are lying! He was hit by the five poisonous palms, and his leg can't be cured at all!"

Ji Feng said disapprovingly: "If he can't cure his leg, it is useless to others, but I am different. Not only have I cured his leg, I can also let him continue to practice. I tell you, I People are impatient, you better tell me quickly, otherwise there will be no such shop after this village."

To be honest, the hall master of the Vermillion Bird Hall was very moved. His legs and his body had been tortured by illegal drugs. He wanted to return to the peak period, but he couldn't do anything, so he started a fight. The idea of ​​the Dragon Gang, the young people there are strong and able to cultivate.

Just when the Vermillion Bird Hall Master was about to tell the truth, an explosion suddenly recalled that Ji Feng noticed it and immediately stepped back. At this time, the wheelchair that the Vermillion Bird Hall Hall Master was sitting on was blown open, and he died!

When Ji Feng saw this scene, he knew that someone must be operating behind the scenes, but he didn't know who that person was. Now that the hall master of Zhuque Hall is dead, he couldn't ask why, so Ji Feng had to go back to the hall.

Because there are no two leaders, the people under them have also become a mess of sand, and they have already been subdued by the four great dragons.

When the four dragons saw Ji Feng coming back, they immediately asked Ji Feng if he had caught Bailing. Ji Feng told them that Bailing and the hall master of Zhuquetang had both died in the basement.

When Qinglong heard Ji Feng's words, his expression changed, and he asked, "Mr. Ji, is it you who killed the hall master of Vermillion Bird Hall?"

Ji Feng shook his head and replied, "I originally wanted to ask him about the gray organization and why he made illegal drugs, but I didn't expect his wheelchair to explode and he died. I think someone must have been involved in all this. Working in the dark, that's why the Suzaku Hall Hall Master was killed in a timely manner."

Heilong clenched his fists and said angrily: "Suzakutang really has a connection with the gray organization, and this gray organization is a place that harms others and himself. In order to become stronger, he actually did such a deplorable thing to the world. It is really hateful. !"

Red Dragon said: "Why don't we go back and report to the gang leader?"

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