The man in black didn't notice that someone was following behind him, he walked forward on his own, looking at his phone while walking. After he saw the account information, he nodded with satisfaction.

At this time, a figure appeared in front of the man in black, and the other party said with a smile, "Hello, I have something to ask you."

The man in black frowned. He didn't know who was blocking his way, but he was obviously very unhappy. He said, "I don't know you, please get out of the way."

Ji Feng naturally wouldn't let it come. He still said with a smile, "I know you have super potions in your hands. I need a lot of super potions. I wonder if you can sell some to me."

The man is very vigilant, the super potion is not given by him. Because super wanting to enter is a very dangerous existence, they can't get the goods easily, how does this guy know that he has a super potion in his hand, he must know that it cooperates regularly, just those few people, and he will not be too many. Dare to cooperate.

The man looked up and down at Ji Feng, then asked Ji Feng, "Who are you? Where did you learn about the super potion? You'd better answer me honestly, otherwise I won't be able to spare you."

Ji Feng stepped forward and said to the man: "I know that the super potion is naturally told to me, you don't have to worry, I just want you to provide me with some super potions. Just tell me how much you need, I There will be no shirk."

The man coughed and told Ji Feng that he had no goods on hand at the moment, so he couldn't provide it to him. He left Ji Feng's phone number and address, saying that Ji Feng will be notified when the goods are available.

Ji Feng squinted his eyes and said to the man, "I just heard you and Dawei saying that you would provide him with goods, but when you came to me, you said no. I think you are lying to me."

The man turned pale in shock, he looked at Ji Feng fiercely, and already had murderous intentions, this guy obviously overheard their words!

The man thought that if he found out, then there was no need to let him live, but he pulled out the knife from his waist and rushed towards Ji Feng. He raised the knife in his hand and stabbed it hard. , looking at that posture is to want Ji Feng's life!

Ji Feng didn't let him succeed. As soon as he moved, he snatched the knife from the man's hand. The man was kicked by Ji Feng and flew several meters away, and fell directly to the ground. Knowing something was wrong, he immediately wanted to escape, but the man turned his head and ran for two steps, and found a figure across from him, a very petite girl, the girl looked at him with a smile.

Men don't care so much. Ji Feng is so powerful that he can't beat him, but he should be able to beat the woman in front of him, right?

The man and Jin Jiaojiao fought together, but he was subdued by Jin Jiaojiao after two hits. Jin Jiaojiao stepped on him and said angrily, "You want to escape? I'll tell you what you want. Don't think about it, you are already surrounded by us, and now you can tell us honestly, where did you get the super potion!"

The man was beaten all over by Jin Jiaojiao, and he couldn't resist, so he was afraid to tell them that the super potion in his hand was actually looking for the master of Xuanwumen.

"That's all I know, please let me go, I'm just selling these things for some money!"

Jin Jiaojiao and Ji Feng glanced at each other, and the two of them looked at the man and said, "How do you usually connect? Who is the person you connect with?"

The man said it one by one.

At this time, Jin Jiao whispered to Ji Feng: "If we choose our own in the morning, we will definitely be shocked. It's better to let him help match the bridge, and it will be easier to catch the culprit behind the scenes."

Ji Feng also had this intention. After thinking about it, the two decided to ask the man to help. The man in black had already been subdued by Ji Feng and Jin Jiaojiao, so he naturally did not dare to resist.

Besides, Ji Feng is so powerful, how dare he fight against Ji Feng, if he is not careful, he may be killed by Ji Feng.

This black-clothed man is called Xiaojie. Xiaojie was originally a Taoist and knew a lot of people. Not long ago, he contacted the hall master of Xuanwu Sect. The hall master told Xiaojie that he had a very powerful medicine on hand. Just a little injection can make a lot of power.

Xiaojie didn't believe it at first. Because there is no medicine in this world that can make human beings infinitely powerful, but after he really saw the power of this medicine, he was immediately fascinated by the super medicine. Xiaojie wanted to get the super medicine because he knew that there were people in the circle he knew. Many people need this potion.

The hall master of Xuanwumen was also very knowledgeable, and immediately took the medicine for Xiaojie. After Xiaojie gave the money, he immediately found a market. Because this super medicine is very powerful, he sold it separately when he sold it.

Xiaojie has a very powerful downline, that is, Dawei. Dawei can find a lot of people to buy super potions, and the two of them also make a lot of money.

Even if this super potion sells for a sky-high price, some people flock to it, because its effect is really good.

Xiaojie made a lot of money because of this. However, the more money you earn, the more you spend. Xiaojie is dissatisfied with the status quo, and immediately told his downline to ask them to find more people to buy super potions.

However, if you want to buy super potions, you still need to be careful, because Xiaojie is also worried that the super potions he sells are likely to be targeted by others, so he has to keep his eyes open when doing business, not blindly for money.

Xiaojie didn't think that he was still in Dawei's hands after all his calculations, and that someone was following Dawei, not only that, but also exposing him. Xiaojie's guts are turning green now, but he can't do anything about it. Follow the arrangements of Ji Feng and Jin Jiaojiao.

Ji Feng and Jin Jiaojiao asked Xiaojie to invite the hall master of Xuanwu Sect to talk about the super potion. He asked Xiaojie to tell the hall master of Xuanwu Sect that he knew a very powerful guest. .

The dose this guest asked for was too much, and Xiaojie didn't have that much on hand, so he planned to invite the hall master of Xuanwumen to speak about it.

The hall master of Xuanwumen has money, and of course he is very happy.

The hall master of Xuanwumen quickly went to the hotel and joined Xiaojie. Xiaojie told the hallmaster of Xuanwumen: "In order to ensure the privacy and safety of both parties, I plan to make everyone wear masks. If something happens, everyone has a chance to escape."

The hall master of Xuanwumen said dissatisfiedly: "Didn't you say that the guests introduced this time are all right? What's your reason for this?"

Xiaojie said with a smile, "It's the so-called careful sailing for thousands of years!"

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