Ji Feng reassured Su Miaomiao and said, "As the saying goes, the boat will naturally go straight to the bridge. It's useless even if you are in a hurry now. It's okay, take your time. If the guy named Roland bullies you again, you must tell me, brother-in-law. I won't let her go."

Although Su Miaomiao was very worried, after Ji Feng's words, Su Miaomiao felt less afraid.

Su Miaomiao said: "Brother-in-law, I'm worried that you won't be able to rush to me in time, so what should I do? That Roland is so annoying, he calls me like a maid, how can I swallow this? I'm most worried about causing trouble to the company and my manager, Sister Hui."

After Sister Hui heard it, she immediately said to Su Miaomiao: "Miaomiao, you don't have to worry about causing me trouble, Roland doesn't have much acting skills, and is recognized as a vase in the circle. If she was more restrained and low-key, she might be able to. She made a lot of money, but she relied on herself to follow Bai Xuecheng, so she is arrogant now, otherwise Roland would not be able to get the current position at all."

Sister Hui had realized from the beginning, but she was just an agent and had no right to speak, and Sister Hui was also worried that after Su Miaomiao offended Roland, she would be targeted by Bai Xuecheng. Sister Hui is not afraid of Roland, but is afraid of the power behind Roland.

But now the situation is different. With Ji Feng, Sister Hui is not afraid of anything.

The next day, Su Miaomiao and Sister Hui came to the crew.

Unexpectedly, the clothes Su Miaomiao was going to wear today were thrown into the bathroom sink, and it became wet and dirty, and there was a disgusting smell.

Both Su Miaomiao and Sister Hui were very angry. The two of them went directly to the director to ask what was going on. The director was naturally on Roland's side, because Bai Xuecheng invested in the show.

The director said impatiently: "Oh, you didn't take good care of your own things, what's the use of coming to me? Now because of you alone, the work progress of our entire crew will be delayed. You talk about this loss of you. Can you afford it?"

Su Miaomiao frowned and said, "Director, what you said is wrong. These clothes were originally kept by the costume team, but now only my clothes have fallen into the bathroom. Do I need to pay for it? ?"

The director said angrily: "Su Miaomiao, don't think it's amazing that you have acted in a movie. I told you how many actors wanted to play my role, but I didn't agree! If it wasn't for your traffic, I would I won't let you into my crew, don't do so much now, just rely on your costumes honestly, and then we will start shooting, and we will help you get your clothes sorted later!"

Su Miaomiao clenched her fists. She said incredulously, "This dress is so dirty that you still let me wear it. I ask you if you would like to put it on?"

The director's face darkened, and Roland came over at this time, and Roland asked with a smile, "Isn't it about to shoot? What's the matter? You haven't changed your clothes yet?"

Su Miaomiao thought that Roland must have done this, because Roland had the most power in the entire crew. Su Miaomiao offended Roland last night, and of course Roland would not let her go.

Roland teased his long hair and looked at Su Miaomiao with sarcastic eyes, as if to say: Weren't you very good-looking last night? What's the matter now? You're afraid. Do you know who is the boss in the crew?

Su Miaomiao snorted and said, "I will never wear this suit. Obviously someone in the crew gave me small shoes."

The director said impatiently, "If that's the case, then don't come to my crew to shoot!"

Su Miaomiao bit her lower lip, she looked at Roland's sarcastic look, and she was angry.

The script of this drama is pretty good, so their agency agreed to it, but I didn't expect the director to drive her away now.

Su Miaomiao clenched her fists, and then said, "Let's go! I'm not rude!"

After Su Miaomiao finished speaking, she turned around and left.

Originally, Ji Feng wanted to visit the class with Su Miaomiao today, but she didn't expect Su Miaomiao to return to the hotel, her face was quite ugly. After seeing Ji Feng, Su Miaomiao couldn't help crying, and she came out and Ji Feng stepped forward He asked comfortingly, "What's going on here?"

Sister Hui told Ji Feng the ins and outs of the incident, and Ji Feng said with a sneer after clearing it, "So that's the case, since they won't let you take pictures, then I'll let them all fail to take pictures."

Su Miaomiao wiped her tears and asked Ji Feng, "Then what should I do?"

Ji Feng sneered and said: "Although the script of this drama is good, the investment introduced is very high. I think there may be a problem in it. I will have someone check it later. Don't worry, I won't let them get stuck for a long time. of."

After Ji Feng finished speaking, he sent a message to Sun Tao. Sun Tao quickly replied to Ji Feng and said, "Does the information of the director and Bai Xuecheng have to be the same?"

Ji Feng replied: "Yes, the more detailed the better, especially what they have done around this show, I want them to make this show unsustainable."

After a while, Sun Tao sent the news to Ji Feng. After Ji Feng saw the information, he smiled coldly and then said to Sun Tao: "Find a channel to send these two news, don't let them delete and Time for repression."

Sun Tao said, "No problem!"

The director was filming in the venue at the moment, when his cell phone rang out of time, the director couldn't help frowning, and wanted to curse.

But when the director answered the phone, Ying's eyes widened in surprise. He took out his mobile phone in disbelief, and found that the Internet was filled with negative information about him. What was going on? !

This director is also a bit of a skill. He quickly finds someone to help with PR, but no matter how fast they are, it is useless. The speed of this PR simply can't keep up with the speed of communication. Now the director is a complete idiot.

Not only did it expose the director's tax evasion and yin-yang contract, but it also revealed that he helped launder money. This drama was filmed for money laundering.

Bai Xuecheng was also obviously involved in this mess. This drama has only been filmed for two days, but I didn't expect it to be stopped now.

Su Miaomiao woke up after a good night's sleep and saw such exciting news. Su Miaomiao's eyes widened. They only cancelled the contract at noon. Unexpectedly, this kind of thing broke out in the afternoon, and Su Miaomiao poured out a mouthful. Air-conditioned.

Su Miaomiao hurriedly went to Sister Hui to tell her about it, and Sister Hui also hurriedly nodded and said, "This is really good, even God can't stand it anymore!"

However, Su Miaomiao thought that this was not God's help. It was very likely that Ji Feng did this.

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