Ji Feng smiled and said nothing.

After they waited for a while, Manager Wang immediately brought a message. He told Ji Feng: "Chairman, we have already found out who the kid has been in contact with. This is the list of people he has been in contact with so far!"

Ji Feng raised his brows and said, "You're still pretty good, you're fast enough!"

Manager Wang rubbed his hands together with a complimenting smile and said, "It's nothing, it's just to use my skills."

Ji Feng gave Manager Wang a salary increase without hesitation. He looked at the list, and Manager Wang introduced the people who Dawei had come into contact with.

Then Manager Wang pointed to one of them and said, "This one is the son of the chairman of Huatian Real Estate, one of the six real estate companies in our imperial capital. He has stopped studying, and usually spends money on it. His favorite thing is Boxing. His name is Mai Tianhao, and he has the most contact with David."

Ji Feng suddenly realized and nodded, "So it is."

Manager Wang added: "Mai Tianhao also came to our bar today to consume. I just watched them leave."

Ji Feng raised his eyes and asked, "You are so smart, you should know what I want, right?"

Manager Wang nodded hurriedly and said, "Chairman, don't worry! Of course you won't feel trouble if I'm here. I've found the place where the two of them often go. It's an underground boxing ring, and there will be passion every day. The fight, it's a bloodbath, but it's not legal here because there's a fee for this underground ring."

After Mr. Wang finished speaking, he took out two tickets. He looked at Ji Feng and said, "Chairman, here are the tickets for tonight's game, as well as information on Mai Tianhao."

Ji Feng nodded, and then gave a card to Manager Wang. He said to Manager Wang, "As the saying goes, those who know current affairs are Junjie. I appreciate your attitude. Very good!"

Manager Wang is very happy. He has been here for so long, and of course he knows what to do. After the boss told Manager Wang, the bar will be taken over by Ji Feng. Ji Feng is their immediate boss. How could Manager Wang contradict his immediate boss? ? Manager Wang is very clear!

Sure enough, Manager Wang's inference was appreciated by Ji Feng, and Manager Wang looked at the card in his hand with excitement.

Ji Feng saw that the time on the ticket was almost up, so he left with Jin Jiaojiao and just left the door. Manager Wang brought the car up. This is Manager Wang's own car, but now Manager Wang doesn't plan to drive it. The key was delivered to Ji Feng's hands.

Manager Wang did not intend to miss any opportunity to please the chairman.

Ji Feng took the key and praised Manager Wang, saying, "It's very good to have such eyesight. When I look back, I will tell your boss to promote you to director."

Manager Wang couldn't be too happy. He nodded and bowed to send Ji Feng and Jin Jiaojiao away. Then he took the card and went back to swipe it, only to find that it was 500,000!

Manager Wang's whole body trembled with excitement. This money is a big pie that fell from the sky. He has never received such a generous bonus!

Manager Wang secretly gave himself a sigh of relief. Fortunately, although he is snobbish, he knows what's going on! Know to please Ji Feng! Not only that, Ji Feng also promoted him to director, and his salary is much more than before!

Manager Wang was so excited!

After getting in the car, Ji Feng drove directly to the underground boxing ring. Jin Jiaojiao sat on the co-pilot and glanced at Ji Feng and said, "I can't tell, you are still a local tyrant."

Ji Feng said with a smile: "It's not a problem that can be solved with money."

Jin Jiaojiao is also a person who has no worries about food and clothing since she was a child. When she heard Ji Feng say this, she nodded in agreement.

However, Jin Jiaojiao was not as rich as Monsoon. She bought a nightclub as soon as she sold it. Of course, Jin Jiaojiao knew that nightclubs in the imperial capital were expensive and expensive. Even their Panlong Gang might not have such strength.

After a while, the two came to the underground boxing ring.

It looks like an ordinary clubhouse, with a hot spring center above it, but I didn't expect that there would be a huge underground boxing ring underneath.

Jin Jiaojiao and Ji Feng said, "The underground enterprises in the imperial capital are more mixed up than we thought. If it wasn't for my grandfather who also did this kind of business, I might not know that there is an underground boxing ring here."

Ji Feng asked, "So you know this is an underground boxing ring?"

Jin Jiaojiao nodded and replied, "I always knew there was an underground boxing ring here, but I've never been here before, but this is my first time here."

Ji Feng nodded suddenly, because the two of them had tickets in their hands, so the two of them easily entered the underground boxing ring.

When they got here, they came to the VIP seat according to the tickets in hand. The ticket price here is not cheap. Ji Feng thought to himself that Manager Wang had done a lot to please him.

The two sat down. A boxing match was being held on the stage. It looked very fierce and quite brutal. Jin Jiaojiao was also a strong martial artist, and she couldn't help frowning when she saw this scene.

Everyone wore masks on their faces, and the two of them were wearing masks, which could be considered to cover their faces.

These people were pretty crazy, they raised their hands and shouted in support.

The two people on the stage were fighting like a raging fire, and Jin Jiaojiao was obviously not used to it, because those two people were like terrifying beasts. , If this wasn't the arena, Jin Jiaojiao would have thought that she was watching the animal world.

Ji Feng lowered his eyes and carefully observed the two people on the stage, then he whispered to Jin Jiaojiao, "Look carefully, they don't seem to be afraid of pain when they fight."

After Ji Feng's reminder, Jin Jiaojiao looked more carefully. She looked at the two people without wrinkling their heads and wrinkling their heads. It was really the same thing.

Jin Jiaojiao said suspiciously, "This doesn't seem right. How can a normal person not know pain?"

And the two of them fought very hard. The fist smashed their teeth directly, and their bodies were twisted into a weird shape. Not only that, their hands and feet looked obviously broken and broken, but why did they not stop Come down, like a machine that is not afraid of pain.

Jin Jiaojiao's eyes widened sharply, and she whispered, "Could it be that they injected a super potion?"

Ji Feng nodded and said, "Although I'm not quite sure now, I think it's inseparable."

Jin Jiaojiao said angrily, "Aren't they afraid of dying in the ring?"

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