After Shangguan Ruolan learned the news, he immediately sent someone to the underground parking lot to take away Jack, whom Ji Feng had defeated.

Su Miaomiao was so frightened when she saw this scene, she asked Ji Feng a little scared and said, "Brother-in-law, what's the background of this guy, why does he feel so powerful, and you just hit him like he wasn't afraid of pain. !"

Ji Feng told Su Miaomiao: "You don't need to worry about these things. Recently, some people in society have taken some illegal drugs, so their bodies have become as hard as steel plates, but don't worry, I will not let them hurt. yours."

Although Ji Feng said this, Su Miaomiao was somewhat afraid. Su Miaomiao felt that the imperial capital was too chaotic, but she had to film here again, and she didn't know when it would be finished.

Ji Feng touched Su Miaomiao's head, comforted Su Miaomiao and said, "Don't worry, I will ensure your safety."

Su Miaomiao nodded, and the two got into the car together. Su Miaomiao subconsciously touched the wound on her neck. If Jack hit harder just now, Su Miaomiao's neck would be broken. It's scary just thinking about it.

On the other hand, Bai Xuecheng learned that Jack was injured and taken away. He was furious and called his father and said, "Dad! What happened to the person you sent? Why is he so vulnerable? I called up the surveillance and saw that he was defeated by Ji Feng!"

When the vice president heard what her son said, she was also surprised. He was soaking in the hot spring, and now he was in no mood. He took off the mask from his face and said, "You mean we were taken away?"

Bai Xuecheng nodded and said, "Although I don't know who took him away, he was indeed defeated by Ji Feng. I don't think Ji Feng's guy is that powerful! What on earth did your people do? Harm me. Disgraceful again and again.”

Bai Xuecheng still wanted to complain, but now his father had hung up the phone. Even if Bai Xuecheng wanted to be angry, it was useless. After hanging up, the vice president immediately contacted Ma Yuanzhong, who hurriedly asked, "Can you? It never told me that someone was sent to investigate the super potion thing."

Ma Yuanzhong has finally had a good time these days. She doesn't need to be displaced. Now she is enjoying life in the villa. He is drinking red wine. .Why don't you go and find out? How many dens have been taken across the country!"

The vice-chairman gritted his teeth in anger. He had indeed heard about this, but he thought those people were too stupid, so they were caught.

Besides, he was a member of the gray organization, and he was not him. He just cooperated with the gray organization. He didn't have a roster or bill.

The vice president was a little worried that he would be implicated, so he said to Ma Yuanzhong: "The super soldier who injected the improved version of the super potion has been captured by the military. If he supplies us, it will be the end. It's gone!"

Ma Yuanzhong reassured and said, "That guy belongs to Huang Xuan, not yours, and has never met you. How could they know that you did it? Besides, even if they do, there is no direct evidence. What are you afraid of?"

The vice-chairman said angrily, "How could I not be afraid? Jack is Huang Xuan's person. We can completely blame Huang Xuan, but if they are stared at, our business can't be done!"

Ma Yuanzhong rolled his eyes and said, "Wouldn't it be better to kill that Ji Feng? He has close contacts with the people of the special action team, and has been tracking down my whereabouts. There are many dens where he assisted the special operations team. The action team took it out, and this guy is the special action team's special agent."

The vice-chairman couldn't help but sighed and said, "But we've been targeted now, is it useful to kill him?"

Ma Yuanzhong said again: "Why is it useless, after killing him, no one will hinder us, and they have no evidence now! This improved version of the super potion is still useful, although Jack can't deal with Ji Feng, but also Because there are not many drugs used on him, if the dose is increased a little more, I think Ji Feng will definitely not be an opponent."

The vice-chairman was moved by Ma Yuanzhong's remarks, he licked his dry lips and said, "But he won't be fooled easily, isn't he with those people from the Panlong Gang now? And they They also annexed Vermillion Bird Hall, and now Xuanwumen and Guimenguan are not their opponents..."

At this time, the vice-chairman seemed to realize something, and he turned to Ma Yuanzhong and said, "Maybe we can use Xuanwu Gate and Hell Gate. Aren't all of them trained? If they were injected with super potions, it must be... …”

Besides, both Xuanwumen and Guimenguan had ordered from him before, and he also ordered a large batch of goods not long ago, but he didn't have that much on hand, so it was delayed.

Ma Yuanzhong said: "I can't help you with these things, and it's not convenient for me to show my face. I had already exposed my whereabouts in Donghai City, but now the gray organization doesn't accept me, and the special action team wants to arrest me again, so I have to find me. A hiding place. There's a second version of the improved version of the super potion, and if you want, give me all the things to go abroad as soon as possible."

Ma Yuanzhong knows that there is no place for him in the country now, and he must leave here if he wants to live.

But the current control is very strict, Ma Yuanzhong can't go abroad at all now, he knows in his heart that it is precisely because of this that Ma Yuanzhong has found the vice president, the vice president is powerful, and has a lot of money.

When the vice president heard Ma Yuanzhong say this, he couldn't help scolding: "Since you have another version, why didn't you take it out in the first place? Only now?"

Ma Yuanzhong smiled and said, "If I told you at the beginning, would I still have a chance to survive? Don't think that I don't know your methods and it's not going anywhere. Now I have entrusted someone to keep the second edition. Now, if you want to get the second edition, get me a certificate of going abroad, and you have to put a billion dollars into my account."

The vice president was taken aback. He said, "You're like a lion talking. How can I have so much money for you?"

Ma Yuanzhong said: "I don't need to tell you how much money you made using super potions before. How could you not even have this money on hand? If you want to do great things, you must pay. You should be very clear. "

The vice-chairman was indeed told by Ma Yuanzhong, and he thought for a while before saying, "Okay! I'll give it to you!"

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